

原帖由 ivanhoyc 於 20-2-2008 11:41 發表 點解近排o甘靜o既?大家未拜完年咩?話時話,聼日元宵,祝各位大佬元宵快樂!


IVAN Brother,


I must show my sincere respect towards your comic treasure.


When I was young, around 1980, at primary school stage, one of barber stall at resettlement estate at Wong Tai Sin was closed.  The female owner of the barber stall gave all the comic (有龍虎門,小流氓,李小龍 [including the one you shown above],小魔神,超人之子,土炮制作的batman, captain american, 太空神童....)


Unluckily, owing to the redevelopment of housing estate in Wong Tai Sin when I was studying Form Three, my parents refused to carry all the comic to the new public housing home. So, I gave up all my treasure.  All my comic treasure were embedded with the debris of the demolished building.



After moving to new public housing estate, I bought "Dragon Tiger Gate" and some other comics occassionally when I have spare money.   I have collected nearly 30 pirated "叮噹" and more than 100 local published comics.  When I failed in my AL exam and I got out to work, I penalised myself for my failure in studying and disposed all my comics and toys treasure. 



When I commenced my working life, I earned money and bought local punlished comic.  I have a fruitful treasure for more than 10 years collection but I married and left my treasure in my parents home.  One day when I went back to my parents home for a dinner, my mum told me that she has disposed all my comic treasure since I was already grown up and married.  So, I have no more comic treasure.  



Ivan brohter, it is why I am so respecting your valuable treasure after visiting your web site. 



原帖由 ivanhoyc 於 21-2-2008 13:00 發表 actually,most comics lovers at our age shared similar BAD experience for the collection of comics. Comics books,especially those from Hong Kong were considered EVIL stuff at that time, most kid ...


Thanks a lot to brother Ivan.


Hoping one day could have a chance to read your comic treasure.  It is a wonderful dream for comic fans.


Are you still collect 新著龍虎門, 龍虎門外傳 and other local or Japanese or Foreign Comic Books?




原帖由 ivanhoyc 於 22-2-2008 14:48 發表   i am quite disappointed with the comics after the 90s, I had already stopped collecting most of the latest titles except for some special title like火云邪神etc.   the sta ...


ivan brother,


how about 新著龍虎門 and 李小龍? 


are you still purchase them and collect them?


原帖由 ivanhoyc 於 20-4-2008 21:34 發表   我收的都是旧皉銵A可遇不可求。。。   知名漫{网站《漫{自由ヱ蛂n里的“漫Ё览”第12期已r推出!同帚漲奠许多 ...


Ivan 兄,


你是土生新加坡人嗎? 如果你是土生新加坡人,那麼你的收集品真是一個萬分難得的 Wonderful Treasure.


You should proud of yourself for collecting such a Wonderful  Treasure of Comic Books.


Your comic books are even difficult to search in Hong Kong though all of them were old Hong Kong Comic.


Bro Ivan, you are wonderful.


原帖由 ivanhoyc 於 23-4-2008 11:27 發表   given up long time ago... seldom see people reading it already...what a pity!


Bro Ivan,


I show my sincere respect to you that you can collect such a wonderful treasure in Singapore.


I also gave up to read Bruce Lee Comic long time ago.  In mid 2005, I read New Oriental Hero (新著龍虎門),Tony Wong has mentioned in the article that 上官小寶 decided that Bruce Lee Comic would be ended in near future.  However, 上官小寶 has not failed to keep  his promise and Bruce Lee Comic is still publishing now.


According to some magazine, Bruce Lee Comic is now combined with a Race Comic and the two stories are printed together in one comic book and still charges for $14.00.


However, the turnover rate was much deteriorated for Bruce Lee Comic, in its peak time, the turnover rate was over 100,000 for one episode but now is only 12,000 to 15,000.  Tony Wong's New Oriental Hero still keeps a turnover rate for approximately 50,000 per week but Oriental Hero (龍虎門) could sell for nearly 200,000 per week at its peak time in mid 70s.


I read comic when I was still a kindergarten student.  At that time, I just read Jap or American Hero Comic, all written by Hong Kong authors. Later on, in my earlier primary school stage, I read Episode 167 of Oriental Hero from one of my neighbours.  At that time, I could not understand every word written in the comic book, but it was marvellous that I changed my taste from reading Scientific Comic to Action (Kung Fu) comic from then on. 


If Bro Ivan were living in H.K., we could make a friendship and share our view on comic treasure.  Hope to see you in future.    

