

­ì©«¥Ñ KEROROGUNSO8 ©ó 14-8-2007 19:20 µoªí ¦³Ãä­Ó¥h¹L¥X©_¦Ñ¹«­¹Á¡»æ¦P·N¯»¡A¤§«á喺¥X©_¦Ñ¹«­Ó¨àµ£¼Ö¶éª±????


I think I have been there before (for meals & also for the ¨àµ£¼Ö¶é)...but to be honest, I can't remember the details lah since it was such a long time ago.....


[¸g¨å¼s§i]1984¦~ - ¥X©_¦Ñ¹«




­ì©«¥Ñ fumoon ©ó 14-8-2007 22:48 µoªí Usually go there for the video games only.....Italian we usually goto Spaghetti House.


Meat balls spaghetti @ Spaghetti House used to be very yummy


­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 14-8-2007 22:54 µoªí   there may still be one between ·s¥@¬É°s©± & ·s¥@¬É¦Ê³f... let me go find out someday. fumoon & shiawase should have dinner there at least once b4 the place disappears...


do you mean Spaghetti House or ¥X©_¦Ñ¹« ?


­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 14-8-2007 23:04 µoªí   ¥X©_¦Ñ¹«     Spaghetti House is everywhere... maybe 10's or 100's of them in HK


i think you might be right...just checked on the internet, there is a blog (see below link) which shows some pictures of a little girl playing at ¥X©_¦Ñ¹«, the photos look quite recent (not like 20+ yrs ago)...so there must still be at least one existing in HK (surprisingly)




­ì©«¥Ñ fumoon ©ó 14-8-2007 23:15 µoªí That much?....wow.....there used to be only 3 of them when I was 'active' in HK....ha ha....18 years ago.....


O! ....but that info came from mr. ar_woo, you know lah, he loves guessing, when he said there are still 10's or 100's of Spaghetti House in HK, it could just be one of his many guesses for tonight


ok, time to go.....have to leave a bit earlier this time....c u


­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 14-8-2007 23:52 µoªí   HK ¦n¦ü¥ò¦³wor... shiawase found this: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-vanessa/article?mid=16317&prev=16343&next=16293   «Y«}应该响«×·d­Óoldcake ¶º§½?


you guys should organise a birthday party there for oldcake.net's 1st birthday


­ì©«¥Ñ fumoon ©ó 15-8-2007 08:33 µoªí Of course......if you're going.......



