1) 憤世嫉俗, 不能溝通者另有其人. 绝非你所提到嘅'簡老ハ'. 阿簡工作方面我唔講. 為人係十分和善好客. 如果你識得佢的話. 煩請帶一句 Raymond 向佢問好. (He knew who I am)
2) 盧子英並不屬於任何公司. 自1985年後我已無咁嘅福氣同佢見面. 所以對我人生影响不大.
3) Toby, don't worry. Everything under control. I am always here.
4) 近呢二十年我嘅人生觀係呢個.
I am believe '95% of people on the planet "EARTH".They spend 45 years of there lives making the other 5%
successful! Because they work a plan for someone else's financial success--BUT NOT THEIR OWN!'