原帖由 Shiawase 於 10-10-2007 21:58 發表 "水晶版" (instrumental) & 英文Jazz 版 ~ Thanks
原帖由 Shiawase 於 10-10-2007 22:07 發表 Would you have a Jazz版 (but instrumental only)?
Gimme a few minutes... I have something that may (or may not) come close to a "Jazz version"...
Here you go:
(another instrumental version, maybe abit Jazz feel)
原帖由 celia 於 10-10-2007 10:24 發表 仲有幾多打??唔post埋出黎?
妳要幾多打, 小姐? 西餅? 我地有oldcake, 有youngcake, 數千種
原帖由 inabottle 於 10-10-2007 11:20 發表 係啦...post哂再聽, 睇吓邊個版本至正......
好嘢要一D一D黎先得架... 唔係会聽壞個腦
今日呢個"Jazz/ Instrumental" version 如何呀, 小樽姐?
中意聽呢兩種版本, 你似乎係喜歡恬靜/安寧/大自然果D人喎 (又發作.......goooooooo )
aiya, 原來施小姐已經走咗, "聽完鬆"?
可憐ar_woo不停同唔响呢度的celia, inabottle & shiawase 講咗一堆廢話.... 走罷
原帖由 Shiawase 於 10-10-2007 23:48 發表 中意聽o個兩種版本就似係喜歡恬靜/安寧/大自然果D人? o甘你就......... goooooooo 錯晒啦! ha ha ha ha I wasn't "聽完鬆" , I am a 施小姐, so 我是 '施施然'o甘走的 ...
咁睇嚟你係活躍冇時停, 間中揾D靜音樂調劑下
原帖由 celia 於 11-10-2007 11:50 發表 變左賣西餅 未食過ar_woo出品既oldcake同youngcake唔知好唔好食既呢,有冇sample睇
how about this one:
原帖由 inabottle 於 11-10-2007 00:18 發表 有時入來timing唔夾...唔重要, 重要係睇你既帖有反應 ......水晶版係唔錯......有無rock版 ......? 唔係開玩笑, 問得好真誠
rock 版... ... 你D要求真係高難度.... 不過見你問得好真誠 , ar_woo出動埋私人珍蔵 "唔清唔楚 + 突然中斷(因為相機容量問題 ) lite rock 版", 唔知咁算唔算係 "rock"? 不過對Beyond fans就一定唔夠rock架啦...
原帖由 celia 於 11-10-2007 14:48 發表 shortcake?haha....食左會唔會short左 果個頭像我都好唔捨得,始終係我最鐘意的
原帖由 celia 於 11-10-2007 14:21 發表 幾靚喎,但birthday cake?仲係1歲既babycake,唔係oldcake同youngcake? 我以為係''細細粒,嬌滴滴''果種西餅tim Ella? Rose? 您1歲時既girlfriend?
官恩娜? 我都想佢係我girlfriend!
原帖由 Shiawase 於 11-10-2007 19:29 發表 ha ha, 我地點咩版有咩版 (Eg. JAZZ版, ROCK版 ETC.)......Celia 到你啦, 你要咩版呀? (你要到,ar_woo 一定搵俾你 )
佢已點咗ar_woo 真人發声version, 呢個要下次去唱完K先有 稍候片刻, 因為揾唔到人陪我去唱
原帖由 Shiawase 於 11-10-2007 23:50 發表 O, has she already asked for it? ha ha, but you know, you don't need to goto a Karaoke place to record it, you can do that at home (play the karaoke version music and then sing i ...
is that what you do often? maybe you're a singer and have ur own studio I'd like to hear your version of "Memories of You", now that you have the lyrics (and your pronunciation is probably better than that Japanese singer's) A big round of applause for Miss Shiawase pls You're on!
原帖由 Shiawase 於 12-10-2007 00:11 發表 by the way, that Japanese singer sings very well in english, who is she? is she a popular singer?
here's that album:
Yup she sings almost like a black soul musician. Dunno if she's popular but certainly she's got class.
原帖由 超人兄弟 於 12-10-2007 13:15 發表 ar_woo brother 又真係唱得好有感情! 我同樣地非常歡喜呢隻歌.......想當年中文版都唱唔少....日文版就聽唔少.....最近我M番中村雅俊隻演唱會CD豁光.....點知城列D時個盒實得滯扯爛
果個唔係我嚟架! You tube 上揾到的而已
原帖由 Shiawase 於 12-10-2007 15:55 發表 Thanks Are the rest of the songs on that album also very Jazz/Blues feel? Nice?
As you may have guessed, I didn't listen to the other songs on that CD just bought it for ONE purpose
原帖由 celia 於 12-10-2007 10:01 發表 如果真係想點咩版有咩版,咁除左ar_woo既真人發声版之外,我想要'飲醉酒版'Kakaka......
呢個醉酒版冇乜可能做到, 因為(1)我唔中意飲酒 (覺得D味好苦, 我喜歡甜/好味的飲品) (2)如果我飲大量的酒, (即"飲醉"), 只會覺得個頭好痛, 但思想行為同平時唔會有乜兩樣
原帖由 Shiawase 於 12-10-2007 21:56 發表 吳國敬 has set up his own blog (you might be aware of it anyway): http://ngkwokking.imeem.com/ why don't you try to persuade him to release a proper version of ...
I have left many messages there already, of course But no response from Eddie the King
原帖由 celia 於 12-10-2007 10:21 發表 我覺得ar_woo已經演變左唔係''中村''迷 係''恋人も濡れる街角''迷 呢首歌既所有版本都想要,正宗''歌迷''(對果首歌著迷) 不過真係冇諗過一首歌可以有咁多版本
我覺得ar_woo已經演變左唔係''中村''迷 係''恋人も濡れる街角''迷 呢首歌既所有版本都想要,正宗''歌迷''(對果首歌著迷) 不過真係冇諗過一首歌可以有咁多版本
歌迷有好多, 我諗要叫 "歌癡"先夠形容我對此曲之鍾愛程度