喂喂,有d 字又睇唔倒啦 You said "......also 扮 '古X' X 探又似又攪笑...." 個X字睇唔倒,等我估下你寫mud先, did you mean: "......also 扮 '古
田'警 探又似又攪笑...." ? Is that right? Where did he 扮 '古田'警探? In 'SmapXSmap' show? 有無得睇呀?好想睇呀
sorry sorry!! Shiawase .......... I said 木村 扮 ' 古 火田 任三郎 ' 又似又攪笑( 火田 是一個字o黎ga...我出唔到所以咁寫 )he is undercoverpolice analyist the case....
是日本一個好受歡迎o既劇集....由一個四五十歲o既亞叔做( forgot the name)
木村扮佢好似.......see 第二頁你貼Kimura Takuya NG's (funny ) 開頭o個個就係啦( 個肚出聲o個段 )