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¼ÐÃD: K-Buffet [¥´¦L¥»­¶]

§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 10:26     ¼ÐÃD: K-Buffet




                                                      K-pic.gif picture by vceliav



·í¤éÃhµÛ¾ÔÅå¦P¿³¾Ä¬J¤ß±¡¥Xµo ¸g¹L¥ª¬ï¥k´¡¬Jµó¹D,­·§j­¹¹Ð¬J·Î¼õ,´X¸g¨¯­W§ÚÁ`©ó¥i¥H¶¶§Q¨ì¹F 









¥ò¦³°Û¨ä¥L¤¤§ø¬Jºq,¯u«Y¼ô®Í¬[Ê\ ¦³DÅå³YÊ\§âÁn­ì¨Ó³£¦n¦ü¤¤§ø¶®«T,¦n¦ü¤¤§ø¶®«T¾¤¥ªËÝ  


§Úı±owwl36Ê\¦n¦³feelËÝ°Ûºq¦P¦n¦³heart Å¥±o¥XÊ\À³¸Ó³£¦nÄÁ·N°Ûºq«Y«}©O?





§@ªÌ: coffee    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 10:32

­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 10-3-2008 10:26 µoªí                                  &nb ...



§@ªÌ: tnd1964    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 10:44


¥ò¦³°Û¨ä¥L¤¤§ø¬Jºq,¯u«Y¼ô®Í¬[Ê\ ¦³DÅå³YÊ\§âÁn­ì¨Ó³£¦n¦ü¤¤§ø¶®«T,¦n¦ü¤¤§ø¶®«T¾¤¥ªËÝ  



§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 10:45

­ì©«¥Ñ coffee ©ó 10-3-2008 10:32 µoªí    ..§Ú¤U¦¸­ø¥i¥H¦A¿ù¥¢¾÷·|§r~~



§@ªÌ: ¥Ú§@¬Ù§^    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 10:49

Well Done!
§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 10:50

­ì©«¥Ñ tnd1964 ©ó 10-3-2008 10:44 µoªí ar_wooªGµM«Y¤@­Ó¤¤§ø¶W¯Åfans,°Û¥ªÊ\¬J­º¥»¦W¦±恋¤HもÀáれるµó¨¤,­n¦hÁÂÊ\¥ò¦³°Û¨ä¥L¤¤§ø¬Jºq,¯u«Y¼ô®Í¬[Ê\ ¦³DÅå³YÊ\§âÁn­ì¨Ó³£¦n¦ü¤¤§ø¶®«T,¦n¦ü¤¤§ø¶®«T¾¤¥ªËÝ   &n ...


Really ar¡I¡I¡I¯u«Y¦nÕi§rÊ\°Û¤¤§ø¶®«TDºq¡I¦³¾÷·|¥sÊ\°Û¤ñ±zÅ¥

§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 10:53

­ì©«¥Ñ ¥Ú§@¬Ù§^ ©ó 10-3-2008 10:49 µoªí Well Done!





§@ªÌ: ¥Ú§@¬Ù§^    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 10:59

­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 10-3-2008 10:53 µoªí   ¦hÁÂ¥Ú§@¬Ù§^   ¦pªG±z«YHK§Úçܱz³£·|¥h
§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 11:26

­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 10-3-2008 10:26 µoªí                                  &nb ...


¦hÁÂcelia À°¤â¥X©«! ar_woo ¤@ª½·Q¦n¦n³ø¾É¤@¤U, ¦ý¦]¥´¦r(¤â¼gªO)(¦P®I¥»¤H)³t«×·¥«×缓ºC.... ­ø¸Ó®Ícelia! ¿ðD§Ú¦A¸É¥R¤@D²Ó¸`§a!


­n¦æ¶}¤@°},¦U¦ì bye bye !

§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 11:45

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 11:26 µoªí   ¦hÁÂcelia À°¤â¥X©«! ar_woo ¤@ª½·Q¦n¦n³ø¾É¤@¤U, ¦ý¦]¥´¦r(¤â¼gªO)(¦P®I¥»¤H)³t«×·¥«×缓ºC.... ­ø¸Ó®Ícelia! ¿ðD§Ú¦A¸É¥R¤@D²Ó¸`§a!   ­n¦æ¶}¤@°},¦U¦ì bye bye !






¦n§r¿ð¤Uµ¥±z¸É¥R²Ó¸`,bye bye ¥ý

§@ªÌ: 999    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 13:07

­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 10-3-2008 10:26 µoªí                                  &nb ...



§¤o¦Vlobbyµ¥......¦A§¤¤@·|....Ãh着«H¤ß,µL¨¥¦aµ¥....for me³o¥i¯à¬O­Ó´X¤Q¤À鈡ªº»E会...°­¥s¦Û¤w¦³¨Æ«§....¦pªG¤j®aª¾§Ú­W°J©ÎªÌ­ø会©Ç§Ú¨ö!?

¤ß¤SçܤU¤µ©]D ¦Ñ»æ会¤£会¨Ó?..¬ðµM¦³­ÓÀY¾v¶Ã¤F,¨­°ª脚ªøªº¤H¨«¨Ó,­ø³q«Yar_.......©¿µMD¦ì¥S¥x¯«©_¦a¥h担§â±è¥X¨Ó...­ì¨ÓÊ\«Y¨Ó¾ãlobby嘅¤j¹q视ªº§Þ¤u....

¤£¤[¤S¨£¤F¤@­Ó°ª©f¨ÓÂd枱,­ø³q«YMiss C¡K¡K

¤S¹L¤@°},­I«á¦³­Ó10´X·³ªº¤j¨k«Ä¦^ÀY¥s¥ª¤@Án:ªü¶ý±o¥¼§r,§ÖD la!...­ø³qªü¸Û±a®I§B¥À¨Ó?

­øª¾¤j®a¦³ÉNÃþ¦ü©ODµ¥¤H¸gÅç ....¤ßçÜÀ³¸Ó¨C¤H¤ß¤f§O¦·ªá¦n»{D¡K.­ø¨ÏÂ_¦ô ffice<img src="./images/smilies/shocked.gif" border=0 smilieid="6">ffice" />

¤»®É¤Q¤À, ­Êµ¡¬Ýªù¥~·t¿O,¦]¬°ÁÙ­n°µ­·¤¤»°¸ô¤H,Áöª¾ar_woo«Y¦³¤ß¤H,­ø会©ñ­¸¾÷,¦ý³£¼·¤F¤@³q¹q¸Üµ¹¥L,°Ý¤UÊ\¦¹¨è§A¦b¦ó³B?

¹q¸Ü¥t¤@ºÝ,µo¥X¤F¥Rº¡ºÏ©ÊªºÁn­µ»¡:啱啱¤J¥ª嚟¡K¡K..§Ú¤]¬Ý¨ì¤@­Ó°ª¤H,¤@­Ó°ª¤j¦p¤¤§ø¶®«T,«o±l±l¦³礼ªº¨k¥K¡K..³o´N¬Oar_woo¥S¤F,¤ßçÜ:­ø.......¦Ü¤ÖÁÙ¦³§A! ........................

§@ªÌ: 999    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 13:21

­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 10-3-2008 10:26 µoªí                                  &nb ...







[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ 999 ©ó 10-3-2008 13:24 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: 999    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 13:27

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 11:26 µoªí   ¦hÁÂcelia À°¤â¥X©«! ar_woo ¤@ª½·Q¦n¦n³ø¾É¤@¤U, ¦ý¦]¥´¦r(¤â¼gªO)(¦P®I¥»¤H)³t«×·¥«×缓ºC.... ­ø¸Ó®Ícelia! ¿ðD§Ú¦A¸É¥R¤@D²Ó¸`§a!   ­n¦æ¶}¤@°},¦U¦ì bye bye !




§@ªÌ: 999    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 13:31

­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 10-3-2008 10:26 µoªí                                  &nb ...

¥ò¦³celiaµoD­Ó©«¥ç¦n¦³¤ß«ä,¤S¦³­I´º,»P¥DÃD§k¦X. Thank you!!

§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 13:48

­ì©«¥Ñ 999 ©ó 10-3-2008 13:07 µoªí   ¨º¤@­Ó±ß¤W¬ù©w¤F6:00,¨ä¹ê嗰¤é§Ú¢´ÂI¥b´N¨ì¥ª,­øª¾«Y«§¤ßºA,¦]­n¦­°h©Ò¥H¦­¨ì? §¤o¦Vlobbyµ¥......¦A§¤¤@·|....Ãh着«H¤ß,µL¨¥¦aµ¥....for me³o¥i¯à¬O­Ó´X¤Q¤À鈡ªº»E会.. ...


wa, ­ì¨ÓªG¤é¥O999¥S¤[µ¥, sorry sorry...


¨ä实ªG¤é5:40pm ¤w¥h¨ìCWB, ¦ý¦]¬°·Q©O­Ó²±会¦³"¹Ï¤å¨Ã­Z"ªº³ø§i, ar_woo专µn¨«¥hªþªñªº¹q¾¹©±¶R³¡ hard-disk video camera... ÂIª¾­Ó°â³f­û·¥¥J²ÓÁ¿¸Ñ¤§¦Z, ³ºµM响­Üݯ­ø¨ì³f, ­n¥h²Ä¤G­Ó­Ü«×揾... ©Ò¥H·d¨ì ar_woo 6:10pm ¥ý©b¶]¥h¿}µó, sorrry! §A¨£§ÚªG¤é©ð¦í¤@¤j³U嘢´N«YªGcamera¥ò¦³脚¬[... ¦ý³Ì«á³£ÉN¥Î¨ì... ¦]为­ø¨£间K©Ð¦³¹q´w´¡Ä¬(·s¹q¦À«YÉNÉA¹qªº), ¦P®I­øª¾¤j®a会­ø会¤¶·N¿ý¼v...


¨¥Âk¥¿¶Ç, 6:15pm ¥ª¥k¤J¨ì¤j°ó¿ì²z¨ú©Ð¤âÄò, ¬ðµM¹q话响, «Y999¥S(²Ä¤@¦¸Å¥¨ìÊ\§âÁn, ­ø«Y·Q¹³¤¤ªº¨È§BÁn ), °Ý§Ú¨ì咗¥¼, §Ú¸Ü¨ì咗, Ê\¸Ü³£¨ì咗, ÉN´X­@¤j°ó¨«¶i999¯u¨­... Ëݸܻ¡ar_woo¤ß¤¤¤@¦V¹ï999ªº«¬¹³«YËݼ˲q´úªº: 999¥SÀ³该«Y¤@­Ó¥b°h¥ðª¬ºA, ¥Õ¾v»a»a, ¥P­·¹D°©, ¬Ý¯}¬õ¹Ðªº¥Õ¬ÜªøŽ¦Ñ¹D¤h, ¤S®É¤£®É·|±Ð¤UD«á½ú°µ¤H¹D²z... ¦Ü©ó¯u¬Û«YÂI? µ¥ar_woo ­¹§¹¶ºªð¾¤¦AÄ~Äò³ø§i


(¥H¤W¤w¸g¥´咗ªñ40¤À钟§r  ­Ó¤â写ªO¦¨¤é¥X¿ù¦r )

§@ªÌ: ©_«L2007    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 14:49

­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 10-3-2008 10:26 µoªí                                  &nb ...



§@ªÌ: 999    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 15:09

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 13:48 µoªí   wa, ­ì¨ÓªG¤é¥O999¥S¤[µ¥, sorry sorry...   ¨ä实ªG¤é5:40pm ¤w¥h¨ìCWB, ¦ý¦]¬°·Q©O­Ó²±会¦³"¹Ï¤å¨Ã­Z"ªº³ø§i, ar_woo专µn¨«¥hªþªñªº¹q¾¹©±¶R³¡ hard-disk video camera. ...

No sorry la,«Y§Ú­ø·Ç®ÉoªÌ,¦Ñ¤H®a«YËÝo¬[la,¤â¸}ºC«}¦­D¨ìÅo!

­ì¨ÓªG¤é§A©ð¦í¤@¤j³U嘢´N«YªGD camera¥ò¦³脚¬[...¯u«Y¨¯­W§A¤F!

§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 15:29



ar_woo ¦^ÀY¤@¬Ý, ²´«eªº999³º¬O¤@¦ì¦~¤Ö­^«T, ©x¥J°©°©, (¥H¥~»ª¬Ý)27,8·³¥ª¥kªº´µ¤å¦~«C¤H, §¹¥þÉN¦Ñ¹D¤h/¦Ñ®t°© feel  (¥ç´¿¸g¦³¤H(¬Y¸ê²`oldcake ·|­û)ÃhºÃ¹L999«Y¬Y¦ì60¦~¥N°h¥ðµØ±´ªø ) ´¤¤â´H³Ù¦Z¥h¨ìK©Ð, §Ú¨ÌµMÃhºÃ, ²´«eªº¨ä实¬O§_999­Ó¥J (888) ? ¦Z嚟999¥S°Ý§Ú¥Í¨vÄÝÉA, ª¾¹D«á´N¸ÜÊ\¦~纪¤j过§Ú, ar_woo¦Ü¤µ¤´µMºÃ´b,Ê\«Y«}­p¤Ö咗§Ú12·³?


ËݥѤ_999¥S¥u¯à³r¯d¥b¤p®É, §Ú´N¥sÊ\ÂIºq°Û¤U¥ý, 999¥SÂI咗¤H¦b®È³~Åx²\®Éµ¥µ¥, Ê\°Ûºq³£´X¦nÅ¥¬[! ÉN­@ªF¥[¨§¥ç¥X²{, ©l²×¤k¥J, ¦n¦ü¦³D©ÈÁà, °Û±o¦n¦nÅ¥, ¦ý¥i¯à¤ñ¸û°_Ê\¤@­Ó¤H¿ý­µ®É, ¨Ó±o©ëÂÔ¤Ö¤Ö, °¦¤â¤@¸ô´¡响³U«× (ËݼË会­ø会¹ï¹B°_®ð¾¤¦³D¼v响) Ê\¸Ü¥­®É¿ý­µ会¤ñ¸û¤j°Ê§@D.. Anyway, ©l²×¤§«e¤j®a¯À¥¼¿Ñ­±, ¤@­Ó¤k¥J­u¬ù, ­ø¦h­ø¤Ö¥i¯à¦³d¾á¤ß, §Ú³£­n¦A¦¸¦hÁ¨Ȩ§ & CELIA ªº½à­±¥X®u©M«H¥ô! ªF¥[¨§°Û咗§^¤ÖÊ\ªº¶¼ºq¦p¦A¨£ Puppy love, ªáªá¦t©z, ¤´µM°O±oªG¤@¦¸, etc, etc, °ª«×­ì­µ, ¥¿¦¡«Y¶¼Ù¤T¤é!


¤§«áwwl36 ¦P celia ¥ç¾r¨ì, ¶W¤H¥S§Ì«h¸û«á¨ì, ¤j®a­¹嘢°ÛK, ¨¥½Í¬ÆÅw, celia ¥u°Û咗¤@°¦ºq, ¤£¹LÊ\§âÁn´N¦n¤Ö¤kÁn½u, °Û±o¦n¦nÅ¥. wwl36 ¦P¶W¤H¥S§Ì¥ç«Y¤¤®ð¤Q¨¬, °Û±o¤§¤H, ­ì¨ÓÊ\¦a³£ª¾¹D­ø¤Ö¤¤§ø¶®«TDºq!


¦Ü¨ì10ÂI´X, ¥Ñ©ó¤j®a³£­n¦­Dªð«Î¥ø§Ý, ´N¥s®I³æ, ¦¹®Éar_woo²×©óÅS¥X¯u­±¥Ø¦P°ÛK¶º§½ªº¯u¥¿¥Øªº , ´N«Yar_woo ¤¤·N¤£°±ËÝÂI 恋¤HもÀáれるµó¨¤ °Û (©Ò¥H¥ý¥h©O¶¡ CEO Neway, ²Ä¶¡«Y­ø·|¦³DËÝoldcakeªººq ), ¶Xµ¥®I³æ®É, ¥Ä³£¼´®I, °Û咗²Ä3,4¦¸, Ëݤ§«á¤j®a´N°{®Í, µf«Î¥ø¹Ã咗¤L¤é¥ý¦Ü¹Ã²M  ³ø§i§¹

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 21:20 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: Shiawase    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 15:41

­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 10-3-2008 10:26 µoªí   ¥X®u¬J¦¨­û¦³ar_woo,ªF¥[¨§,999,wwl36,celia,¶W¤H¥S§Ì,²{¥Ñ§Ú¦V¤j®a§@¤@­Ó²µu¬J³ø§i ·í¤éÃhµÛ¾ÔÅå¦P¿³¾Ä¬J¤ß±¡¥Xµo ¸g¹L¥ª¬ï¥k´¡¬Jµó¹D,­·§j­¹¹Ð¬J·Î¼õ,´X¸g¨¯­W§ÚÁ`©ó¥i¥H¶¶§Q¨ì¹F  §Ú¨ì¹F¬J®É¶¡¤j¬ù«Y6:30pm«á,­ì¨Ó¤j®a´X¥G³£¨ì»ô¤F,ar_woo,ªF¥[¨§,999,wwl36,¸ò¦í´N«Y§Ú,µy«á¦³¶W¤H¥S§Ì ...


¼M¼M¼M!   ¦n¶}¤ßÚ»­Ë§A¦a D "Fun" ¨É ah!   Thank you everyone for your sharing


¼M, this time you guys have 3 new "faces" joining the "" gathering, must be very exciting & fun!  


³s our "No.1 ¤¸¦Ñ" "µR§Q§r" (Celia) ¹Ê¦³¥X®u, ¯u«Y¦nµR§Q§r!   I wonder if Celia looks like the girl in the very first ÀY¹³ that she used (¥ý¤J¬°¥D  ~ always got a feeling that she looks like that girl )


Did 999 wear a T-Shirt with his name "999" on it?   (I remember Kitsir wore a "999" T-Shirt (»ÈªeÅK¹D999) at the 1st gathering )


I would love to hear ªF¥[¨§'s singing live, must be very °ÊÅ¥


So how many hours did you guys sing? (­øª¾´X¦h­ÓÄÁ K ¥ý°÷³ï©O?  ~ especially with people like you guys who could sing so well )


Next time when I go back to HK, ¤p¨Ç¨Ç³£¦n·Q¦P§A¦a°Û­Óµh§Ö

§@ªÌ: adamying    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 15:43

Ú»§A¦a³£ª±±o¦n¶}¤ß, §Æ±æ¤U¦¸§Ú¤u§@¤W­ø·|¦A§«Ãª§Ú¥X®u´N¦n¤F.

§@ªÌ: Shiawase    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 15:47

­ì©«¥Ñ 999 ©ó 10-3-2008 13:07 µoªí   ¨º¤@­Ó±ß¤W¬ù©w¤F6:00,¨ä¹ê嗰¤é§Ú¢´ÂI¥b´N¨ì¥ª,­øª¾«Y«§¤ßºA,¦]­n¦­°h©Ò¥H¦­¨ì? §¤o¦Vlobbyµ¥......¦A§¤¤@·|....Ãh着«H¤ß,µL¨¥¦aµ¥....for me³o¥i¯à¬O­Ó´X¤Q¤À鈡ªº»E会.. ...



§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 15:48

­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 15:41 µoªí   ¼M¼M¼M!   ¦n¶}¤ßÚ»­Ë§A¦a D "Fun" ¨É ah!   Thank you everyone for your sharing   ¼M, this time you guys have 3 new "faces" joining the "" gat ...


Haha, it went from 6:15 pm - 10:15 pm... Why don't you join us next time to find out what 999 & celia look


Oh, so you're not in HK?   I thought you live in the mid-levels You must be in Kowloon or NT then

§@ªÌ: Shiawase    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 15:52

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 15:29 µoªí Ä~Äò..   ar_woo ¦^ÀY¤@¬Ý, ²´«eªº999³º¬O¤@¦ì¦~¤Ö­^«T, ©x¥J°©°©, (¥H¥~»ª¬Ý)27,8·³¥ª¥kªº´µ¤å¦~«C¤H, §¹¥þÉN¦Ñ¹D¤h/¦Ñ®t°© feel  (¥ç´¿¸g¦³¤H(¬YµÛ¦Woldcake ·|­û)ÃhºÃ¹L999«Y¬Y¦ì60¦~¥N°h¥ðµØ±´ ...


It's so funny just reading what you guys wrote , ¯u«Y¦n°­Åͯº!


§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 15:52

­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 10-3-2008 10:50 µoªí   Really ar¡I¡I¡I¯u«Y¦nÕi§rÊ\°Û¤¤§ø¶®«TDºq¡I¦³¾÷·|¥sÊ\°Û¤ñ±zÅ¥


wah ..... §Ú­n¼á²M¤@¤U, §Ú°Ûºq«Y­øÕi¬[ ¥u«Y¤Ó¤¤·N¤¤§ø¶®«TDºq, ©Ò¥H­I®ÍDºqµü¥HºÉ¤@­Ó¶W¯Åfansªº³d¥ô 

§@ªÌ: Shiawase    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 15:55

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 15:48 µoªí   Haha, it went from 6:15 pm - 10:15 pm... Why don't you join us next time to find out what 999 & celia look   Oh, so you're not in HK?   I thought you live in the mid-le ...



§@ªÌ: Shiawase    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 15:56

Did celia & ¶W¤H¥S§Ì ¦X°Û§r?
§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 15:58

­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 15:55 µoªí     


ËݧA¤U¦¸"back to Hong Kong" (from Kowloon) ¤§«e, °O±o³qª¾¤@Ánar_woo, ¦A·d¦h¦¸ K-buffet

§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 15:59

­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 15:56 µoªí Did celia & ¶W¤H¥S§Ì ¦X°Û§r?


u have to ask them!


maybe ¦X°Ûºò as we speak!


did u notice that they seldom appear on oldcake these days?

§@ªÌ: Shiawase    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 16:04

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 15:58 µoªí   ËݧA¤U¦¸"back to Hong Kong" (from Kowloon) ¤§«e, °O±o³qª¾¤@Ánar_woo, ¦A·d¦h¦¸ K-buffet


ha ha, ok, I know WHERE to find you   ( ~ I can find you at the Karaoke place   ~ only kidding)

§@ªÌ: Shiawase    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 16:09

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 15:59 µoªí   u have to ask them!   maybe ¦X°Ûºò as we speak!   did u notice that they seldom appear on oldcake these days?


«Y wor!

(So ever since they met each other at the K-buffet place, they "disappeared" together   ~ they might have travelled on that Doraemon Time Machine to another Karaoke place   ( ~ I remember there's a thread about that , something like that)  ~~~~~~~ 


(Sorry, Celia & ¶W¤H¥S§Ì, only joking ja, please don't get angry at me )

§@ªÌ: 999    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 16:44

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 15:29 µoªí Ä~Äò..   ar_woo ¦^ÀY¤@¬Ý, ²´«eªº999³º¬O¤@¦ì¦~¤Ö­^«T, ©x¥J°©°©, (¥H¥~»ª¬Ý)27,8·³¥ª¥kªº´µ¤å¦~«C¤H, §¹¥þÉN¦Ñ¹D¤h/¦Ñ®t°© feel  (¥ç´¿¸g¦³¤H(¬YµÛ¦Woldcake ·|­û)ÃhºÃ¹L999«Y¬Y¦ì60¦~¥N°h¥ðµØ±´ ...



..............ar_woo ¦^ÀY¤@¬Ý, 999²´«eªº³º¬O¤@­Ó­·«×½¡½¡,»öºA¸U¤do¬J¡¨¦yÀYÅÁ¡¨(gentleman),Áö°ª¤j«Â²r,¦ý»¡¸Ü±l±l¦³礼,¤â©â¦í¤@³U¡K¡K¡K..­ø³q¤µ±ß¦³¼ú«~¡K¡K..ËݧڤS§ï变¤ßºA¡K©ê¦í¨ÓÚ»¬ß¼ú¨å§o¬J¤ßºA(¥»¨Ó«Y©ê¨ÓÅ¥ºt°Û·|o¬J¤ßºA)°Ñ¥[¡K¡K¡K¡K

´¤¤â´H³Ù¦Z¥h¨ìK©Ð,ar_woo¥S礼»ª©P©P,¤j®a¦bK©Ðªù¤f¦U§¡¬ÛÅý,¤j·§³£¦bçÜ¡¨After you¡¨¨ö,Áö¥´¶}¥ª©Ðªù,¦ý¦bªù¤f·d¥ª¦n´X¬í¥ý¤J¨ì¥h¡K¡K¡KçÜ°_¨ì¦n¯º! ffice<img src="./images/smilies/shocked.gif" border=0 smilieid="6">ffice" />

ËݥѤ_¤p§Ì¥u¯à³r¯d¥b¤p®É, §Ú´N¶XÊ\Ápµ¸ªF¥[¨§,wwl36,celiaµ¥¨ä¥L¤HªºªÅÀÉÂIºq°Û¤U¥ý,¶O¨Æ¤@°}¤H»ô®É°Û¨«­µ¥¢礼®Í¤Hla! ¤p§Ì¦n¤Ö°ÛK,¤S¥¼¨Ó¹LCEO,µ²ªG²V¶Ã¤¤²Ä¤@­º´NÂI咗¤H¦b®È³~Åx²\®É,¡K¡K¡K.¥i¯àar_woo¥S¤@Ãä¹qÁp¤À¤ß,¤@Ãä¨ü§ÚÁn­µÄÌÂZ¦Ü¤ß¯«§Ï©»,§Ú°Û§¹«áÊ\¸Ü§Ú°Û±o­ø¿ù¡K¡K¡K.§ÚçÜar_woo¥S¥H¬°§Ú°Û¤kÁnoªGpart¨ö,¨ä¹ê¤kÁnoªGpart«Y¹p¦w®R°Ûo¬[!.............³£¤»ÂI¥b¤F,buffet¶}©l¤F,¥X¥hbuffet bar攞³¥­¹¡K¡K¦æ¥ª1 round,¨£¨ìËݦh³¥­¹(Áö­øª¾¦n­ø¦n¨ý)¥ò¦³K°Û,ËÝo¬Jɲ¿ú,OK o¬[!(ÁÂÁÂar_woo¥S¦n¤¶²Ð)­ø©ÇD¤H±a®I¥þ®a¤H¨Ó,¥ú¦Y¹L°÷³£©è¡K..§Ú«h¨D¨ä¬O¦ý攞³¥­¹,¦]®É¶¡o¬J関«Y,µL®É间¥h´z!



[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ 999 ©ó 10-3-2008 16:49 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: 999    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 17:08

­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 15:41 µoªí   ¼M¼M¼M!   ¦n¶}¤ßÚ»­Ë§A¦a D "Fun" ¨É ah!   Thank you everyone for your sharing   ¼M, this time you guys have 3 new "faces" joining the "" gat ...

§ÚÉNwore a "999" T-Shirt ,¦ý½T¹ê°Û§¹­n·f铁¸ôÂ÷¶}..........


§@ªÌ: Shiawase    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 17:40

­ì©«¥Ñ 999 ©ó 10-3-2008 17:08 µoªí §ÚÉNwore a "999" T-Shirt ,¦ý½T¹ê°Û§¹­n·f铁¸ôÂ÷¶}.......... ¦Ü©óno.1¤¸¦Ño¬Jicon,¿ðD¦AÁ¿...........


So you were the "»ÉÆrÆWÅK¸ô999" on that night?


Waiting for you to comment on no.1 ¤¸¦Ñ o¬J icon , no need to rush, but ~ §ÖD°Õ!

§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 17:44

­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 17:40 µoªí   So you were the "»ÉÆrÆWÅK¸ô999" on that night?   Waiting for you to comment on no.1 ¤¸¦Ñ o¬J icon , no need to rush, but ~ §ÖD°Õ!


In fact celia & ultraman bro took some group pictures that night... maybe u can PM them & see if they can email u the pix to see their ¯u¨­ (but cover up the rest unless they agree to be shown)


"But those pictures are very private. They were never shown to anyone, or intended to be shown to anyone. Whoever circulates them on the internet will......"  

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 17:46 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: Shiawase    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 17:53

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 17:44 µoªí   In fact celia & ultraman bro took some group pictures that night... maybe u can PM them & see if they can email u the pix to see their ¯u¨­ (but cover up the rest unless they agree to ...


(That quote sounds very familiar   , where have I heard it before?  ha ha

~ and we are all "FRIENDS", right? So we won't be prosecuted by the police for sharing the photos via email )


I am interested in looking at the K-buffet group pictures ah, please anyone kind enough to email ¤p¨Ç¨Ç?

§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 17:56

­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 17:53 µoªí   (That quote sounds very familiar   , where have I heard it before?  ha ha ~ and we are all "FRIENDS", right? So we won't be prosecuted by the police for sharing the pho ...


But how can we be sure you won't take your notebook to a repair store after receiving the pix?


Well, seriously, I think we must have consent from all the people in the pic b4 it can be released to someone else, to be fair to them.... So why don't you just come to HK ASAP and see them in person instead

§@ªÌ: Shiawase    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 18:03

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 17:56 µoªí   But how can we be sure you won't take your notebook to a repair store after receiving the pix?   Well, seriously, I think we must have consent from all the people in ...


hey, touch wood, i hope I won't need to bring my pc to a repair store   ~


sure, I appreciate that everyone (in the pic) needs to be happy before those photos get released to others ( ~ unless Celia & Ultraman bro just cut out that part of the photo which has them in it and send it to me, ha ha ha   ~ sorry, always joking about them tim )



[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 18:12 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: ªü¸Û    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 18:06


§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 18:14

­ì©«¥Ñ ªü¸Û ©ó 10-3-2008 18:06 µoªí §Úµ¥¥ª¨Ì­Ótopic´X­@!!!!!¥ò¥H¬°§A¦a­øÁ¿....



§@ªÌ: ªü¸Û    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 18:18

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 18:14 µoªí çÜ¦íµ¥§A¦Ò§¹¥ý¸ÕÁ¿ma

°£¥ªCHEM, CIT(COMPUTER)¦PMATHS¤§¥~....¨ä¥L³£ÉN¤ß¾÷·Å......


§@ªÌ: Shiawase    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 18:21

bye bye everyone, ¤U¦¸¦A¶É
§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 18:22

­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 18:21 µoªí bye bye everyone, ¤U¦¸¦A¶É


bye! I need to go for dinner too, bye everyone!

§@ªÌ: Shiawase    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 18:22

­ì©«¥Ñ ªü¸Û ©ó 10-3-2008 18:18 µoªí ¦³¬£³£¥¼¦Ò§¹....Å¥¤é¦ÒBIO³£­øª¾ÂI¦º¦n¦n¦h³¥°O......¥i¯àÅ¥¤é¦n¦h¦Ñ§j¬Jµª®×°£¥ªCHEM, CIT(COMPUTER)¦PMATHS¤§¥~....¨ä¥L³£ÉN¤ß¾÷·Å......¥ò¦³...¤U¦¸§Ú¤@©w¥h


Hi ¸Û¸Û, good luck in your exams

Log out soon, ok? & study hard

§@ªÌ: ªü¸Û    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 18:23

­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 18:21 µoªí bye bye everyone, ¤U¦¸¦A¶É

BYEBYE Shiawase©j©j

§@ªÌ: Shiawase    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 18:23

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 18:22 µoªí   bye! I need to go for dinner too, bye everyone!


Enjoy dinner (eat ¦hD )

§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 18:23

­ì©«¥Ñ ªü¸Û ©ó 10-3-2008 18:18 µoªí ¦³¬£³£¥¼¦Ò§¹....Å¥¤é¦ÒBIO³£­øª¾ÂI¦º¦n¦n¦h³¥°O......¥i¯àÅ¥¤é¦n¦h¦Ñ§j¬Jµª®×°£¥ªCHEM, CIT(COMPUTER)¦PMATHS¤§¥~....¨ä¥L³£ÉN¤ß¾÷·Å......¥ò¦³...¤U¦¸§Ú¤@©w¥h


then log out, lock yourself up in a quiet room w/o computer, and concentrate la! Good luck! I need to go, see you guys later!

§@ªÌ: ªü¸Û    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 18:25

­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 18:22 µoªí Hi ¸Û¸Û, good luck in your exams Log out soon, ok? & study hard



§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 18:28

­ì©«¥Ñ ªü¸Û ©ó 10-3-2008 18:25 µoªí ¶â©Ó§A¶Q¨¥ar_woo¥S§Ú·Q°ÝªG¨ì¦h­ø¦h¤é¤åºq???


¦h, ¥i¥H¥Î¤é¥»ºq¬P¦W¦r´zºq, ¦ý¤ñ¸ûoldcake.

§@ªÌ: Áo¬¥¦hÂĤñ    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 18:45




§@ªÌ: 999    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 19:35

­ì©«¥Ñ 999 ©ó 10-3-2008 16:44 µoªí     ..............ar_woo ¦^ÀY¤@¬Ý, 999²´«eªº³º¬O¤@­Ó­·«×½¡½¡,»öºA¸U¤do¬J¡¨¦yÀYÅÁ¡¨(gentleman),Áö°ª¤j«Â²r,¦ý»¡¸Ü±l±l¦³礼,¤â©â¦í¤@³U¡K¡K¡K..­ø³q¤µ±ß¦³¼ú«~¡K¡K..ËݧڤS§ï变 ...

¡K¡K¡K. ­ì¨Ó¯u¤HÅé§Î»P¨ä¬x«GÁn­µ¦¨¤F¤Ï¤ñ¡K¡K­ì¨Ó³o´N¬O¶Ç»¡¤¤ªºªF¥[¨§©j¤F¡K.¯u¬O¦Ê»D¤£¦p¤@¨£¡K..ªF¥[¨§¯u«Y¤ñ­±¨Ó°Ñ¥[,­ì¨ÓÊ\¦n¤Ö¥X¨Ó°ÛK,§ó¤£¶Þºq³ïºt°Û¡K.§Ú·íµM°¨¤W¦R­÷,¥ß¨è­n¨D¦X°Û¤@¦±,¥i±¤ªF¥[¨§¤ñ§Ú¦~«C¦h(§Ï¦p¹j¥N)¦]§ÚÃѪGDÊ\­ø¼ô(¤ÓÂÂ),Ê\®³¤âªGD§Ú­øÃÑ(¤p§Ì¤£¤~),ar_woo¥S±À¤¶,¦X°Û¦A¨£ Puppy love(¨kÁn¤£¦h,ar_woo¯u¤F¸Ñ§Ú ),¦b¦¹­n¹ïªF¥[¨§say sorry,¦]¬°§Ú,©Ô§C¥ªD­ººqo¬J¤ô¥­ ,¥ò¦³¦]¬°¦¹®Éwwl36¦Pcelia¬ÛÄ~¨ì¹F,½ü¨ì§ÚªGpart­ø´L¤ß±¾¦í¶É­p,³ºµMº|°Û¥ª,¯u«Y©êºp!!! ..........fficeffice" />





§@ªÌ: 999    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 19:39

­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 17:40 µoªí   So you were the "»ÉÆrÆWÅK¸ô999" on that night?   Waiting for you to comment on no.1 ¤¸¦Ñ o¬J icon , no need to rush, but ~ §ÖD°Õ!


§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 19:48

­ì©«¥Ñ 999 ©ó 10-3-2008 19:35 µoªí ¡K¡K¡K. ­ì¨Ó¯u¤HÅé§Î»P¨ä¬x«GÁn­µ¦¨¤F¤Ï¤ñ¡K¡K­ì¨Ó³o´N¬O¶Ç»¡¤¤ªºªF¥[¨§©j¤F¡K.¯u¬O¦Ê»D¤£¦p¤@¨£¡K..ªF¥[¨§¯u«Y¤ñ­±¨Ó°Ñ¥[,­ì¨ÓÊ\¦n¤Ö¥X¨Ó°ÛK,§ó¤£¶Þºq³ïºt°Û¡K.§Ú·íµM°¨¤W¦R­÷,¥ß¨è­n¨D¦X°Û¤@¦±,¥i±¤ªF¥[¨§ ...


wa... "¦R­÷"2¦r¯u«Y¥Î±o§®, §ÚçÜÉN´X¦h¤Ü¹s·³«á¥Í¥JÃÑDËÝ嘅¨å¬G (¥]¬AªG¤é¥X®uªG¦ì888), ©Ò¥H§A³y¦¨§Ú¦³«äı¥¢½Õ, ¥´ºò¦rªº999 À³该¤´µM¬O­ì¨ÓªG¦ì¤£­¹¤H¶¡·Ï¤õ, ¼ôŪ4书5¸gªº¥Õ¾v¦Ñ¹Dªø

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 19:51 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: 999    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 20:03

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 19:48 µoªí   wa... "¦R­÷"2¦r¯u«Y¥Î±o§®, §ÚçÜÉN´X¦h¤Ü¹s·³«á¥Í¥JÃÑDËÝ嘅¨å¬G (¥]¬AªG¤é¥X®uªG¦ì888), ©Ò¥H§A³y¦¨§Ú¦³«äı¥¢½Õ, ¥´ºò¦rªº999 À³该¤´µM¬O­ì¨ÓªG¦ì¤£­¹¤H¶¡·Ï¤õ, ¼ôŪ4书5¸gªº¥Õ ...


§@ªÌ: kitsir935    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 20:11

§Ú¦P¸Û¥J¤@¼Ëµ¥¥ª¥§­ÓPost¦n­@¡A¥i±¤·í¤é¦£¦Ò¸Õ¡A¥¼¯à¥X®u ¦ýڻ½§Ao¦aD¤À¨É³£«l¶}¤ß¡I§Úo©À·í¤é¦pªG§Ú¨Ó¨ì¡AÅ¥¦U¤jºq¯«¤Ñ¦Zªº°Û¥\¡A¤S¦³¬ü­¹+¨â¦ì¯º¦K§U°}(¶W¤H&999¥S)¡A¤@©w§CÚ»¹L­»´ä¥ô¦ó¤@­Óºt°Û·|©ÎTake Show ¡C¤U¦¸¤@©w­nJoin ¥§­ÓParty! ¥çÁÂÁÂar_wooªº¤£Ãã³Ò­W¡A¬°¤j®a©Ò°µªº¤@¤Á

§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 20:22

­ì©«¥Ñ kitsir935 ©ó 10-3-2008 20:11 µoªí §Ú¦P¸Û¥J¤@¼Ëµ¥¥ª¥§­ÓPost¦n­@¡A¥i±¤·í¤é¦£¦Ò¸Õ¡A¥¼¯à¥X®u ¦ýڻ½§Ao¦aD¤À¨É³£«l¶}¤ß¡I§Úo©À·í¤é¦pªG§Ú¨Ó¨ì¡AÅ¥¦U¤jºq¯«¤Ñ¦Zªº°Û¥\¡A¤S¦³¬ü­¹+¨â¦ì¯º¦K§U°}(¶W¤H&999¥S)¡A¤@©w§CÚ»¹L­»´ä¥ô¦ó¤@­Óºt°Û·|©ÎTake S ...


ÉA»¡¸Ü, §Ú¬Ooldcake¤W·¥¤Ö¼Æ¦³©¯±o¨£¥ÕŽ¦Ñ¹Dªø999¯u¨­ªº¤H  ¤S¥i¥HÅ¥¨ìªF¥[¨§°Ûlive, ©O­Ó¬¡°Ê©è·d¤X!


ªG¤é999¥S¦n»°, ±o20¤ÀÄÁ­¹±ß¶º+°ÛK, ¥¼¦³®É¶¡µo´§¨ä·d¯º¯«¥\!

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 20:27 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 20:32

­ì©«¥Ñ 999 ©ó 10-3-2008 20:03 µoªí Å¥ªF¥[¨§¯u«Y­n"¦R­÷"Å¥§Ú°Û´N·|ËÝ:


999¦¹¹Ï©Ò¥Ü, ¤D¦Ñ¹Dªø¯º¬Ý¤j¤d¥@¬É¤§¯«ºA¤]


¼Q¤û¨Å¨Ïµe¤¤¤H变¯u, ¤D¥P®aªk³N¤§¤@ºØ 





[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 23:24 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: Shiawase    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 20:37

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 18:28 µoªí   ¦h, ¥i¥H¥Î¤é¥»ºq¬P¦W¦r´zºq, ¦ý¤ñ¸ûoldcake.


ar_woo ¥S, do you know if there is any Mitsuko Horie's (Ô³¦¿ ¬ü³£¤l) songs you can select at that Karaoke place that u guys went to?  

§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 20:38

­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 20:37 µoªí   ar_woo ¥S, do you know if there is any Mitsuko Horie's (Ô³¦¿ ¬ü³£¤l) songs you can select at that Karaoke place that u guys went to?  


I dunno, will check for you next time I go there. So how many Ô³¦¿ ¬ü³£¤l songs can u sing?

§@ªÌ: Shiawase    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 20:40

­ì©«¥Ñ 999 ©ó 10-3-2008 19:39 µoªí «Y¦èÆWªeÅK¸ô999¦Ü¯u!!!


why ¦èÆWªe, not causeway bay (where the karaoke place is)?  

~ because u live in ¦èÆWªe?

§@ªÌ: Shiawase    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 20:44

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 20:38 µoªí   I dunno, will check for you next time I go there. So how many Ô³¦¿ ¬ü³£¤l songs can u sing?


Thanks 4 checking 4 me  


I love singing her songs ~ can probably only sing about 3 of her songs , but I think I am not as good as you in terms of memorizing the lyrics of Japanese songs, so a lot of the lyrics were "made-up" when I sing (ha ha), so better not let any Japanese (or Athena) hear me sing, ha ha ha, it would be so embarrassing!



[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 20:45 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 20:47

­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 20:44 µoªí   Thanks 4 checking 4 me     I love singing her songs ~ can probably only sing about 3 of her songs , but I think I am not as good as you in terms of memorizing the& ...


Haha, sometimes I forget and have to improvise too. That's one reason I got so excited finding those CHinese versions of Nakamura Masatoshi's songs

§@ªÌ: Shiawase    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 20:50

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 20:47 µoªí   Haha, sometimes I forget and have to improvise too. That's one reason I got so excited finding those CHinese versions of Nakamura Masatoshi's songs


I like the word "improvise"   (sounds much better )



§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 20:52

­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 20:50 µoªí   I like the word "improvise"   (sounds much better )    


a.k.a. "BS your way through"

§@ªÌ: Shiawase    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 20:57

Just a general question about "K-Buffet" ~ as I have never been to one before


Just wondering what it's like? 

What's the food quality like? (~like most decent buffet type of food?)

I guess people will be quite busy during the few hours in there ~ as they will be busy: eating/drinking, going outside to get food, chatting, choosing songs, listening to friend's sing or singing themselves, going outside to get more food, toilet break etc   


[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 20:59 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: Shiawase    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 20:58

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 20:52 µoªí   a.k.a. "BS your way through"



§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 21:02

­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 20:57 µoªí Just a general question about "K-Buffet" ~ as I have never been to one before   Just wondering what it's like?  What's the food quality like? (~like most decent buffet type ...


the buffet is outside the rooms, in a common area. Several sections/ tables: hot pot (many electric heaters & you cook your own stuff), sushi/sashimi (served by someone), regular Chinese/ western food, roast duck (sometimes), fruit tea (served), prime rib/ roast (served), dessert table, soup, etc. Not as fancy as a hotel buffet but not bad at all in my opinion.


You take the food & drink back to the room and eat while your friends sing... Also 2 drinks (non-alcoholic) included per person.  


The buffet hours are 6:30pm - 10pm only. But the singing went on beyond these hours of course. Normally they say that they can only give you the room for 3 hours, but usually it's not fully booked so you can stay for several hours longer (but no more buffet).

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 21:05 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: Shiawase    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 21:09

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 21:02 µoªí   the buffet is outside the rooms, in a common area. Several sections/ tables: hot pot (many electric heaters & you cook your own stuff), sushi/sashimi (served by someone), regular Chine ...


Thanks for the info

Sounds good, lots of varieties of food   (~ reading that makes me feel a bit hungry now )

You guys should do that more often , sounds fun


§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 21:11

­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 21:09 µoªí   Thanks for the info Sounds good, lots of varieties of food   (~ reading that makes me feel a bit hungry now ) You guys should do that more often , sounds fun  


That sounds very familiar  Do you always starve yourself or something?   

§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 21:13

Oh, celia justed logged on, hey celia, Shiawase was wondering if you could send her a picture of you & ultraman bro at the K-buffet?
§@ªÌ: Shiawase    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 21:17

I need to GO GO GO now

~ will check Celia's reply later

Bye now everyone

§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 21:24

­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 21:17 µoªí I need to GO GO GO now ~ will check Celia's reply later Bye now everyone


ok, bye!

§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 21:37

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 21:13 µoªí Oh, celia justed logged on, hey celia, Shiawase was wondering if you could send her a picture of you & ultraman bro at the K-buffet? & ultraman bro ??¦ý«Y...¦n¦üÉN²b«Y§Ú¦a¨â­Ó¤H­Ówor ¥þ®alook´N¦³¤@±i,ar_woo±z³£¦³¥÷¬[

§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 21:44

­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 21:17 µoªí I need to GO GO GO now ~ will check Celia's reply later Bye now everyone


Hello~~~Shiawase,Bye bye Shiawase~~




see you later ar~~¦n¶}¤ß~~~ 


§@ªÌ: wwl36    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 21:51

¤p§Ì Miss 咗­Ó Topic Tim . ÁÙ°O±o¼v咗¬Û, ©çVideo¬[, «Y­ø«Y¥[¤u¤¤  ?
§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 22:07

­ì©«¥Ñ 999 ©ó 10-3-2008 13:07 µoªí   ¨º¤@­Ó±ß¤W¬ù©w¤F6:00,¨ä¹ê嗰¤é§Ú¢´ÂI¥b´N¨ì¥ª,­øª¾«Y«§¤ßºA,¦]­n¦­°h©Ò¥H¦­¨ì? §¤o¦Vlobbyµ¥......¦A§¤¤@·|....Ãh着«H¤ß,µL¨¥¦aµ¥....for me³o¥i¯à¬O­Ó´X¤Q¤À鈡ªº»E会.. ...


«¢«¢«¢....¯u«Y¨ØªA999,¼g¨ìËÝÅͯº ±z¦³­W°J¤j®a¤SÂI·|©Ç±z






¨ä¹ê§Ú¸ò¦í''±a©Ð''ªG¦ì­ô­ô,±Àªù¤J¥hªG¤@¨è§Ú­Ó¤ß´X¥G­n¶^¥X¾¤ËÝÀÙ ¤J¨ì¥h§Ú¨ä¹ê¯u«Y¦³D¤£ª¾©Ò±¹

§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 22:09

­ì©«¥Ñ wwl36 ©ó 10-3-2008 21:51 µoªí ¤p§Ì Miss 咗­Ó Topic Tim . ÁÙ°O±o¼v咗¬Û, ©çVideo¬[, «Y­ø«Y¥[¤u¤¤  ?



§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 22:24

­ì©«¥Ñ 999 ©ó 10-3-2008 13:21 µoªí   «¢«¢«¢!celia§A¥ý¦Ü«Y³ÌÃÑÁ¿¯ºoªG¦ì.......... ËݤS«Yo¬J,§A¦a¥ý±oªG¤Q¹s¤Ü·³,Ëݧڱð«Y¥u¦³¤Ü¥O·³¥Jla!! ¤µ´ÂÚ»§¹D­Ó©«,¤ß±¡¤£¿ù°Ú!!    oªG­Ó'¥O'¦r¤µ¤é§Ú¤~ª¾¥¦ªº·N«ä!







§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 22:39

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 13:48 µoªí   wa, ­ì¨ÓªG¤é¥O999¥S¤[µ¥, sorry sorry...   ¨ä实ªG¤é5:40pm ¤w¥h¨ìCWB, ¦ý¦]¬°·Q©O­Ó²±会¦³"¹Ï¤å¨Ã­Z"ªº³ø§i, ar_woo专µn¨«¥hªþªñªº¹q¾¹©±¶R³¡ hard-disk video camera. ...


¦n¸Ô²Ó¬J³ø§i ¦nºëªö~




¦n¥i±¤video cameraªG¤éÉN¾÷·|¥Î±oµÛ,¦pªG­ø«Y...keke.... §Ú¥i¥HÀ°±z¦a¿ý§C±z¦a³Ì°ÊÅ¥¬J¨C¤@part haha....

§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 22:43

­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 10-3-2008 22:39 µoªí   ¦n¸Ô²Ó¬J³ø§i ¦nºëªö~   ­ì¨Óar_woo¦P999«Y§Ú¦a¥¼¾¤¨ì¤§«e¤w¸gµo¥Í¥ªËݦh¨Æ   ¦n¥i±¤video cameraªG¤éÉN¾÷·|¥Î±oµÛ,¦pªG­ø«Y...keke.... §Ú¥i¥HÀ°±z¦a¿ý§C±z¦a³Ì°ÊÅ¥¬J¨C¤@part ha ...


­ø¦n¶ÃËÝÂ\¤Wºô  "I admit that most of those Nakamura songs that night were sung by me. But those videos are very private"   "they were never intended to be shown to anyone"

§@ªÌ: ¬B¹ê¤°²ß¯¶¬µ¶°    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 22:43

Is that possible next time some gou make a small video clip and post it to Oldcake ?

But I don't know if it is ok to toby or not ...

§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 22:45

­ì©«¥Ñ ©_«L2007 ©ó 10-3-2008 14:49 µoªí   ·í¤é­nOT©â­ø¨ì¨­¥X¾¤.§Æ±æ¤U¦¸¦³¾÷·|¦P¤j®a»E吓








§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 22:53

­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 10-3-2008 22:07 µoªí   «¢«¢«¢....¯u«Y¨ØªA999,¼g¨ìËÝÅͯº ±z¦³­W°J¤j®a¤SÂI·|©Ç±z   ­ì¨Ó999Ëݦ­´N¨ì¥ªhaha....¤ß±¡¥ò¦n......¦n¦ü§¤­ø¦w­¹­ø¸¨ËݤW¤W¸¨¸¨   µ¥¤H©O­Ó¸gÅç§Ú³£¦³¸Õ¹L,§¹¥þ«Y¦n¦ü±z§Î®e¬J ... 

¨ä¹ê§Ú¸ò¦í''±a©Ð''ªG¦ì­ô­ô,±Àªù¤J¥hªG¤@¨è§Ú­Ó¤ß´X¥G­n¶^¥X¾¤ËÝÀÙ ¤J¨ì¥h§Ú¨ä¹ê¯u«Y¦³D¤£ª¾©Ò±¹


§AÅ妳´X±ø«ù¤M¤jº~响«×, ¸ò¦í­¢§A¶¼D¤£ª¾¦W"¶¼®Æ"?



§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 22:53

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 22:43 µoªí   ­ø¦n¶ÃËÝÂ\¤Wºô  "I admit that most of those Nakamura songs that night were sung by me. But those videos are very private"   "they were never intended to be shown to anyone"


Kaka~~Edison woo ±z¥i¥H©ñ¤ß §Ú¦a­ø«Y¤p¤H



§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 22:56

­ì©«¥Ñ ¬B¹ê¤°²ß¯¶¬µ¶° ©ó 10-3-2008 22:43 µoªí Is that possible next time some gou make a small video clip and post it to Oldcake ? But I don't know if it is ok to toby or not ...



§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 23:00

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 22:53 µoªí   §AÅ妳´X±ø«ù¤M¤jº~响«×, ¸ò¦í­¢§A¶¼D¤£ª¾¦W"¶¼®Æ"?    





§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 23:03

­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 10-3-2008 23:00 µoªí   §Ú¤SÉNçܨì©OD..haha....   "¶¼®Æ"À³¸Ó­ø·|¤ÓÅå....''¿üÁT''§Ú·|ÅåD      


  ­ø©Ç¤§±o§AªG±ß³£ÉNÉA''¿üÁT''Ëݺ¢, ÁTbuffet¤ÓÂ×´IÚ»¨ìº¢咗

§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 23:05

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 15:29 µoªí Ä~Äò..   ar_woo ¦^ÀY¤@¬Ý, ²´«eªº999³º¬O¤@¦ì¦~¤Ö­^«T, ©x¥J°©°©, (¥H¥~»ª¬Ý)27,8·³¥ª¥kªº´µ¤å¦~«C¤H, §¹¥þÉN¦Ñ¹D¤h/¦Ñ®t°© feel  (¥ç´¿¸g¦³¤H(¬Y¸ê²`oldcake ·|­û)ÃhºÃ¹L999«Y¬Y¦ì60¦~¥N°h¥ðµØ±´ ...





§@ªÌ: 999    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 23:09

­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 20:40 µoªí   why ¦èÆWªe, not causeway bay (where the karaoke place is)?   ~ because u live in ¦èÆWªe?



§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 23:12

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 23:03 µoªí     ­ø©Ç¤§±o§AªG±ß³£ÉNÉA''¿üÁT''Ëݺ¢, ÁTbuffet¤ÓÂ×´IÚ»¨ìº¢咗


«Y¬[ ªG±ß¨£¨ìD''ÁT''¬J¥÷¶q³£´X¤j¤U,©Ò¥H¥¼­¹¤w¸gÀÙ¥ª¥ý



§@ªÌ: ar_woo    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 23:19

­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 10-3-2008 23:12 µoªí   «Y¬[ ªG±ß¨£¨ìD''ÁT''¬J¥÷¶q³£´X¤j¤U,©Ò¥H¥¼­¹¤w¸gÀÙ¥ª¥ý   ¹¡¹¡§r,''¿ü''­ø¸¨Law



§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 23:20

­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 15:41 µoªí   ¼M¼M¼M!   ¦n¶}¤ßÚ»­Ë§A¦a D "Fun" ¨É ah!   Thank you everyone for your sharing   ¼M, this time you guys have 3 new "faces" joining the "" gat ...












§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 23:27

­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 10-3-2008 23:19 µoªí   §A«Y§d«Y¤ñ¸û¤¤·N¿ü¦Û嘅µN嘅''ÁT''


¤@®É®É°Õ.... ¦³®É¿ü¤U¦Û嘅µN嘅''ÁT'' ¦³®É¿ü¤U¥X­±µN嘅''ÁT''


¤£¹L¦n¦üı±o¦Û嘅µN嘅''ÁT'' ÉN¤H¦aªGD''ÁT''ËÝ­»

§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 23:29

­ì©«¥Ñ adamying ©ó 10-3-2008 15:43 µoªí Ú»§A¦a³£ª±±o¦n¶}¤ß, §Æ±æ¤U¦¸§Ú¤u§@¤W­ø·|¦A§«Ãª§Ú¥X®u´N¦n¤F.


ÀH®É³£Åwªï¬[  adamying¹ï°Êº©¬J»{Ãѳ£¦n¼s

§@ªÌ: 999    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 23:31

­ì©«¥Ñ Áo¬¥¦hÂĤñ ©ó 10-3-2008 18:45 µoªí ª±±o¶}¤ß... ¥i±¤µL¥÷...  



¦pªGÉN¥hD¦¸K-buffet¯u«Y·|²×¥Í¿ò¾Ñ,¦ý¦n¦ü§ÚËÝ¥h¥ª¤S¦­¨«o¬J¯u«Y¤S¦³D¿ò¾Ñ²×¥Íªº·Pı¡K..¯u¥i±¤ÉN¥þµ{°Ñ»P!!!!¤]´Á±æ¤U¦¸¨£¨ì¤j®a!!!fficeffice" />


§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 23:32

­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 15:47 µoªí   999¥SÁ¿±o¦n°­Åͯº

­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 15:52 µoªí   It's so funny just reading what you guys wrote , ¯u«Y¦n°­Åͯº!   



§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 23:39

­ì©«¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 10-3-2008 15:56 µoªí Did celia & ¶W¤H¥S§Ì ¦X°Û§r?



§@ªÌ: ©_«L2007    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 23:45

­ì©«¥Ñ 999 ©ó 10-3-2008 23:31 µoªí   Coffee¥S,tnd1964¥S,¥Ú§@¥S,©_«L¥S,adamying,¨Ç¨Ç©j©j,¤j­ô¸Û,¤ñÂÄ¥S,¤Q¥S,kitsirµ¥¦P®I¦U¦Ñ»æ,©¾§i¤@¥y: ¦pªGÉN¥hD¦¸K-buffet¯u«Y·|²×¥Í¿ò¾Ñ,¦ý¦n¦ü§ÚËÝ¥h¥ª¤S¦­¨«o¬J¯u«Y¤S¦³D¿ò¾Ñ²×¥Íªº·Pı¡K.. ...


ok ¤U¦¸¤@©w°Ñ¥[»E·|

§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 23:48

­ì©«¥Ñ 999 ©ó 10-3-2008 16:44 µoªí     ..............ar_woo ¦^ÀY¤@¬Ý, 999²´«eªº³º¬O¤@­Ó­·«×½¡½¡,»öºA¸U¤do¬J¡¨¦yÀYÅÁ¡¨(gentleman),Áö°ª¤j«Â²r,¦ý»¡¸Ü±l±l¦³礼,¤â©â¦í¤@³U¡K¡K¡K..­ø³q¤µ±ß¦³¼ú«~¡K¡K..ËݧڤS§ï变 ...


999¯u«Y¦n Celia¡I 




§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 23:55

­ì©«¥Ñ ªü¸Û ©ó 10-3-2008 18:06 µoªí §Úµ¥¥ª¨Ì­Ótopic´X­@!!!!!¥ò¥H¬°§A¦a­øÁ¿....




¦n·Q¨£¤U¸Û¥Jyoung cake young ¦¨ÂIhaha....



§@ªÌ: celia    ®É¶¡: 10-3-2008 23:59

­ì©«¥Ñ Áo¬¥¦hÂĤñ ©ó 10-3-2008 18:45 µoªí ª±±o¶}¤ß... ¥i±¤µL¥÷...  


¨Ó¤é¤èªø§rPizza§Ì§Ì~~«YÅå§Úµ¥­ø¨ì©j Á¿¯º~~oªö~

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