ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 30-11-2007 12:19 µoªí o¦i?«YØ{...§Ú¦W´X®É¤S¦h¥ªÓK¦r? ©OÓ¦n¦ü«YShiawase¿W¦³ÓÔq
no la, no la, it's not Shiawase¿W¦³ , Mr. Ultraman likes to call you "PBK" Celia , it sounds good! (~ sounds like the brand "TDK" ). As long as he doesn't omit the letter "B", then it's ok ~ otherwise it will be called "PK" . Only joking! Please do not get mad at me )
ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 30-11-2007 12:56 µoªí ©OÓ¥i¯àn¥Î§ë²¼¾¤¼x¸ß·N¨£ ¤£¹L¦n©ö¥O¤H¦³±Ó·P,§Úı±odoø«Y´X¦n