ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 25-5-2008 09:37 µoªí §ÚÅ¥ºñÄ_210¥SÁ¿¸Ü¦n¦ü¦³Ó SOFTWARE «Y¥i¥H±N¥ô¦óºq¦±Åܦ¨ KARAOKE ª©, ½Ð°Ý¦³µL¤Hª¾¹D¦³Ãö¦hD¸ê®Æ? ¨Ç¨Ç§A!
DOn't expect too much even if there's one. I think tnd told me it's called MMO (Music Minus One) or something, with which you can remove part of the vocal (but never completely). Bean Bean has done some of this when she sang "Yum Bui Yum Bui Yum Bui SHing".