原帖由 高立 於 26-10-2006 22:29 發表 opening 主題曲就容易聽倒, ending 鶪銧N唔係時時聽倒 , 我剛剛 upload , 大家慢慢聽黻 ! http://www.zshare.net/download/0 ... 1235612356-wma.html
原帖由 kidult 於 29-10-2006 03:53 發表 高兄,主題曲我都想要啊,請問有無mp3啊? 仲有啊,呢首ending會唔會有mp3版啊? 對唔住,好似好多要求。唔好意思!
原帖由 高立 於 29-10-2006 11:37 發表 首歌係我 upload 上去, 至於mp3版我記唔知有無 ? 你可以上鶩蚨籈}試 download.
原帖由 kidult 於 29-10-2006 17:18 發表 Dear Specterman, How to download the song to mp3 format? Please tell me. Thanks.
原帖由 spectreman 於 30-10-2006 16:14 發表 Stick your MP3 line to your PC and you can download direct from the website provided by 高兄。Have a try. It's very easy.
原帖由 kidult 於 31-10-2006 20:50 發表 spectreman兄: 唔知係咪大家有o的誤會? 我見高兄upload果隻歌係wma格式,於是我就問高兄有無果隻歌o既mp3格式,因為我部機o既itunes淨係播到mp3格式。如果令大家誤會,唔好意思! 其實我o既問題係 ...
原帖由 spectreman 於 31-10-2006 20:58 發表 All I can answer you: I can download the EP theme song from the website that Ko san passed to us, to my MP3. The rest, see if Ko san can reply to you satisfactorily..
原帖由 kidult 於 31-10-2006 21:02 發表 Thank you very much! 但究竟呢套劇o既港版係叫"錦繡前程"定係叫"前程錦繡"? 我個人認為係"前程錦繡",唔知有無錯,請覺位前輩指正。 謝謝。
原帖由 kidult 於 31-10-2006 21:02 發表 Thank you very much! 但究竟呢套劇o既港版係叫"錦繡前程"定係叫"前程錦繡"? 我個人認為係"前程錦繡",唔知有無錯,請覺位前輩指正。 謝謝。
原帖由 CKCK 於 2-11-2006 19:04 發表 套劇一定係叫"前程錦繡"。冇記錯的話,隻歌叫"錦繡前程"。吹漲!
原帖由 IPSC 於 2-12-2006 20:21 發表 Ending隻歌叫做"心ソ色"。
原帖由 超人兄弟 於 4-12-2006 23:29 發表 各位知唔知'' 前程錦繡 ''ending song時每集'都有幾段日文,我諗是很有意思又感性的說話,但我又唔識日文.....各位知唔知乜牁N思呢??!本人非常之非常之咁鐘意ending首歌.............真你聽到我眼有淚光......!! ...
用翻譯網站頂住先! http://www.excite.co.jp/world/chinese/ 這裡有全部資料,clickリ⑦Ыュ⑦ヲソ詩 http://homepage2.nifty.com/dojiura/oretabi/index.htm http://homepage2.nifty.com/dojiura/drama/index.htm
剛在YouTube 找到的片段 (如有人已post過,請見諒)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMPznd7aKZM&NR=1 (後尾帆船嗰part好正)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_76l9h4Tnb4&mode=related&search= (中村雅俊現場唱 俺たちの旅)
[ 本帖最後由 電子分光人 於 3-5-2007 22:09 編輯 ]原帖由 peter168 於 31-1-2007 15:40 發表 樓主您好!這首歌曲我找了很多年都遍尋不著,這天偶然間在這裡看到真的很讓人感動,只是檔案好像已經被刪除了,下載下來只有0個位元,不知您是否方便再上傳一次,真的很謝謝您,感激不盡!
I have collected virtually ALL of his CDs (maybe 40-50 of them).
If you're in HK, I don't mind letting you borrow them. But I don't want to post any files for download due to legal concerns..
[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 4-6-2007 22:26 編輯 ]
原帖由 peter168 於 31-1-2007 15:40 發表 樓主您好!這首歌曲我找了很多年都遍尋不著,這天偶然間在這裡看到真的很讓人感動,只是檔案好像已經被刪除了,下載下來只有0個位元,不知您是否方便再上傳一次,真的很謝謝您,感激不盡!
你在香港嗎? 你的中文像是国內的...
各位 brother, 小弟新來報到, 隻 EP 歌我有 mp3 版, 係自己用黑膠碟壓的 (其中還有兩插曲由另一主角"田中健"唱,
當中一隻曾被大AL翻唱中文版歌名叫"日日望行運), 隻黑膠碟重有 G-Man 75' 主題歌及插曲, 不過唔知點先可同大家分享,
話時話我覺得前程錦繡隻 EP 正過 OP
原帖由 elvisyuen 於 27-7-2007 23:22 發表 各位 brother, 小弟新來報到, 隻 EP 歌我有 mp3 版, 係自己用黑膠碟壓的 (其中還有兩插曲由另一主角"田中健"唱, 當中一隻曾被大AL翻唱中文版歌名叫"日日望行運), 隻黑膠碟重有 G-Man 75' 主題歌及插曲, 不過唔 ...
呢度仲有好多中村雅俊D嘢, 嚟睇睇:
原帖由 elvisyuen 於 27-7-2007 23:22 發表 各位 brother, 小弟新來報到, 隻 EP 歌我有 mp3 版, 係自己用黑膠碟壓的 (其中還有兩插曲由另一主角"田中健"唱, 當中一隻曾被大AL翻唱中文版歌名叫"日日望行運), 隻黑膠碟重有 G-Man 75' 主題歌及插曲, 不過唔 ...
前程錦繡ending - ただお前がいい mp3 http://www.zshare.net/audio/36640396249119/
原帖由 elvisyuen 於 15-9-2007 23:21 發表 前程錦繡ending - ただお前がいい mp3 http://www.zshare.net/audio/36640396249119/
When it was re run by ATV I asked my mother to record every #'s ending song, even song the same, pics and the poet is not the same..worth to watch..can share later.
原帖由 tnd1964 於 9-3-2008 16:35 發表 When it was re run by ATV I asked my mother to record every #'s ending song, even song the same, pics and the poet is not the same..worth to watch..can share later.
Wow, you are a SUPER Nakamura fan!! I thought I was a big fan already.... but I don't have such precious TV clips...
Yes the endings are very touching, with those sentimental writings coming out line by line... though I did not understand too much of it... Hope to see them sometime and thanks in advance for sharing!
原帖由 ar_woo 於 9-3-2008 22:59 發表 Wow, you are a SUPER Nakamura fan!! I thought I was a big fan already.... but I don't have such precious TV clips... Yes the endings are very touching, with those senti ...
ar_woo 最近的超級開心大發現:
前程錦繡 ending - ただお前がいい 中文版 !!!
[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 10-3-2008 17:36 編輯 ]
好的好的! 期待中!
相信我D"珍藏"應該比唔上你果D: (我冇任何TV recordings )
原帖由 tnd1964 於 9-3-2008 23:17 發表 這首不專業的歌,其實這是我17年前的作品,那是1990年我在"香港戒毒會東九龍中心"當義工時,替他們一個表演節目錄的歌,歌詞內容主要是為那時一班戒毒康複中的"弟兄"而寫,都是那些老套的勵志、奮鬥內容。料不到 ...
填詞和唱功都非常專業啊! 令人感動, 一聽再聽的好歌! 呢度都有唔少喜愛中村雅俊歌曲的人, 如coffee兄和超人兄弟, 佢地見到呢個post一定好開心!
原帖由 ar_woo 於 9-3-2008 23:26 發表 填詞和唱功都非常專業啊! 令人感動, 一聽再聽的好歌! 呢度都有唔少喜愛中村雅俊歌曲的人, 如coffee兄和超人兄弟, 佢地見到呢個post一定好開心!
Thank you ~~ tnd1964
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原帖由 tnd1964 於 9-3-2008 23:17 發表 這首不專業的歌,其實這是我17年前的作品,那是1990年我在"香港戒毒會東九龍中心"當義工時,替他們一個表演節目錄的歌,歌詞內容主要是為那時一班戒毒康複中的"弟兄"而寫,都是那些老套的勵志、奮鬥內容。料不到 ...
多謝分享, tnd1964! ( ~ and thanks to ar_woo for posting the song up on this forum)
, 巴聲好有"杜德偉 feel" , 我已剛剛聽左你這首歌好多次了!
tnd1964, you mentioned that 唱歌的是當年你在亞視做兒童節目時一起工作過的一位節目主持人 ~ 我知道 Lee 個forum 都有好多亞視兒童節目fans, 請問o個位唱得咁好聽的節目主持人是那一位呢? 可否分享? Thanks ( ~ 如果唔方便講都 ok 架 )
[ 本帖最後由 Shiawase 於 12-3-2008 19:07 編輯 ]
原帖由 tnd1964 於 9-3-2008 16:35 發表 When it was re run by ATV I asked my mother to record every #'s ending song, even song the same, pics and the poet is not the same..worth to watch..can share later.
原帖由 CKCK 於 10-3-2008 11:57 發表 先多謝tnd1964兄的貢獻。我已將十數集配音版前程錦繡及三集日版reunion燒了DVD。稍後會交給超人兄弟兄,希望他可以轉交給各位,然後大家再轉給別人,好運的話可能有一天有人會造字幕。(好大想頭。)
thanks you so much C-Hing!
原帖由 tnd1964 於 10-3-2008 10:24 發表 Thanks for loving it. It is 容錦昌。And later when i back to HK I can post some of those 兒童節目及主持的相 here.
容錦昌 ~ Wah, I didn't know that he could sing that well and didn't know that he used to be a 兒童節目主持 (我只知道他以前在無線拍戲的) ~ Thanks tnd1964 for the information
[ 本帖最後由 Shiawase 於 10-3-2008 15:12 編輯 ]
原帖由 tnd1964 於 10-3-2008 16:58 發表 He was the winner of ATV's singing contest...then the producer found him to host a childeren programe..then he once take part in a SDU movie by Gordon Chan then become famous and go to TVB at last.
ic ic... no wonder he sings so well... very good voice
原帖由 tnd1964 於 10-3-2008 16:58 發表 He was the winner of ATV's singing contest...then the producer found him to host a childeren programe..then he once take part in a SDU movie by Gordon Chan then become famous and go to TVB at last.
ic, so he was the winner of a singing contest ~ Thanks for the info, tnd1964
原帖由 Shiawase 於 10-3-2008 17:37 發表 ic, so he was the winner of a singing contest ~ Thanks for the info, tnd1964
原帖由 tnd1964 於 11-3-2008 20:45 發表 Forget to tell u, I have the CD which is all 小椋佳's job then he has also sung this song in side that album..music arrangement not as the original one, but also good enough.
Let me also show you some photos tmr
Yes More than one I think, something like 小椋佳作品集
原帖由 tnd1964 於 11-3-2008 21:56 發表 You are right but I also wonder the problem maybe come from you...and me as well....because we are old already...I always think why I miss those old songs and old tv drama very much..nowsady's tv ...
This may be true, and I've always wondered about it myself. Just like toys, what we had as kids were so simple/ unsophisticated, but we found them so much fun (and still love them). Now, so many new toys come out, with computer chips & everything, but we don't get as excited.
原帖由 tnd1964 於 11-3-2008 22:21 發表 人大了看的東西自會不同,你知呂方的聽不到的說話及,記不起歌名…歌詞有句—情愛好比小丑…兩歌和羅文的波斯cat,梅艷芳的椰利亞都是中村的歌嗎?但那時看唱片封底作曲卻是黎小田?!
聽不到的說話 = "君を胸に秘めて" on "Monday Morning Blues" (MMB) album
波斯cat = also from MMB ("憧れのSUMMER HOUSE")
海俊傑"微風中"also from MMB ( either シャブリの雨 or 雨にセンチメンタル I forgot which)
but 椰利亞?? I'm not so sure... I thought it's by 童安格??
[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 11-3-2008 22:30 編輯 ]原帖由 ar_woo 於 11-3-2008 22:09 發表 This may be true, and I've always wondered about it myself. Just like toys, what we had as kids were so simple/ unsophisticated, but we found them so much fun (and still love them ...
yes, and even he re-sing the "接觸"-負呢埃-I also think that the original better..
原帖由 tnd1964 於 11-3-2008 22:28 發表 yes, and even he re-sing the "接觸"-負呢埃-I also think that the original better..
He re-sang it several times though. The version on Songs I (or II?) was not bad, a faster relaxing tune replacing the originally sad feel. The version on Steppin Stones (?) is so-so.
Do you have this poster?
And this pic is taken in EYT live.
wa, thanks for sharing. No I don't have that poster (on the right), but it looks familiar. I may have a smaller version from the LP albums.
Is that you in the picture? With James Bond and Nakamura, it's quite logical to assume so
Wa... you are the first oldcake who posted such a "recent" picture here... as far as I can recall, only celia and fumoon posted their (unmasked) pictures here, but all were like 3 years old
Actually this look was considered very smart in those days! That jacket must be quite expensive... rolled-up sleeves was really in! Were you a "Kau-Nu King" back then?
What's behind your right arm--is it a stand-up turntable? I think there was one version made by National/Panasonic?
Haha..no problem, I believe ppl here are good guys and the look is not like my now look..so still no one knows who I am
But...Kau-Nu King, what does it mean?
Your eye really sharp..yes, thats my first HiFi, its
聲寶牌雙飛彩蝶 HiFi..quite interesting.very classic too.
原帖由 ar_woo 於 11-3-2008 23:22 發表 Wa... you are the first oldcake who posted such a "recent" picture here... as far as I can recall, only celia and fumoon posted their (unmasked) pictures here, but all were like 3 year ...
no ar...我果張一歲都未夠...
原帖由 tnd1964 於 11-3-2008 23:27 發表 Haha..no problem, I believe ppl here are good guys and the look is not like my now look..so still no one knows who I am But...Kau-Nu King, what does it mean? Your eye really sharp..yes, ...
Kau-Nu King = 溝女王
Wow, you had everything we young people dreamed about in those days! Those Hi-Fi were a status symbol to us!
咁celia 你就应该po D 近期D嘅相出黎拉... 睇下亞 tnd1964 兄幾咁爽快?
Ah, yes, very Danny Chan feel Do u remember where u bought that jacket? Or was it custom made?
原帖由 ar_woo 於 11-3-2008 23:36 發表 Ah, yes, very Danny Chan feel Do u remember where u bought that jacket? Or was it custom made?
ic ic... 仲以為係一條石柱添... 呢幅相真係好經典, 好似時光機咁
荷星活商場, yes 80年代買型仔衫之地
唔, 講番幅相, 真係好正斗的oldcake相, Hi Fi 左面是一堆大碟(相信至少有50%是中村D碟 , 可能仲有D安全地带, Akina, Gazebo 等等), 碟上高又有D卡式帶, 再加一個標準靚仔型男, 夜晚可能同班friend 落去Canton, 荷東蒲下, 呢D真係昔日無限美好時光!
[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 12-3-2008 00:08 編輯 ]歡迎光臨 經典日本特撮●動畫●卡通回憶 (http://oldcake.net/) | Powered by Discuz! 6.0.0 |