

­ì©«¥Ñ ªü¸Û ©ó 28-6-2008 00:19 µoªí ©êºp....¥H«e¤p§Ì¤@¦V¦b¶º§½·í±ß³£·|¥X©«Â²­z¤@¤U¦Ó¬Û¤ù·|«á¸É¦ý¦]¬°¤p§Ì³Ìªñ¦b°l´MµÛ¬YºØ¨Æª«¤À¨­¤£·v.......(¨ì²{¦b³£°l´M¤£¨ì...¬Û«H¾÷·|"¬í±æ"...)¦Ó¥B¦³ÂI¥¢±æorz


A girl?


­ì©«¥Ñ ªü¸Û ©ó 28-6-2008 00:37 µoªí §Ú­øª¾©O


Don't worry too much, the day is young. Even an oldcake like ar_woo is still searching, so there's no rush for a young guy like you


­ì©«¥Ñ ªü¸Û ©ó 28-6-2008 00:49 µoªí ¦³¾÷·|¦P§AÁ¿¸Ô±¡


Thanks, looking forward to that. I may have had similar experiences when I was your age.


Hey,here's a long term plan for you: just study hard, enter university and find a major that has a disproportionate %tage of females, and you will be a hot commodity to them check this out:




"«°¤j­^¤å»P¶Ç¼½¾Ç¨t¤@¦~¯ÅªºRainbow¡]¤Æ¦W¡^»¡¡A¾Ç¨tªº¤k¥Í¤ñ¨Ò«D±`°ª¡G¡u¾Ç¨t¤º¤C¤Q¤H¤¤¥u¦³¤T¦W¨k¥Í¡C²{¦b¨­Ãä¨k¥Í¤Ö¡A¸ûÃø»{ÃѨkªB¤Í¡C¡v" (from: http://www.com.cuhk.edu.hk/ubeat/060272/story01.htm)


--Shing, let's apply together. I want to study there


Of course, right now you probably have your mind totally focused on one particular "target"   That's good. I don't even have that

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 28-6-2008 01:14 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ 999 ©ó 28-6-2008 01:34 µoªí   " let's apply together.".?????????????ar_woo§A.............. ©ú¥Õ¤F........¾Ç®üµL²P.......


¸³§B§B说, 终¥Í¾Ç²ß¹À


­ì©«¥Ñ adamying ©ó 28-6-2008 01:51 µoªí §Ú³£·Q¦b¦P¤@Àô¹Ò¸Ì¾Ç²ß¾Ç²ß,   ¹w®I§Ú¤@¥÷.


I think we may be able to apply as "mature applicants" according to their rules   Let's go!


­ì©«¥Ñ Áo¬¥¦hÂĤñ ©ó 28-6-2008 09:06 µoªí ¦³µL°Ý¹L¨ä¥L¨Ò¦p¤g¤ì¤uµ{¹q¤l¤uµ{... ­ÓÃþ¬J¤ñ¨Ò³£«Y¨k°ªd... ¤£¹L¨Æ¹ê¤W¦Ó®a´N¯u«Y¤k¦h¨k¤Ö¬J...


you can find the stats here   http://www.com.cuhk.edu.hk/ubeat/060272/story01.htm





[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 28-6-2008 12:28 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ 999 ©ó 7-7-2008 01:18 µoªí ¤µ¦¸´ä¿Dºô»E¤@©w¦n¦¨¥\(¤H¼Æ³Ì¦h),¦ý¿ð¿ð­ø¥Xpo«Y«}­n¤ñÅå³ß¤j®a©O?­ø³q­nµ¥º¡¤ë? ¸Û¥J¥S¥¢踪¦n´X¤é,§ÚÅåÊ\³Q¾Û(ªÚ¤ß)¥¢踪, °l´MµÛ¬YºØ¨Æª«´Nºâ¥¢±Ñ³£«Y¦n¤p¨Æga 啫!¦³ÉN¤Hª¾Ê\¤U¸¨?


I thought about offering to write a report in English (using a writing pad would take me many many hours to write even one page  ), but I guess people may not like reading such a report.


Anyway, I'm a bit too depressed now to write much (¸Û¥J's situation may be similar, but I hope he's actually having too much fun to write or even logon oldcake)--you see someone you like, and then find out she's taken. This doesn't deserve a separate thread, so I'll just briefly mention here: I rented out a flat at 75% the market price to a lovely lady today. Becoz she's really beautiful, and coming with a female roommate to share the place, and said it will be like that for a long time, it gave me the impression she's single. I was hoping I could become her friend and hopefully more than that in the long run. Soon after she signed the contract, I found that she's got a husband in mainland China. 5555555555

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 7-7-2008 12:56 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ ¨È¤O ©ó 7-7-2008 03:45 µoªí Wah....Ar_Woo bro, the case you brought up that happened to Shing bro? Now I can understand why he is taking a deep dive recently.  humm...sounds like he is deeply heart broken...b ...


Oh, sorry my post was misleading, I was just GUESSING he had a minor heartbreak, but it's more likely that he's having such a goodtime that he'll ditch oldcake.net for a long time   And even if he's having a heartbreak, mine should be bigger as it broke my wallet too... took off a huge amount from the rent I initially wanted to charge her (enough to treat 10 oldcake members to dinner monthly)... becoz she's so beautiful and seemed single....


­ì©«¥Ñ ¨È¤O ©ó 7-7-2008 13:21 µoªí   Aya, Ar_woo bro, there are always chance out there, cheer up. I guess up til now, we all know life sucks!


Life sucks, but there's always oldcake.net


­ì©«¥Ñ ¨È¤O ©ó 7-7-2008 14:44 µoªí   Well said, well said!!


It's time to sing 恋¤HもÀáれるµó¨¤ since I'm in a sad mood   I just wish that I could sing like this: (then many girls will run to me )



[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 7-7-2008 15:01 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ ¨È¤O ©ó 7-7-2008 15:06 µoªí huh?!...hard to believe an amateur like this would post his singing on youtube, how dare. This version is no match than Ar_woo bro's.


Hey, this is one of one of my top favorite versions indeed! Ar_Woo has posted many many versions of this song, of course   None sung by ar_woo himself I guess

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 7-7-2008 16:37 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ ¨È¤O ©ó 7-7-2008 15:38 µoªí   Ar_woo bro, i caught you laughing when you said "since I am in a sad mood" previously wor.....


­W¯º¦Ó¨o ¯º¤¤¦³²\ ²\¤¤¦³¦½ ¦½§¹´Nºâ


­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 7-7-2008 16:16 µoªí   You got it wrong lah!    That guy is NOT an amateur, he is a Professional Singer ah!!    


Is he a member of TOKIO?


­ì©«¥Ñ kitsir935 ©ó 7-7-2008 17:03 µoªí   ©ú¥Õ¡I¦ý¸Û¥JÊ\¦n¦ü¦£ºòd¤j¨Æ¼½~


so, he got the girlfriend he wanted? Congrats to him and I'm so envious   I never get the girls I want Life sucks.... sometimes   I'm going for a huge super-luxury dinner tonight to make up for what I lost


­ì©«¥Ñ ªü¸Û ©ó 8-7-2008 23:38 µoªí ¦n¦ü¦³¤H¥H¬°§Ú©ç©ì¦¨¥\wor¦n¥i±¤,­ø«Ywor¦P®I§ÚÉN¥¢±æ/¥¢¸¨wor¦]¬°­ì¥»³£«Y­øÃѬJ«Y¦]¬°«e´X¤é¤J¥ªcamp³Ìªñ¤S­n¥hçEÀYÀ°¤â...Orz


Glad to know you are OK. The day is young and you are even younger   Let's work hard to get a GF

