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My colleague recently dubbed the KR series from Tudou.  He told me that all the files were in the FLV format and could only be watched with software that support FLV files.  Unluckily, both Window Media Player and Real Player do not support such format.  Besides that, my colleague told me that there are two episodes in shortage, it is Ep. 20 and Ep. 62.



For brothers' information only.


­ì©«¥Ñ tonino7 ©ó 19-9-2008 16:34 µoªí Ãä­Ó¥ò·QÚ»ªð 1-98 ¶°§r¡I§Ú¦³»ôÅΡI MP4 ²Ä 1 ¶° - 13 ¶° ¤@¸¹²Ä 14 ¶° ¦Ü 43 ¶° ¤G¸¹


Bro Tonino7,


Have you dubbed the whole 98 episodes from Tudou including Ep. 20 & Ep. 62?

