ì©«¥Ñ 999 ©ó 30-12-2009 22:46 µoªí ¤@©w¦nhigh! toby会¦P边Ó§¤©O? 会ø会¦n¦ü³ß®bËݤñ¤HÄé©O? §A¤Óªá¤ß,¦Û¹´cªG! º±(¦Ñ»æ)¨ý!
Let me guess...§¤next to Toby, one side is probably Actionkamen and the other side is "9 suk" (not 999 ) (...I wanna know if I guessed it right or wrong, ha ha! )
I am not too ªá¤ß ah, ha ha, all three of them (¤T²É¿} ~pink, yellow, green) are so nice, hard to choose from! kakaka!
º±½Þ¸z¦P Shiawase & ¨Ç¨Ç ³£¦³................º±(¦Ñ»æ)¨ý!?! Wacacaca!!!