ì©«¥Ñ mythz ©ó 18-9-2007 12:10 µoªí What's Your Name ºq¡G¤Ö¦~¶¤ §@µü¡G®c¤U´¼ §@¦±¡GJimmyJohnson http://1.mms.blog.xuite.net/1/8/5/8/13621004/blog_403408/dv/11681591/11681591.mp3
may i ask you a question please, mythz? (sorry, not related to this topic)
How did you paste that 'mp3 player box' onto here? (For example, if I found a song on the internet, how could I do something like what you have done, ie. paste that player thing on here?) Thanks