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¦³ÉN¤H°O±o 80 ¦~ªì¶º²°´X»È¤@²° ? ¥ò·|¦³ÉA¿ï¾Ü ?

­ì©«¥Ñ actionkamen ©ó 16-1-2010 00:34 µoªí ¤j¬ù¤K¤G¦~¤¤¤@®É¾Ç®Õ¶º°ó¤@ºÐ¶º¥|­Ó¥b¡A¾Ç®Õªù¤f¶º²°¤­°A²°¡I


I share the view of Bro Actionkamen.


I recalled that the lunch box was sold around $5.00 at fast food shop when I attended  to Swimming Gala at Kowloon Bay Swimming Pool.


fficeffice" />

In 1980, a box of "luncheon meat with egg rice"  is sold at HK$3.5, sold in ¡¥Delicious¡¦ fast food store in the bus terminial of±ù¤ì¾ð. There were two thin slice of luncheon meat and one pan-fried egg. The box is a paper one.


¦èÀô¬ù $4 - $5 ~


80¦~¤g¥ÊÆW°¶ùÚ©÷·s邨¬ü¦Ó·G¯SÀ\ - ¤@ºÐºÐÀY¶º¸òÀ\´ö$5.¥~½æ¦P»ù¡C



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¤£ª¾¨ä¥L¤j¤j¦³ÉN­¹¹L ~ ?


I hate those orange color sauce and I usually ask for soya sauce instead or just with plain rice.


Separately, in early 80's, a plate of 'dry-pan-fried-beef-flat-rice-noodle' was about HKD9 and for HKD1 extra,  we up-graded it to jumbo size, in kwai chung estate. In weekends in summer holiday, my mother will make congee for us ask me to  bring a stainless steel plate to the resturant to buy take away of the noodle. That was fun moments.   


In late 80's. in HKU canteen, the cheapest dish is slice of sauage/ vegetable in curry sauce rice... HKD 4.6-5.3! 

 (.. looking back, perhaps the university just got one dish everyday which is extremely cheap to help the students in need. ... the canteen in that era should be U-admin. not yet out-sourcing.)  






­ì©«¥Ñ moneyismymoney ©ó 16-1-2010 00:03 µoªí ¦³ÉN¤H°O±o 80 ¦~ªì¶º²°´X»È¤@²° ? ªìªì¥X¨Ó¤u§@®É,´N¥h¤u·|¶º°ó­¹¤È¶º,¤j¶º $2.5,²Ó¶º $2.2,«á¨Ó¦³­¹¤U¶º²°,¦ýçÜ吓çÜ吓,³£°O­ø°_¶º²°´X»È¤@²° ?

§ÚÁÙ°O±o«Y²¾¥Á«e (70¦~¥N§À) §Úµó¤f¤@²°¤e¿N¶º³£­n $4.00.. «Y¯È²°¸Ë¡K


­ì©«¥Ñ crazie ©ó 6-7-2010 07:59 µoªí «z¡I¦nQ¥­Ø{¡I§ÚÁÙ°O±o«Y²¾¥Á«e (70¦~¥N§À) §Úµó¤f¤@²°¤e¿N¶º³£­n $4.00.. «Y¯È²°¸Ë¡K¶R¥ª«á¡K¦n§Öªº­¹¡K­ø«Yªº³aªo¤@©w¹L©³¡K

¦Ó¥B¶¡çE¦³­Ó¯S¦â´N«Y¨k¬J°µ¼Ó­±, ¤k¬J°µ¼p©Ð..


­ì©«¥Ñ SAS2007 ©ó 6-7-2010 11:00 µoªí §Ú­¹¹L¤@¶¡¥~½æ«Y¥Î¯È³U......¦Ó¥B¶¡çE¦³­Ó¯S¦â´N«Y¨k¬J°µ¼Ó­±, ¤k¬J°µ¼p©Ð..

ªð«Î¥ø¹ê³Q¦Ñ¶ý¤l¡Adul ¤Ú¬P¡K


on ½Þ¸z¯», in the stall, usially, it is placed on a paper covered tin plate. I would add a lot of sesame sauce, sweet sauce qnd chili sauce. after I finish eating, I would return the plate to the stall owner... he would throw away the paper but I am not sure if he would wash the plate.....


­ì©«¥Ñ arronarif ©ó 6-7-2010 23:35 µoªí on [rmstall, usially, it is placed on a paper covered tin plate. I would add a lot of sesame sauce, sweet sauce qnd chili sauce. after I finish eating, I would [/rm]return the plate to the stal ...
Sure la. I think they never wash these plates. When they put the paper on the plate. They will use a spoon to paint some oil on the paper. Then, put ½Þ¸z¯» on then cut by a pair of scissors. Of course, they will not wash it too.


­ì©«¥Ñ kkeeleung ©ó 7-7-2010 00:29 µoªí Sure la. I think they never wash these plates. When they put the paper on the plate. They will use a spoon to paint some oil on the paper. Then, put ½Þ¸z¯» on then cut by a pair of scissors. Of cours ...

You ain't see nothing yet.... I was once in Malaysia in a place call Kajung (Near ¦N¶©©Y)... famous for ¨F¯R ... the shops
there re-use the ¨F¯RÂæ without telling customers.... lucky I didn't get ¨xª¢ after that trip... yuk !


­ì©«¥Ñ crazie ©ó 6-7-2010 11:32 µoªí ¥Î¯È³U¸Ë¬J½Þ¸z¯»§Ú­¹¹L¡K¥]¦ê©³­Ý­¹¨ì¦¨¨­³£«Y¡Kªð«Î¥ø¹ê³Q¦Ñ¶ý¤l¡Adul ¤Ú¬P¡K



On re-cycle issue... how about the coconut juice? after we finish that little glass of coconut juice, the owner will rinse the glass ion two buckets of water... after a while the water inside the bucket get murky/ milky too....


same situation applied to herbal jelly/ red-bean/ pineapple drink....


On paper bag take-away issue, soya sauce fried noodle is always in those yellow paper bags. I remember when I was a kid, we usually would buy a bag of fried noodle after going the public swimming pool. there is always a old lady selling that. Sghe usually used a rubbish bin size "Red-A" plastic bucket to carry the fried noodle noodle.




81 - HK$5.5;

84 - HK$6.5;

87 - HK$5.0 (88ªG¦~¥þ®Õ½}­¹Canteen¶º¨â¬P´Á¡A¦]¬°¤ÓÃø­¹¡C¸g¨å§@«~Ä«ªG½Þ±Æ¶º¦P¯»¨­¸H°©±öµæ¦×»æ§N¶º¡A¦Ó®a³£­«°O±o¡K¡K ³±¼v);

89 - HK$8.5 up......



89¦~»ÉÆrÆW¨â餸¶º 10°A²°




80's,§õ´f§Q¤u·~¾Ç°| canteen, $4.5-6.5¤@²° ¶º¡A ³ÌÁé·N­¹®ß ¦Ì¦×²É¶º¡AÀãÀã¦a¡AÉNËÝ°®¡A¸û©ö¤J¤f¡A¤£¹L¦³¦¸¨£canteen«Y ©U§£½c´zµfD²°´`Àô¦A¥Î¡A´N­ø¦A­¹¡A¥H«á¦b¨ä¥¦¦a¤è­¹¿Ë ¶º²°«á¡A¤@©w·|¾ãÄê­Ó²°¡A¦]¦³³±¼v§r!


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