

­ì©«¥Ñ ohahamok ©ó 8-3-2008 15:36 µoªí   ¦n¦ü­ø¾p¤W¤s´N¤J¨ì±ø§ø ,   ¦Ó®a¥ò¸Ü­n«O¯dªG±ø§ø¬J¯¨°ó°µ¥jÂݤ媫 ,   ¦­±Æ¸g¹L¥ò±æ¨£­Ó¯¨°ó¥ò«Y«× ,   ªþªñ¥ò¦³±ø¤j©ú´ë , ¤p®É­Ô¸ò­ô­ôª¦¸¨¥h±´ÀI­Ý´MÄ_ !   ¥H¤U ...


Bro Ohahamok,


When I was young, I lived in Tung Tau Resettlement Estate which was near to ¸Å«e³ò§ø.  I remembered that the households lived there had no toilet and they went to the resettlement estate's public toilet and took bath at resettlement estate's public bath room, too.  A public toilet was built in ¸Å«e³ò§ø in mid or late 1980s.


I also remembered that the households had no water supply, there were four taps built on the open area, the households needed to took water by plastic bucket and later on the households had in-built water supply and toilets and no more relied on the public taps and the the taps were demolished in mid 1980s.


I was also familiarize with Kowloon Wall City.

