平宜的防乾燥用品...如長時間行山(如毅行者...) 一定會搽腳 + 腳指襪 = 無咁易起水泡
vaseline on your toes? would that make you slip if you need to run or exercise? is it safe for low-speed exercise only? A lot of tennis players get blisters in their feet and I wonder if this is a solution (if you can still run with the vaseline on)
[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 1-7-2008 16:13 編輯 ]原帖由 ar_woo 於 1-7-2008 16:12 發表 vaseline on your toes? would that make you slip if you need to run or exercise? is it safe for low-speed exercise only? A lot of tennis players get blisters in their feet and I wonder if this is a solution (if you can still run with the vaseline on)...
sure sure 真駛得架呢
搽上一層'花士擰', 令腳指之間無咁易磨擦成泡...當年未識搽, 要朋友代勞燒紅支針把水泡刺穿 貼上膠布 walk will go on
原帖由 inabottle 於 1-7-2008 16:23 發表 sure sure 真駛得架呢 搽上一層'花士擰', 令腳指之間無咁易磨擦成泡...當年未識搽, 要朋友代勞燒紅支針把水泡刺穿 貼上膠布 walk will go on 唔會跣架...
唔會跣... that's good! thanks, try try next time....
I once tried adding a very thick pad in my shoes..... then sprained my ankle while running backwards too much elevation from the ground makes your body unstable
原帖由 inabottle 於 1-7-2008 16:23 發表 sure sure 真駛得架呢 搽上一層'花士擰', 令腳指之間無咁易磨擦成泡...當年未識搽, 要朋友代勞燒紅支針把水泡刺穿 貼上膠布 walk will go on 唔會跣架...
"燒紅支針把水泡刺穿" OMG......
唔弄好就行不下去 , 頂硬上要full team cert
原帖由 ar_woo 於 1-7-2008 16:28 發表 唔會跣... that's good! thanks, try try next time.... I once tried adding a very thick pad in my shoes..... then sprained my ankle while running backwards too much elevation from the ground makes your body unstable...
touch wood ~
通常'咬柴'既位置都係死穴, '咬'過既位置好似弱點咁, 下次又unstable時都係'咬'翻果個位
原帖由 小朋友 於 14-8-2008 09:30 發表 呢支野好似好細個果時見過.......係喇, 診所----D BB仔、小朋友要「肛探」果時, 護士姐姐就會一面用花士擰塗抹支溫度計, 一面對住D 小朋友陰陰咀笑......
[ 本帖最後由 Athena 於 14-8-2008 10:36 編輯 ]
原帖由 Athena 於 14-8-2008 10:35 發表 咪講到花士苓好似咁咩咁啦..... 你地唔知好多名模到而家都係用花士苓溝唇膏用的嗎?效果半透明,滋潤又唔納。 花士苓重可以代替潤唇膏添,另外,如塗上厚厚一層花士苓在乾到爆拆流血的唇上,封上保鮮紙當 ...
用黎搽身..............又 lup 又油
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