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2007815 ¦Ñ»æ¶º§½ Part 2 «á°O

¼M! Thank you ar_woo¥S¤À¨É¥ª§A¦a¦b¦Ñ»æ¶º§½ Part 2 d ¶}¤ß¨Æ & photo!   It's great to hear that you guys had a very ºÉ¿³ªº¤@±ß


Thanks also for showing the "¯uÂÃ" (ie. your toys) in the photo too


­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 16-8-2007 16:58 µoªí shiawase & celia: §A¦aDµe¦n¥¿§r! ¤j³¾®q°ò¦a, ¦nÊä©À§r


mine was just ÄmÁà lah


­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 16-8-2007 17:31 µoªí    ...¥ò¦³ªü©_«LµÛ¨ìËÝ''¤h¥¿',inabottle¦³ÉNÚ»¨ì¬y¤f¤ô?









ha ha, «Y wor, ©_«L"°õ"±o¦n''¤h¥¿' wor

Á¿¨ì«ü¾É...I actually know nothing ah, §Ú mud ³£­øÃÑ ga, Celia & inabottle ©j d ´¼ÃÑ­Ú§Ú¦h¦n¦n¦n¦h




­ì©«¥Ñ inabottle ©ó 16-8-2007 18:09 µoªí  ¦hÁ¤À¨É!   ar_woo¥ó­m¦nŨV3... Shiawase¬y¤f¤ô¦Ü¯u    


inabottle ¸£®ÚÂà±o¦n°­§Ö...©ú©úCelia«YÁ¿¶È§A, ¦ý§A¤S"tall" ®I§Ú¸¨¤ô


­ì©«¥Ñ inabottle ©ó 16-8-2007 18:37 µoªí   ºJ¶}¤p¾ê«Y«}¦³ª¾ÃÑ/«º¦â ... shiawase¤@©w«Yar_woo¦Pfumoon¦P®I¤p¾ê¤ß¤¤«Y¦nkawaii


ha ha, §Ú«Y "Shiawase" ¾B, µL¸Ü«Y "kawaii"


­ì©«¥Ñ inabottle ©ó 16-8-2007 18:37 µoªí   ºJ¶}¤p¾ê«Y«}¦³ª¾ÃÑ/«º¦â ... shiawase¤@©w«Yar_woo¦Pfumoon¦P®I¤p¾ê¤ß¤¤«Y¦nkawaii


I know ¤p¾ê«Y¦³ª¾ÃÑ & «º¦â (....well at least I know her glasses have many ¦â, as she did mention that she changes her glasses every now & then, 3 different colours or something like that!! )


­ì©«¥Ñ inabottle ©ó 16-8-2007 18:40 µoªí   §A¤@¥X²{, µL²z¥Ñar_woo­ø¥X¬[...ar_woo¤@©w«Y«×¥´¤¤¤å¦r   shiawaseÂI­p§A¥ý«Y¥D¨¤  kawaii shiawase


"¥D¨¤"?! ­ø«Y±¾?!    (¦nÅå )


­ì©«¥Ñ inabottle ©ó 16-8-2007 18:49 µoªí   shiawaseÂ÷½u...


not Â÷½u, it's "·ö½u"

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 16-8-2007 19:01 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 16-8-2007 18:47 µoªí   haha, ¤T¦ì³£ËÝÁ¾, ¨ä¹ê§A¦a«Yar_woo (& fumoon maybe?) ¤ß¥Ø¤¤ªº¶}¤ß¤Ö¤k组




­ì©«¥Ñ inabottle ©ó 16-8-2007 18:59 µoªí   «YØ{...©ú©ú«Y«×, ¤SshowÂ÷½u


hee hee, that's just to confuse you


­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 16-8-2007 19:02 µoªí   possibly: she logged out from her work PC (so it shows Â÷½u) , went home, now using her home PC which she never logged out from... or vice versa... anyway it's 4am in Vancouver and 7am ...


ha ha, stop guessing lah, it's dinner time lah, go & get something nice to eat!!  Bye!


­ì©«¥Ñ toby ©ó 16-8-2007 20:38 µoªí   ·N¥ì~~.... ÉAShiawase¦³¸Ü¹LÊ\响Canada«§??? ©w«Y§A哋¥H¬°Ê\¦Pfumoon ¦í®I¥ª ?! (Á¿¯º³å,¨â¦ì­ø¦nìÐ... )


¼M, ³sToby ¥S³£ËÝÁ¿§r


­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 16-8-2007 19:05 µoªí   Thanks! My favorite is Yuen Kit Ying ! How much resemblance     Bye everyone! 


that drooling icon looks so familiar


­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 16-8-2007 20:54 µoªí   Hi, ur back! How's your headache?


thanks for asking, took 2 panadols & stayed away from the computer for a few hours, so feeling a bit better lah...but now got addicted to oldcake.net again   ......headache may come back


­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 16-8-2007 20:50 µoªí     haha, my most recent guess is she lives in Japan


just because my "name" is a Japanese name doesn't necessarily mean that I am living in Japan, ha ha


­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 16-8-2007 20:59 µoªí   always drooling and cleaning the keyboard, like mr. fxxxxn, hahaha   I think he might love to see this:   http://bbs.bbtok.com/archiver/?tid-1461.html   (check out ...


Oh my goodness!!!   I just read that link and ...................that's NOT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (...that paragraph looks like a ¼x±B advertisement, and that person has the same "name" as me!?!?!?!?!?  I hope no one will think that the oldcake's Shiawase is that other person.....otherwise §Ú¥H¦ZÂI"¨£¤H"


­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 16-8-2007 21:12 µoªí   don't worry la, someone born in the 80's could not possibly know about all these oldcake stuff, and I don't think you're from northern China... relax!   but you'd better tell fu ...


a bit hard to relax tim


­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 16-8-2007 21:04 µoªí   here's a suggested remedy from inabottle http://www.oldcake.net/viewthread.php?tid=5940&page=2#pid37863


thanks for the link...but i don't have Ä_Äq¤O at the moment, so can't try that method.....

......also I'll need to ask inabottle how much Ä_Äq¤O to mix with how much ¤ô (1 ¤ñ 99 ? )


­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 16-8-2007 21:18 µoªí   sorry ar! just a joke.... no way that could be you, obviously someone from the mainland who writes in simplified Chinese... no one knows who "shiawase" (the oldcake one) really is ...


...ha ha, I know, 'shiawase' is a very common word or "nick name" anyway.....


­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 16-8-2007 21:21 µoªí   I'd just heat up the pokari directly to maximize its healing power... anyway, it's time to go, see you guys in a few hours! And hope that your headache will be gone very soon!


Thanks & talk to u next time!


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