


­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 2-8-2007 16:24 µoªí   Thanks for your comment!   See! It seems like the lyrics is wrong then!! It kept going "...§Ú­n,§Ú­n,§ä§Úª¨ª¨..."  ...it should say "...§Ú­n,§Ú­n,§ä§Ú¶ý¶ý..."  !


I think the Chinese lyrics is not wrong indeed. In my memory, the plots should be like that


  • The background - ¬P¥Jwas born in a rich family. Due to a conflict of the family members for the control of family wealth, the baby boy was kidnapped and then adopted by a lady. Such description is very short and provided at the very beginning of the first episode.
  • The lady was poor and her husband left her alone. So, she mothered ¬P¥J and raised him up on her own. That's why ¬P¥J wanted to find his father at the first few episodes. I think that is the written basis for the Chinese lyrics.
  • One day, her husband came back and intended to sell out ¬P¥J so as to improve his economic conditions.    Then¦Ñª÷, a former famous opera singer appeared and saved ¬P¥J...
  • ¬P¥Jwanted to find out his own identity and meet his mother during the long journey but in vile. Although he met his mother and younger brother several times and became very good friends, they didn't know each other until the last few episodes. BTW, the ending is a good ending. ¬P¥Jfinally found his mother and brother and became a successful lawyer. His best  friend in the second half of the story became a well-known musician.



