

I still have these three books : ÃséG·j©_, ¥j¤å©ú¤§°g, ¤j¦ÛµM©_Æ[
ÃséG·j©_ is the best........after you guys mentioned it here...I went down to the basement and checked.
Printed in 1978.....$149HK.....omg.....it's been that long??


Not really......I gave away most of my stuffs to friends and relatives when I lefted HK.
Well.....if I knew there's going to be a Ebay and Yahoo Auctions 18 years afterwards then I'm sure I would have kept every single thing I've had.

But there's an advantage over here. People really kept their things around. I saw a mint 'Six Million Dollar Man' for sale....only asking for $100US.
And they still have alot of 'Mattel' toys here on ebay.
I got a copy of Combattier V in English awhile ago...all 54 ep. Not really sure where it came from.

