原帖由 拾實什習窄炸集 於 17-6-2008 22:42 發表 那天我下班回家,順利通過老婆的檢驗。我身上一沒有別的女人的香水味,二沒有別的女人的長頭髮,老婆滿意地讓我坐下。剛鬆了口氣,老婆卻目不轉睛地盯著我:“我發現你很不老實……”我立刻進入戒備狀態,雖然不 ...
原帖由 kkeeleung 於 18-6-2008 00:29 發表 你那位李哥真的不像樣. 那得先問清楚..."嫂子, 你打來是否問你老公昨晚是否與我,小馬小鍾等搓通宵麻將? 又或者現是否忙着開解失戀的小馬呢? 其實, 明天我亦巳約好了與他一起倍小鍾的母親去... 才答下去嘛 ...
原帖由 拾實什習窄炸集 於 17-6-2008 22:42 發表 那天我下班回家,順利通過老婆的檢驗。我身上一沒有別的女人的香水味,二沒有別的女人的長頭髮,老婆滿意地讓我坐下。剛鬆了口氣,老婆卻目不轉睛地盯著我:“我發現你很不老實……”我立刻進入戒備狀態,雖然不 ...
I remember Hong Kong has a 防止乜乜 會 ? can they help ?
Just a joke...nothing is serious. ( when I was in High school my classmates always played that jokes with me )
But anyway sometime ladies can really drive men crazy ?
I feel a lot of men really live under 暴政之下
Any brother has following experiences with the ladies:-
1.Teach her how to drive..after that you don't want to drive any more.
( because when Police stop you, you don't know how to explain...whole thing are so stupxxxx
2. When you ask a lady any questions, she will gave a lot of detail, information which enough screw your brain out and non of them are related to your question. you are wasting your time for question.
3. Trouble can still comes to you even though you are stay at home whole day, and do nothing with outside world.
And then at the end of trouble...you still don't know why or how that happen at the first place.
原帖由 拾實什習窄炸集 於 19-6-2008 10:23 發表 Just a joke...nothing is serious. ( when I was in High school my classmates always played that jokes with me ) But anyway sometime ladies can really drive men crazy ...
Are you talking about me, or 歌啲敢怒而不敢言.... It just a joke too, don't be so serious.... it is so lucky that I still can make a joke. Unfortunately, I can imagine these Joke... [ 本帖最後由 kkeeleung 於 19-6-2008 14:02 編輯 ]
原帖由 kkeeleung 於 19-6-2008 14:03 發表 Are you talking about me, or 歌啲敢怒而不敢言.... It just a joke too, don't be so serious.... it is so lucky that I still can make a joke. Unfortunately, I ca ...
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