Is this returant still in business or not ?
It is one of my favour resturant...
ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 6-2-2008 13:19 µoªí Here you go http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/sr2.htm?shopid=3197&inputcategory=cname&inputstr=%B7s%A5%5B%A9Y&amenity_id=1006&dishes_id=1010
ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 12-2-2008 23:01 µoªí I think that one has been shut down.
®ü«nÂû¶º, ©Ò¦³´ö, ¤C¥´¤û¥¶, ¶Â¨û¤û¥¶, ¤°ªG»«ªv, ¤½¥q¤T©úªv, ³q/·N¯», ¥Õ¥Ä¤û脷¶º, ®ß¦Ì¯»³Ð¤S
ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 19-2-2008 11:02 µoªí And some more exotic stuff: °®·Î©@³íÂû¶º, ¬Ã¦h¦B ·íµM¥ò¦³¨F¯R (³q±`¥b¥´猪+¥b¥´¤û´N¥¿®Í )
ì©«¥Ñ shaper_ras ©ó 10-1-2009 23:07 µoªí °a¥§¸Ö¹Dªk°ê¤å¤Æ¨ó·|¼Ó¤U³£¦³¤@¶¡... §Ú³£¯d¹Lø¤Ö¸}¤òÂQªG¾ð )
oh !..I don't know hong Kong side has one too ?