ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 18-9-2007 14:03 µoªí ¾¾ì¨ÓÊ\¸ÜÅÍ¿ù¥ª§r...Ê\Á¿ªGÓ«Y±zØ{Ê\¸Ü
Me? ¥i¯àÁ¿¹L?? but¯u«Yø°O±o
(it might be fumoon himself who ÅÍ¿ùo¥ª, 'coz he speaks to so many people every day and I guess he asks every girl he speaks to if she is a pretty girl,ha ha , and then he got all the answers mixed up as to who told him what )
¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 18-9-2007 14:13 ½s¿è ]