ì©«¥Ñ mrenvy ©ó 19-6-2009 23:21 µoªí
Step 1:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXEiMOFth7g&feature=rec-HM-fresh+divStep 2: add the word "tube" between ...youtube and .com.. in the url and it becomes "...youtubefire.com..."Step 3TUBEFIRE ...
I just tried it, it worked la!
Thank you so much
(Yesterday I didn't see the button ""¶i¦æ状ªp クリック", but today I do
(FYI, there is a small typo on your message, you might like to adjust it
, I believe you mean to add the word "fire" between youtube and .com (instead of add the word "tube" in between)
, in case other oldcake members type in the incorrect word & couldn't download, ha ha, thanks)