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­ì©«¥Ñ ¤õ¬P¤H ©ó 1-11-2007 09:50 µoªí   I like Austrilia too...but I am in New York City.. It is glad to see more people vote this topic... Are you new to this web site...I am..


I like New York too....

I am new here as well...


­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 1-11-2007 13:04 µoªí   Yiyi2hk, have u lived in Taiwan for some time before?


I haven't lived in Taiwan before but have travelled for few times.     because my super idol is a Taiwanese !


­ì©«¥Ñ ¤õ¬P¤H ©ó 1-11-2007 10:12 µoªí  How is weather in your area ? are they cold or hot ? How do you find this site...? I find it by mistake You are a Hong Kong girl right ?


Yes, I am Honkys (hong kong people) 

we are in South hemisphere so the weather is opposite to yours.   It is Spring. 


I found this site from search engine.   I am happy to find lots of memories.


­ì©«¥Ñ toby ©ó 1-11-2007 19:24 µoªí   ¼M~~~ §Ú哋¿D¬w©OÃä´NÔ¨°÷¤H¶}¦Ñ»æ»EÀ\°Õ~!!! Åwªï§A¦a¥[¤J§r~!!




­ì©«¥Ñ ¤õ¬P¤H ©ó 2-11-2007 10:53 µoªí ½Ð¦h¨Ó Oldcake...Are you immigrant to Australia, or just business trip ?



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