原帖由 karmenv3 於 4-10-2006 00:26 發表
spectreman兄 你知唔知點解,電視多數播聖火雄風,唔多播林武聖火令呢?
I wonder if you already know the reason or not. All I can remember is each film sold to the TV station, the copyright of which can only be shown no more than twice or thrice; which means, the owning party still holds the ownership and not very willing to release it for public broadcast or its resale value will diminish. Have you ever found this being produced as VCD and DVD for sale in the market??
有D片咁多年來都係俾片商收起,就算繷Q人懷念,都唔會重見天日。A very few examples from my collectibles are,
-- 神雕合侶
-- 書劍恩仇錄
-- 雪山飛狐
-- 殺人王大戰扭計深
-- 勇特務智破神秘党及其糸列
-- 鐵e恩仇