

I like the raisin square cake slice. However, i always wanted to buy the 'end' or the 'head' as they are usually thicker. the cheapest price I ever bought at was 40 cents a cake.




­ì©«¥Ñ arronarif ©ó 12-7-2011 00:33 µoªí I like the raisin square cake slice. However, i always wanted to buy the 'end' or the 'head' as they are usually thicker. the cheapest price I ever bought at was 40 cents a cake.   &n ...


Really, I buy the head and the end onpy for the thickness. How about 'Mah-Lai-Go"? (Dim Sum). the "center" taste better or the "rim"? I like the center.


BTW, I have to tell you guys that my mother would buy the cut-off of the cake for us when i was a kid. We loved it because that is much better that the bread-skin.



