

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 7-6-2007 16:05 µoªí   Forest Hills, Wimbledon, Professional, Gazzle, Comfort, Trimm Treb, Montreal, all of these were classics!   And Puma "Davis Cup" as well.

Forest Hill-  White leather with gold strips, king of the adidas and around HK$300 in year 1977-78
Wimbledon - White leather with Blue red and blue, around HK$180, but the old wimbledon had no strip and only with name wimbledon and square outside. discontinued many years before
Gazzle is the most classic one and only with red colour and white strip, may fd told me the Gazzle with wear is more beautiful than new one
Montreal is dark blue with light blue strip and suede leather

the puma classic is ------Puma star, white leather with green strip..... bought one pair in Kong Hoi, only 1 pari with HK$190 in 1979,,,,,,,oh my love, even secondhand can sold at HK$180...

