
ªáの¤lルンルン ©ñ°e30©P¦~°O©À½L

ªáの¤lルンルン ©ñ°e30©P¦~°O©À½L


Price: ¢D 3,675 (Tax Included)  at Amazon.co.jp

Here is the link:



(This title will be released on December 2, 2009. )


½Ð°Ý¦³ÉN¤Hª¾³o°¦ "ªáの¤lルンルン ©ñ°e30©P¦~°O©À½L" ¬O¤°»ò¾¤¬[ (eg. is it a soundtrack? a CD? a DVD? or...???) ¦]¬°³o¬O related to my favourite cartoon "ªáの¤lルンルン" (ªá¥P¤lÅSÅS), ©Ò¥H§Ú¦n¦³¿³½ì, but I couldn't read japanese , so don't know what exactly this product is ...could someone please let me know? Thank you!


ÁÂÁÂmythz¥S³]­p³o­ÓËÝè°ªº·sñ¦WÀɵ¹§Ú, thank you!


­ì©«¥Ñ Anison ©ó 12-10-2009 14:03 µoªí   «YÂùCD , ¦¬¿ý¦³ºq¤Î Background Music


Thank you Ansion for explaining! 

Oh, I want to get that CD...but it's not released until early Dec

Do you know roughly how much it is equivalent to in HK dollars? (if it's ¢D 3,675)?  Thank u

ÁÂÁÂmythz¥S³]­p³o­ÓËÝè°ªº·sñ¦WÀɵ¹§Ú, thank you!


­ì©«¥Ñ Anison ©ó 12-10-2009 14:10 µoªí   Depends on the currency rate. It's about $320 HK Dollars now.


I see, thank you Anison!

ÁÂÁÂmythz¥S³]­p³o­ÓËÝè°ªº·sñ¦WÀɵ¹§Ú, thank you!

