原帖由 Shiawase 於 16-10-2007 15:41 發表 超人兄弟 ,唔知點解我仲係成日都睇唔倒你一D字既? (有D字變左一個正方格) 之前已經係o甘, 而家都仍然係 o甘 (有無其他人嘟睇唔倒超人兄弟o既一DD字呀? or is it only my PC problem?? )
原帖由 阿誠 於 16-10-2007 18:43 發表 「既」字我會睇到「鲉」字
小薯 / 榛子包
原帖由 Shiawase 於 16-10-2007 20:23 發表 點解會o甘? 不可絲意 Need to ask Toby 大大, but he has been very quiet lately, may be too busy to chat with us?
超人兄弟 ,唔知點解我仲係成日都睇唔倒你一D字既? (有D字變左一個正方格) 之前已經係o甘, 而家都仍然係 o甘 (有無其他人嘟睇唔倒超人兄弟o既一DD字呀? or is it only my PC problem?? )
小樽睇到同shiawase一樣, 係'吉'格.......
原帖由 超人兄弟 於 17-10-2007 00:02 發表 這次應該係software出錯字..........我寫鰟陣時係飱...
原帖由 超人兄弟 於 17-10-2007 00:16 發表 [url=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=51750&ptid=6745][/url] 'm very sorry......Shawase or inabottle!!我真係唔知點解???!令到二位咁...真係唔好意思!!可能我用 write pad 鮋關係產生咁鮋問題.... 最衰我唔熟中文打字啦!!唔知今次有冇咁鮋情G??!
原帖由 超人兄弟 於 17-10-2007 00:16 發表 I'm very sorry......Shawase or inabottle!!我真係唔知點解???!令到二位咁...真係唔好意思!!可能我用 write pad 屪鰜Y產生咁黻暋D....最衰我唔熟中文打字啦!!唔知今次有冇咁黿↙G??!
No need to say sorry 超人兄弟, I was worried that it might be my PC problem, that's why I raised that question.......but now I can't see those 正方格 anymore, however some of the words became something like 韓國字 (EG. You said '唔知今次有冇咁情G' , before and after 個'情'字就好似個韓國字 Never mind, 我會繼續估下你其實寫僅D mud (不果估野Lee家野我就真係唔及ar_woo o甘 Ichiban啦 )
原帖由 超人兄弟 於 17-10-2007 12:53 發表 need sorry ga..... need sorry ga! coz......a shing and inabottle see my type words same this problem....so may be more people can't see....i worry bad communication.....andi don't want you ...
it's ok, it's ok, don't worry, don't worry & please don't cry, you have cried a lot lately (EG. your broken CD and now this), if you continue to cry , you will look like a 熊貓
原帖由 超人兄弟 於 17-10-2007 23:38 發表 聽 shawase & inabottle,同阿誠咁大諒唔mind我出錯字....好la,我唔cry la...得你懐咁大諒...我又有鱓感動眼有淚水tim hee....hee.... thanks!!