Eva figure
呢對角色(淩波麗 and 的日香 )真係出鬫n多好多figure.......有吏以來相信最多o既一對之一 何解??!非常受歡迎??!不見得!
原帖由 超人兄弟 於 2-11-2007 21:51 發表 呢對角色(淩波麗 and 的日香 )真係出鰦好多好多figure.......有吏以來相信最多o既一對之一 何解??!非常受歡迎??!不見得!
呢對角色(淩波麗 and 的日香 ).......[/
(淩波麗 and 的日香)
------------------------------- 係明日香先 !
a shing bro 你鍾意他們嗎?!如果鍾意......鍾意佢o地D乜??!分享......
原帖由 超人兄弟 於 3-11-2007 10:59 發表 我想知受歡迎在邊度law....面相討好?!有性格?!background?!日本仔迷佢o地D乜??! a shing bro 你鍾意他們嗎?!如果鍾意......鍾意佢o地D乜??!分享纒......
I guess it's becoz 淩波麗 is so cool (i.e. doesn't talk much, seems to have no human feelings, etc etc, yet so pretty ) in the show that so many man fantasize about her in a sexier mode. So they want to "own" her
Many years ago I met a girl who looks like 淩波麗. Also very cool.
[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 3-11-2007 12:16 編輯 ]非筆墨可以形容
I guess it's becoz 淩波麗 is so cool (i.e. doesn't talk much, seems to have no human feelings, etc etc, yet so pretty ) in the show that so many man fantasize about her in a more sexy mode. So they want to "own" her
Many years ago I met a girl who looks like 淩波麗. Also very cool.
i agree 淩波麗 is so cool .....but not my cup of tea....比較起上o黎...我喜歡明日香多少少.......
日本仔鍾意由一D普通造型轉去做sex type...
萌 = ?
sorry I'm oldcake and don't understand some youngcake language
原帖由 ar_woo 於 3-11-2007 12:16 發表 萌 = ? sorry I'm oldcake and don't understand some youngcake language
原帖由 阿誠 於 3-11-2007 12:34 發表 我就係驚彈依啲你地唔明既字http://format-acg.org/anime/forum/moe_service.html
ic ic... thank you for educating us today
萌 = "看到美少女角色時,產生一種熱血沸騰的精神狀態。... 一種網路黑語"
in my own "words" it is
(how do you pronounce it? As usual, i.e. "盟"?)
[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 3-11-2007 12:43 編輯 ]當然不是我影!
原帖由 ar_woo 於 3-11-2007 11:24 發表 I guess it's becoz 淩波麗 is so cool (i.e. doesn't talk much, seems to have no human feelings, etc etc, yet so pretty ) in the show that so many man fantasize about her in a sexier mod ...
yes ! i agree.
原帖由 ar_woo 於 3-11-2007 12:42 發表 ic ic... thank you for educating us today 萌 = "看到美少女角色時,產生一種熱血沸騰的精神狀態。... 一種網路黑語" in my own "words" it is (how do you prono ...
' 萌 ' 這個日語漢字其他意思有 '可愛' '喜歡' 之意..日語讀做 ' moe~ '
這字應在這幾年於レ流行......日本的otaku( 御宅族/ACG)所常用!!
現時很多日本明星也常用這 ' 萌 meo~ ' 字.....他們怕 out!!
萌 = "看到美少女角色時,產生一種熱血沸騰的精神狀態。... 一種網路黑語"
in my own "words" it is
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