

­ì©«¥Ñ ULTRA2020 ©ó 17-2-2011 18:30 µoªí ¶W¼ö¦å¼s§i ~ !!¦pªG³o¬O¹q³æ¨®¼s§i´N§ó¦X¾A ~

Bro ULTRA2020, I love this ad a lot!!!

My old classrooms (as old as those characters in the ad  ) and I have the same dream (¦A¨Ó¤@¦¸Àô®q and visit the places we visited after that loooooong years). I want to send them the ad. Is it possible to save it into a video file? Or, please could you send me the Utube link of the video?


­ì©«¥Ñ ULTRA2020 ©ó 17-2-2011 19:20 µoªí Kendama¥S½Ð¸Õ¸Õ ~ §Ú³£ download ¥ª±ø¤ù¦³13.2MB ~³o¤ù¯uªº«Ü·P°Ê ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhoH_2svSLo&feature=player_embedded

Thank you very much bro ULTRA2020 !!!


Just sent the link to them ...


­ì©«¥Ñ toby ©ó 17-2-2011 20:23 µoªí HiBro K, Click and save the mp4 video if u want to keep it: Kendama¥S½Ð¸Õ¸Õ

Hi Bro Toby, I do want to keep it. Click where can I save the mp4 ar¡H


­ì©«¥Ñ 999 ©ó 17-2-2011 22:26 µoªí The Bucket List!

­ì©«¥Ñ Athena ©ó 17-2-2011 23:21 µoªí ·P°Ê¡K¡KÁ`ı±o¬O¦Ñª©©Ô¥´Team!



­ì©«¥Ñ toby ©ó 17-2-2011 23:44 µoªí Bro K,Click on your big name in red above ar~~

¯u¯u¤jÃj­ø°÷¿ô¥Ø ...


ÁÂÁ Toby ¥S«üÂI°g¬z¡I


Click ¤J¥h¥X¥ª: "¸Óºô¯¸©Úµ´Åã¥Ü¦¹ºô­¶"


ÂIºâ©O ...



­ì©«¥Ñ 999 ©ó 18-2-2011 00:41 µoªí çÜ°_¤@®MÀ¸,¿n¥§°ª»¹ºtªº.¤j³°¥s"遗º@²M单" ¤@¸ôª±¨ì±¾ The Bucket List ¹q¼v¹w§i¤ù en Yahoo! Video  

I see ...   

­ì©«¥Ñ Athena ©ó 18-2-2011 11:16 µoªí ¥X¤Ö¤F¤@­Ó¦r¡A 詃«Y"¦Ñ¤Hª©"©Ô¥´team¡C§Y«Y¦U©Ô¥´¤C¤Q·³«á......

"©Ô¥´team" ¦P "¦U©Ô¥´¤C¤Q·³«á" §Y«Y«§§r¡H


­ì©«¥Ñ ULTRA2020 ©ó 17-2-2011 19:20 µoªí Kendama¥S½Ð¸Õ¸Õ ~ §Ú³£ download ¥ª±ø¤ù¦³13.2MB ~³o¤ù¯uªº«Ü·P°Ê ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhoH_2svSLo&feature=player_embedded

My classmates responded very positively. Hopefully this will be a dream comes true this year! ^^ ^^


­ì©«¥Ñ Bobby¥J ©ó 21-2-2011 02:41 µoªí   Dear Brother Kendama,   Kamen Rider Team and every Kamen Rider after their 70 yrs old respectively ar!!!!!!

Dear Brother Bobby¥J,

Thank you for explaining this to me! Now I understand!

(I had no idea about what ©Ô¥´ was as I've never watched Kamen Rider.)



