

­ì©«¥Ñ ivanhoyc ©ó 6-5-2008 14:16 µoªí §Ú·Q¦b§Úªº¡m§¹¥þ¶À¥É­¦¤j¹Ïų¡n·d­Ó¡m±i¸U¦³µf¥~½g¡n¡A²{¦b¥¿¦b¦¬¶°¸ê®Æªº¶¥¬q¡CºJ°£¥Lªº爲¤H¥H¤Î¥L«á´Á¨íÀs¤@­¶¤@®æªº½sø¤è¦¡¡A¤j®a¹ï¥Lªº§@«~¦³¦óµû»ù¡Hµoı¤¬Ápºô¤W¦³Ãö¥Lªº¸ê®Æ«Ü¤Ö¡A¨Ó¨Ó¥h¥h¤£ ...


Bro Ivan,


You may write a history for Cheung Man Yau.  From your treasure of ¤p¬yª], you may find Cheung often sent his pictures to ¤p¬yª] and Tong Wong often gave high marks for Cheung's pictures.  You may write that Cheung has talent in writting comic. 


You may also refer to Àsªêªù·s¶Ç, from the story of Yau Ma Tei 13 Dragons, Cheung has been authorised by TOng Wong as the writer of Àsªêªù·s¶Ç.  At first, I think that Tong WOng might still closely monitored the works assigned by him to his students like Cheung Man Yau, Ki Man Kit ..... Later, Tong Wong had affairs with young film stars and the Jademen Comic Ltd had been listed in Stock Market and Tong was put into prison and so Cheung was lack of monitoring and so he might think himself to become the king of the comic and poor results had been found in Lung Fu Moon.


Frankly speaking, CHeung really has talent in comic design and writting but it is poor that he has personality problem and cannot cooperate with his co-workers and superiors and so he suffered poor consequences in each occassion.


Bro Ivan, Have you collected the comic "ÅK¦åÁ®½¸" which should be drawn by Tong Wong at first but then was drawn by ¶À°¶°x?

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ George ©ó 8-5-2008 10:33 ½s¿è ]

