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標題: 2007815 老餅飯局 Part 2 後記 [打印本頁]

作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 16:49     標題: 2007815 老餅飯局 Part 2 後記

上次老餅飯局中, kitsirar_woo發現大家原來識同一個人:TM(知名玩具收藏家, ar_woo的小學同學), TM在其全盛時期, 曾經儲齊呈全個GA-PA-系列的超合金, 好多仲一款有幾盒, 有一盒完美的, 仲有大量大膠連盒在家中一字排, 令人歎觀止! 所以今次就由上次原班人馬(money及種馬兄事忙未能出席)TM會面吹下水. 


(sorry, for some reason when I cut-&-paste the whole text I typed in Word, the site says it's too long & I dunno how to fix it... so need to paste it as several pieces)


(the problem becomes obvious when I look at the DIscuz! code: some simple text is actually so messy:


"MingLiU">開</SPAN><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: MingLiU; mso-fareast-language: ZH-TW; mso-fareast-font-family: 'MS Mincho'; mso-bidi-font-family: MingLiU">, </SPAN><SPAN lang=ZH-TW style="FONT-FAMILY: 'MS Mincho'; mso-ascii-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-hansi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-language: ZH-TW">令人歎</SPAN><SPAN lang=ZH-TW style="FONT-FAMILY: MingLiU; mso-fareast-language: ZH-TW; mso-bidi-font-family: MingLiU">為</SPAN><SPAN lang=ZH-TW style="FONT-FAMILY: 'MS Mincho'; mso-ascii-font-family: MingLiU; mso-hansi-font-family: MingLiU; mso-fareast-language: ZH-TW; mso-bidi-font-family: MingLiU">觀止....)"

[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 17:02 編輯 ]
作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 16:50

Kitsir, ar_woo,, TM 4人於7:40pm在灣仔會合後, 上去合和中心某中菜館, 51, 然後就開始愉快地交流心得:kitsirTM講番佢地在日元5算當年,京掃超合金的經驗, 原來有D鋪頭老板會鋪出一塊絨布, 戴上白手套, 先至開D超合金比個客睇, 好似賣鑽石大陣仗... 又講番佢地都識的一D玩具鋪老板, 例如以前宿個亞Luk(?)等等.. TM10年前都同人夾份, kitsir幫襯, 所以見過TM! [ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 16:53 編輯 ]
作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 16:51

就講番D經典模型, 同埋可能復刻奇電腦單車(但後來响oldcake上証實似乎唔會..失望..), 以及大家有DVCD...伏魔三劍:TM6, kitsir有大(其他oldcake有中間果D?), 等等.

fumoon兄問了TM 以前海運Peter Pan所在, 都唔完全記得, 話大在現今GigaSports樓上(2/F)同偉利一層, 不同地段, 偉利D; 同埋以前海運里面各地段是以香港各地方(例如大嶼山”)命名的(oldcake記得此事?)

[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 18:17 編輯 ]
作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 16:54

不知不覺2小時愉快而充實地去了,在飯局尾聲kitsir啱收的一隻中古V型合金我地睇,準備用再次施展返老還童奇技(期待kitsir神工!) 我就帶V3通訊器比大家玩下(龍兄:問過個老板, 話都暫時唔番第二隻了,可以上網抄下有, 映會員特版之類), 影埋幅相比大家一齊happy.其實都仲有不少其他話題, 例如我地曾談論到miss c (TM ), fumoon, shiawase, celia, inabottle等等, 不過只手写板實在太慢, 無法一一細..

后我記起TM同奇兩個都係Beyond D fans, 又多一樣.


令人遺憾的是光臨指導, 希望下次可以改變個局面



作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 16:58

shiawase & celia: 你地D畫好正呀! 大鳥島基地, 好怀念呀
作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 17:08

嘩! Thank you ar_woo分享你地在老餅飯局 Part 2 d 開心事 & photo!   It's great to hear that you guys had a very 盡興的一晚


Thanks also for showing the "真藏" (ie. your toys) in the photo too

作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 17:10

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 16:58 發表 shiawase & celia: 你地D畫好正呀! 大鳥島基地, 好怀念呀


mine was just 獻醜 lah

作者: celia    時間: 16-8-2007 17:31

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 16:58 發表 shiawase & celia: 你地D畫好正呀! 大鳥島基地, 好怀念呀


多謝ar_woo 您唔講我都唔知果個叫大鳥島基地 您個V3通訊器都好搶眼













作者: inabottle    時間: 16-8-2007 18:09



ar_woo件衫好襯V3... Shiawase流口水至真



作者: inabottle    時間: 16-8-2007 18:22

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 16:54 發表 不知不覺2小時愉快而充實地過去了,在飯局尾聲kitsir比咗佢啱啱收番嚟的一隻中古V型合金我地睇,準備用嚟再次施展佢嘅”返老還童”奇技(期待睇kitsir神工!) 我就帶咗隻 ...


阿ar_woo努力呀 ! (ar_woo你諗緊咩呢? 咩努力呢...)


1) 見你用手寫板打中文, 小樽非常感動, 打咗幾耐? 辛苦哂! 繼續努力! 加油!


2) TM識miss c ~ 努力呀ar_woo!!!


3) ...你諗到咩呢?

作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 18:27

原帖由 inabottle 於 16-8-2007 18:22 發表   阿ar_woo努力呀 ! (ar_woo你諗緊咩呢? 咩努力呢...)   1) 見你用手寫板打中文, 小樽非常感動, 打咗幾耐? 辛苦哂! 繼續努力! 加油!   2) TM識miss c ~ 努力呀ar_woo!!!   ...


多謝鼓勵! 打咗有成粒鐘!


TM係始作俑者, I mean 經佢我先至會識miss c


你係咪認為我應該下次揾miss c 幫我打中文 ? 算吧啦... 幾年冇聯络la! she's history!

作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 18:33

原帖由 celia 於 16-8-2007 17:31 發表    ...仲有阿奇俠著到咁''士正',inabottle有冇睇到流口水?









ha ha, 係 wor, 奇俠"執"''士正' wor

講到指導...I actually know nothing ah, 我 mud 都唔識 ga, Celia & inabottle 姐 d 智識我多好好好多



作者: inabottle    時間: 16-8-2007 18:34

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 18:27 發表   多謝鼓勵! 打咗有成粒鐘!   TM係始作俑者, I mean 經佢我先至會識miss c   你係咪認為我應該下次揾miss c 幫我打中文 ? 算吧啦... 幾年冇聯络la! she's history!


嘩...知唔知我真係想緊你寫既一半 ...你係咪認為我應該下次揾miss c...


後一半係 ... 好似TM敘舊咁出黎吃個飯? ...

作者: inabottle    時間: 16-8-2007 18:37

原帖由 Shiawase 於 16-8-2007 18:33 發表   ha ha, 係 wor, 奇俠"執"得好''士正' wor 講到指導...I actually know nothing ah, 我 mud 都唔識 ga, Celia & inabottle 姐 d 智識俾我多好好好多    


撇開小樽係咪有知識/姿色 ... shiawase一定係ar_woo同fumoon同埋小樽心中係好kawaii

作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 18:38

原帖由 inabottle 於 16-8-2007 18:09 發表  多謝分享!   ar_woo件衫好襯V3... Shiawase流口水至真    


inabottle 腦根轉得好鬼快...明明Celia係講僅你, 但你又"tall" 埋我落水

作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 18:39

原帖由 inabottle 於 16-8-2007 18:34 發表   嘩...知唔知我真係想緊你寫既一半 ...你係咪認為我應該下次揾miss c...   後一半係 ... 好似TM敘舊咁出黎吃個飯? ...


多謝关心! (終於估啱一次 ) 但小弟較怕瘀! 同埋若非在此網提起, 早已不想她! 過去的由它過去, cut loss...


仲有miss c 不知V型為何物... 扣分 !

[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 18:41 編輯 ]
作者: inabottle    時間: 16-8-2007 18:40

原帖由 Shiawase 於 16-8-2007 18:38 發表   inabottle 腦根轉得好鬼快...明明Celia係講僅你, 但你又"tall" 埋我落水


你一出現, 無理由ar_woo唔出架...ar_woo一定係度打中文字


shiawase點計你先係主角  kawaii shiawase

作者: 999    時間: 16-8-2007 18:40

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 16:54 發表 不知不覺2小時愉快而充實地過去了,在飯局尾聲kitsir比咗佢啱啱收番嚟的一隻中古V型合金我地睇,準備用嚟再次施展佢嘅”返老還童”奇技(期待睇kitsir神工!) 我就帶咗隻 ...




T.M. kitsir都有好野分享wor!!



作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 18:40

原帖由 inabottle 於 16-8-2007 18:37 發表   撇開小樽係咪有知識/姿色 ... shiawase一定係ar_woo同fumoon同埋小樽心中係好kawaii


ha ha, 係 "Shiawase" , 無話係 "kawaii"

作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 18:43

原帖由 inabottle 於 16-8-2007 18:37 發表   撇開小樽係咪有知識/姿色 ... shiawase一定係ar_woo同fumoon同埋小樽心中係好kawaii


I know 小樽係有知識 & 姿色 (....well at least I know her glasses have many 色, as she did mention that she changes her glasses every now & then, 3 different colours or something like that!! )

作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 18:43

原帖由 999 於 16-8-2007 18:40 發表   ar_woo兄成set襯絕全城奇俠兄斯斯文文,風度翩翩 T.M. kitsir都有好野分享wor!! 但各兄台要注意!閤下的膚色雖然變白了,但臉型越來越長方了!  



作者: inabottle    時間: 16-8-2007 18:44

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 18:39 發表   多謝关心! (終於估啱一次 ) 但小弟較怕瘀! 同埋若非在此網提起, 早已不想她! 過去的由它過去, cut loss...   仲有miss c 不知V型為何物... 扣分 !


cut loss ~ cut既話, 埋單真係loss喎...唔cut都仲有得博反彈有賺. 祟人好易!

作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 18:46

原帖由 inabottle 於 16-8-2007 18:40 發表   你一出現, 無理由ar_woo唔出架...ar_woo一定係度打中文字   shiawase點計你先係主角  kawaii shiawase


"主角"?! 唔係掛?!    (好驚 )

作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 18:47

原帖由 inabottle 於 16-8-2007 18:37 發表   撇開小樽係咪有知識/姿色 ... shiawase一定係ar_woo同fumoon同埋小樽心中係好kawaii


haha, 三位都咁謙, 其實你地係ar_woo (& fumoon maybe?) 心目中的開心少女组

作者: inabottle    時間: 16-8-2007 18:49

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 18:47 發表   haha, 三位都咁謙, 其實你地係ar_woo (& fumoon maybe?) 心目中的開心少女组



作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 18:52

原帖由 inabottle 於 16-8-2007 18:49 發表   shiawase離線...


homepage shows she's here wor... sometimes those online/offline signals aren't accurate when you have logged on/off from another computer

作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 18:56

原帖由 inabottle 於 16-8-2007 18:49 發表   shiawase離線...


not 離線, it's "線"

[ 本帖最後由 Shiawase 於 16-8-2007 19:01 編輯 ]
作者: inabottle    時間: 16-8-2007 18:59

原帖由 Shiawase 於 16-8-2007 18:56 發表   not 離線, it's 痴線


係喎...明明係度, 又show離線

作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 19:00

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 18:47 發表   haha, 三位都咁謙, 其實你地係ar_woo (& fumoon maybe?) 心目中的開心少女组



作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 19:01

原帖由 inabottle 於 16-8-2007 18:59 發表   係喎...明明係度, 又show離線


hee hee, that's just to confuse you

作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 19:02

原帖由 inabottle 於 16-8-2007 18:59 發表   係喎...明明係度, 又show離線


possibly: she logged out from her work PC (so it shows 離線) , went home, now using her home PC which she never logged out from... or vice versa... anyway it's 4am in Vancouver and 7am in Toronto, unlikely for someone to be online.... her home town is a real mystery 

作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 19:04

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 19:02 發表   possibly: she logged out from her work PC (so it shows 離線) , went home, now using her home PC which she never logged out from... or vice versa... anyway it's 4am in Vancouver and 7am ...


ha ha, stop guessing lah, it's dinner time lah, go & get something nice to eat!!  Bye!

作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 19:05

原帖由 Shiawase 於 16-8-2007 19:00 發表    


Thanks! My favorite is Yuen Kit Ying ! How much resemblance  


Bye everyone! 

[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 19:08 編輯 ]
作者: toby    時間: 16-8-2007 20:38

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 19:02 發表   possibly: she logged out from her work PC (so it shows 離線) , went home, now using her home PC which she never logged out from... or vice versa... anyway it's 4am in Vancouver and 7am ...




定係你哋以為佢同fumoon 住埋左 ?!

(講笑喳,兩位唔好嬲... )

作者: toby    時間: 16-8-2007 20:43

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 16:49 發表 上次老餅飯局中, kitsir和ar_woo發現大家原來識同一個人:TM(知名玩具收藏家, ar_woo的小學同學), TM在其全盛時期, 曾經儲齊呈全個GA-同PA-系列的超合金, 好多仲一款有幾盒, 换餡换盒换到有一 ...


TM?! Toy Mania ?!

如果係佢,我都有同佢email 聯絡過,佢俾左好多關於以前的動漫同特撮資金我 ~~

多謝~~ !

作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 20:49

原帖由 toby 於 16-8-2007 20:43 發表   TM?! Toy Mania ?! 如果係佢,我都有同佢email 聯絡過,佢俾左好多關於以前的動漫同特撮資金我 ~~ 多謝~~ !


Hi Toby, he is not "Toy Mania" but TM has something to do with his name.

作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 20:50


原帖由 toby 於 16-8-2007 20:38 發表   意伊~~.... 乜Shiawase有話過佢响Canada咩??? 定係你哋以為佢同fumoon 住埋左 ?! (講笑喳,兩位唔好嬲... )


haha, my most recent guess is she lives in Japan

作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 20:53

原帖由 toby 於 16-8-2007 20:38 發表   意伊~~.... 乜Shiawase有話過佢响Canada咩??? 定係你哋以為佢同fumoon 住埋左 ?! (講笑喳,兩位唔好嬲... )


, 連Toby 兄都咁講呀

作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 20:54

原帖由 Shiawase 於 16-8-2007 20:53 發表   嘩, 連Toby 兄都咁講呀


Hi, ur back! How's your headache?

作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 20:55

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 19:05 發表   Thanks! My favorite is Yuen Kit Ying ! How much resemblance     Bye everyone! 


that drooling icon looks so familiar

作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 20:57

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 20:54 發表   Hi, ur back! How's your headache?


thanks for asking, took 2 panadols & stayed away from the computer for a few hours, so feeling a bit better lah...but now got addicted to again   ......headache may come back

作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 20:58

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 20:50 發表     haha, my most recent guess is she lives in Japan


just because my "name" is a Japanese name doesn't necessarily mean that I am living in Japan, ha ha

作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 20:59

原帖由 Shiawase 於 16-8-2007 20:55 發表   that drooling icon looks so familiar


always drooling and cleaning the keyboard, like mr. fxxxxn, hahaha


I think he might love to see this:


(check out the hotmail address there )

作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 21:04

原帖由 Shiawase 於 16-8-2007 20:57 發表   thanks for asking, took 2 panadols & stayed away from the computer for a few hours, so feeling a bit better lah...but now got addicted to again   ......headache m ...


here's a suggested remedy from inabottle

作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 21:11

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 20:59 發表   always drooling and cleaning the keyboard, like mr. fxxxxn, hahaha   I think he might love to see this:   (check out ...


Oh my goodness!!!   I just read that link and ...................that's NOT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (...that paragraph looks like a 徵婚 advertisement, and that person has the same "name" as me!?!?!?!?!?  I hope no one will think that the oldcake's Shiawase is that other person.....otherwise 我以后點"見人"

作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 21:12

原帖由 Shiawase 於 16-8-2007 21:11 發表   Oh my goodness!!!   I just read that link and ...................that's NOT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (...that paragraph looks like a 徵婚 advertisement, and that perso ...


don't worry la, someone born in the 80's could not possibly know about all these oldcake stuff, and I don't think you're from northern China... relax!


but you'd better tell fumoon not to "apply",  since that girl is not you

[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 21:14 編輯 ]
作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 21:15

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 21:12 發表   don't worry la, someone born in the 80's could not possibly know about all these oldcake stuff, and I don't think you're from northern China... relax!   but you'd better tell fu ...


a bit hard to relax tim

作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 21:18

原帖由 Shiawase 於 16-8-2007 21:15 發表   a bit hard to relax tim


sorry ar! just a joke & didn't mean to add to your headache....


no way that could be you, obviously, it's someone from the mainland who writes in simplified Chinese... no one knows who "shiawase" (the oldcake one) really is, anyway! There are tons of shiawase's on the net... RELAX....

作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 21:18

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 21:04 發表   here's a suggested remedy from inabottle


thanks for the link...but i don't have 寶礦力 at the moment, so can't try that method.....

......also I'll need to ask inabottle how much 寶礦力 to mix with how much 水 (1 比 99 ? )

作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 21:20

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 21:18 發表   sorry ar! just a joke.... no way that could be you, obviously someone from the mainland who writes in simplified Chinese... no one knows who "shiawase" (the oldcake one) really is ...


...ha ha, I know, 'shiawase' is a very common word or "nick name" anyway.....

作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 21:21

原帖由 Shiawase 於 16-8-2007 21:18 發表   thanks for the link...but i don't have 寶礦力 at the moment, so can't try that method..... ......also I'll need to ask inabottle how much 寶礦力 to mix with how much 水  ...


I'd just heat up the pokari directly to maximize its healing power... anyway, it's time to go, see you guys in a few hours! And hope that your headache will be gone very soon!

作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 21:23

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 21:21 發表   I'd just heat up the pokari directly to maximize its healing power... anyway, it's time to go, see you guys in a few hours! And hope that your headache will be gone very soon!


Thanks & talk to u next time!

作者: 奇俠2007    時間: 16-8-2007 22:10

話咁快老餅飯局 part2咁快又完結左.又要寫報告時侯了.

今次比part1更加投入.可能大家都見過一次面.新認識余教主也是開朗之人,非常友善,言談之間大家都係聽住beyond成長.仲記得beyond 3子第一張cd(2樓後座)係94年6月4日發行.認真心水清.KITSIR同教主暢談日本掃合金其實非常辛苦.並不是想像中這麼好玩.仲有每次WOO兄都有拎D珍品出黎.今次係V3頸飾,非常精細.


最後要多謝 WOO師兄KITSIR師兄.尋晚有D雨粉.WOO兄從灣仔地鐵店遮到我去合和中心.而走個陣到KITSIR遮我.(其實我個袋有把傘子.懶得用.)

今次真係絕無冷場.只歎時間匆匆.我真係唔想咁早走住.下午用手機 SEND 了短訊給 WOO同 KITSIR.希望8月份再搞多1次老餅飯局.希望教主也賞面出席.

作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 22:27

原帖由 奇俠2007 於 16-8-2007 22:10 發表 話咁快老餅飯局 part2咁快又完結左.又要寫報告時侯了. 今次比part1更加投入.可能大家都見過一次面.新認識余教主也是開朗之人,非常友善,言談之間大家都係聽住beyond成長.仲記得beyond 3子第一張cd(2樓後座)係94 ...


Thank you 奇俠 for your 老餅飯局 part2 "報告" , you guys are always very nice & 有心 to share your 老餅飯局

& 感想


(Hey 奇俠 , your mobile phone had enough battery this time? ha ha! )

作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 22:33

原帖由 奇俠2007 於 16-8-2007 22:10 發表 話咁快老餅飯局 part2咁快又完結左.又要寫報告時侯了. 今次比part1更加投入.可能大家都見過一次面.新認識余教主也是開朗之人,非常友善,言談之間大家都係聽住beyond成長.仲記得beyond 3子第一張cd(2樓後座)係94 ...


haha, 奇俠客氣了, 其實地點安排有失當之處, 離你工作同屋企都咁遠, 難得你咁有心遠道而來.


八月再聚我冇問題, 不如今次你揀地方, 就你方便.


TM我經常聯絡, 佢亦應該嚟得到的, 冇問題

[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 22:41 編輯 ]
作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 22:45

原帖由 奇俠2007 於 16-8-2007 22:10 發表  ...只歎時間匆匆.我真係唔想咁早走住.下午用手機 SEND 了短訊給 WOO同 KITSIR.希望8月份再搞多1次老餅飯局.希望教主也賞面出席. ...



sorry for being a bit "8 quor"...

....but just a little suggestion from me, why don't you guys organise a lunch gathering on a weekend next time (instead of dinner on weeknights)?...that way, you guys can have more time to chit chat & 交換心得...and then after lunch, you guys can even 連群結隊 to goto some shopping centres like ("in's point"? or ??? (don't know any other names)) to look at 糢型 or 超合金 etc, how's that?  (sorry, very 多事 tim! )

作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 22:53

原帖由 Shiawase 於 16-8-2007 22:45 發表     sorry for being a bit "8 quor"... ....but just a little suggestion from me, why don't you guys organise a lunch gathering on a weekend next time (instead of dinner on weeknigh ...


well, any time is fine for me if you/celia/inabottle can show up

作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 22:54

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 22:53 發表   well, any time is fine for me if you/celia/inabottle can show up


i think you mean...just Celia

作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 22:56

原帖由 Shiawase 於 16-8-2007 22:54 發表   i think you mean...just Celia


Well, I did avoid mongkok becoz of what she said (next oldcake meeting not to be in MK)...but she did not show up   and sorry to 奇俠... (anyway TM suggested that Wanchai restaurant finally)

[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 23:00 編輯 ]
作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 23:08

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 22:56 發表   Well, I did avoid mongkok becoz of what she said (next oldcake meeting not to be in MK)...but she did not show up   and sorry to 奇俠... (anyway TM suggested that Wanchai res ...


Hey Celia, see!  ar_woo chose a non-mongkok area for their last gathering just because of you, and you didn't turn up, see how disappointed he's!! better do something about it

作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 23:11

原帖由 Shiawase 於 16-8-2007 23:08 發表   Hey Celia, see!  ar_woo chose a non-mongkok area for their last gathering just because of you, and you didn't turn up, see how disappointed he's!! better do somethin ...


haha, should I choose a non-HK area next time because of you

作者: celia    時間: 16-8-2007 23:15

原帖由 Shiawase 於 16-8-2007 23:08 發表   Hey Celia, see!  ar_woo chose a non-mongkok area for their last gathering just because of you, and you didn't turn up, see how disappointed he's!! better do somethin ...



作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 23:15

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 23:11 發表   haha, should I choose a non-HK area next time because of you


a non-HK area mean..............Kowloon?

作者: celia    時間: 16-8-2007 23:15

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 23:11 發表   haha, should I choose a non-HK area next time because of you



作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 23:17

原帖由 celia 於 16-8-2007 23:15 發表   o下?佢唔係想見您多D咩?


ar_woo & I are actually "identical twins"! (..that's what he said before), so he wouldn't need to see me lah, as we "look the same"! ha ha

作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 23:19

a ya, i promised myself not to use the computer for too long, but here I am, typing away for the last i don't know how many hours already 
作者: celia    時間: 16-8-2007 23:24

原帖由 Shiawase 於 16-8-2007 23:17 發表   ar_woo & I are actually "identical twins"! (..that's what he said before), so he wouldn't need to see me lah, as we "look the same"! ha ha



作者: celia    時間: 16-8-2007 23:26

原帖由 Shiawase 於 16-8-2007 23:19 發表 a ya, i promised myself not to use the computer for too long, but here I am, typing away for the last i don't know how many hours already 


a ya...係咪ar_woo又係度放病毒害您?

作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 23:33

原帖由 celia 於 16-8-2007 23:26 發表   a ya...係咪ar_woo又係度放病毒害您?


not sure who 放病毒 .......but I have not been feeling all that great tonight, got a headache, was feeling a bit better but now not too good (probably been sitting in front of the computer for too long)......and now feeling very hungry, might have an apple (something healthy)


作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 23:36

原帖由 Shiawase 於 16-8-2007 23:33 發表   not sure who 放病毒 .......but I have not been feeling all that great tonight, got a headache, was feeling a bit better but now not too good (probably been sitting in front of th ...


how would u like fumoon to come over & give u a massage?

作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 23:38

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 23:36 發表   how would u like fumoon to come over & give u a massage?


ha ... 唔洗"嚇"氣啦

作者: celia    時間: 16-8-2007 23:38

原帖由 Shiawase 於 16-8-2007 23:33 發表   not sure who 放病毒 .......but I have not been feeling all that great tonight, got a headache, was feeling a bit better but now not too good (probably been sitting in front of th ...



作者: Shiawase    時間: 16-8-2007 23:39

原帖由 celia 於 16-8-2007 23:38 發表   oh~係咪作病?小心D喎


Thanks for your concern

作者: 奇俠2007    時間: 16-8-2007 23:46

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 22:33 發表   haha, 奇俠客氣了, 其實地點安排有失當之處, 離你工作同屋企都咁遠, 難得你咁有心遠道而來.   八月再聚我冇問題, 不如今次你揀地方, 就你方便.   TM我經常聯絡, 佢亦應該嚟得 ...



下星期 ok嗎?

作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 23:50

原帖由 奇俠2007 於 16-8-2007 23:46 發表   其實都ok,唔算太遠.我係順德哥,地點係邊度,睇大圍決定. 下星期 ok嗎?


ANy day except next Thursday is fine for me

作者: fumoon    時間: 16-8-2007 23:55

no wonder I felt strange.....saw my name popping up all the time.....
heartbeat when up when I saw this

You guys must be having fun at the gathering......

作者: 奇俠2007    時間: 16-8-2007 23:56

woo 兄:教主想要電腦奇俠套碟.我可以燒套比佢.反正我也要將vcd轉為dvd.燒多一份絕冇問題.但需要d時間

聽日我會收套服魔3劍俠 vcd 皇冠碟

遲d有機會有套5勇士/皇牌突擊隊 (暫時唔知邊套)vcd,係中文佩音.

作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-8-2007 23:58

原帖由 fumoon 於 16-8-2007 23:55 發表 wonder I felt strange.....saw my name popping up all the time.....heartbeat when up when I saw this guys must be having fun at the gat ...


yup, we missed you there....


too bad that "80年中国北方生" doesn't fit your age requirement

作者: ar_woo    時間: 17-8-2007 00:00

原帖由 奇俠2007 於 16-8-2007 23:56 發表 woo 兄:教主想要電腦奇俠套碟.我可以燒套比佢.反正我也要將vcd轉為dvd.燒多一份絕冇問題.但需要d時間聽日我會收套服魔3劍俠 vcd 皇冠碟遲d有機會有套5勇士/皇牌突擊隊 (暫時唔知邊套)vcd,係中文佩音.


great... just take your time, there's no rush. I'll also make copies for you guys once I receive the disks from fumoon.

作者: 奇俠2007    時間: 17-8-2007 00:03

原帖由 ar_woo 於 17-8-2007 00:00 發表   great... just take your time, there's no rush. I'll also make copies for you guys once I receive the disks from fumoon.



作者: inabottle    時間: 17-8-2007 00:04

原帖由 toby 於 16-8-2007 20:43 發表   TM?! Toy Mania ?! 如果係佢,我都有同佢email 聯絡過,佢俾左好多關於以前的動漫同特撮資金我 ~~ 多謝~~ !



作者: inabottle    時間: 17-8-2007 00:19

原帖由 ar_woo 於 16-8-2007 21:04 發表   here's a suggested remedy from inabottle


ar_woo無介紹錯 ... shiawase妹, 試試寶礦力加水(1比99? 唔得太稀 )...1:5試試先啦! 希望寶到頭痛除

作者: inabottle    時間: 17-8-2007 00:23

原帖由 奇俠2007 於 16-8-2007 22:10 發表 話咁快老餅飯局 part2咁快又完結左.又要寫報告時侯了. 今次比part1更加投入.可能大家都見過一次面.新認識余教主也是開朗之人,非常友善,言談之間大家都係聽住beyond成長.仲記得beyond 3子第一張cd(2樓後座)係94 ...


多謝分享, 又約下次飯局, 真係好好傾


作者: 奇俠2007    時間: 17-8-2007 00:27

原帖由 inabottle 於 17-8-2007 00:19 發表   ar_woo無介紹錯 ... shiawase妹, 試試寶礦力加水(1比99? 唔得太稀 )...1:5試試先啦! 希望寶到頭痛除


頭痛~頭先先拍完必理痛..............今日感覺有d down down 地

作者: ar_woo    時間: 17-8-2007 00:30

原帖由 奇俠2007 於 17-8-2007 00:27 發表   頭痛~頭先先拍完必理痛..............今日感覺有d down down 地



作者: inabottle    時間: 17-8-2007 00:30

原帖由 奇俠2007 於 17-8-2007 00:27 發表   頭痛~頭先先拍完必理痛..............今日感覺有d down down 地


唔試吓寶礦力+水 ~


頭痛就早d唞啦 ~ 咪話有工作喎 (通常都係?)

作者: Shiawase    時間: 17-8-2007 00:31

原帖由 inabottle 於 17-8-2007 00:19 發表   ar_woo無介紹錯 ... shiawase妹, 試試寶礦力加水(1比99? 唔得太稀 )...1:5試試先啦! 希望寶到頭痛除


Thanks inabottle!

作者: 奇俠2007    時間: 17-8-2007 00:31

作者: inabottle    時間: 17-8-2007 00:31

原帖由 ar_woo 於 17-8-2007 00:30 發表   其實我禽晚食食下開始頭痛...不過頂得住


ar_woo既治頭痛係: 照瞓無食藥?

作者: Shiawase    時間: 17-8-2007 00:32

原帖由 奇俠2007 於 17-8-2007 00:27 發表   頭痛~頭先先拍完必理痛..............今日感覺有d down down 地


you got headache too?...must be using the computer too much la

作者: 奇俠2007    時間: 17-8-2007 00:33

原帖由 Shiawase 於 17-8-2007 00:32 發表   you got headache too?...must be using the computer too much la



作者: ar_woo    時間: 17-8-2007 00:34

原帖由 inabottle 於 17-8-2007 00:31 發表   ar_woo既治頭痛係: 照瞓無食藥?


冇錯, 因为覺得自然會好

作者: ar_woo    時間: 17-8-2007 00:35

原帖由 奇俠2007 於 17-8-2007 00:33 發表   痛~痛~煩~煩


life is tough in HK, too much work for everyone...


is it related to the stock market crash? I hope not...

作者: inabottle    時間: 17-8-2007 00:36

原帖由 奇俠2007 於 17-8-2007 00:33 發表   痛~痛~煩~煩


你依家係一心二用? 一邊工作一邊睇oldcake? (好唔好趕頭痛奇俠走呢? )

作者: inabottle    時間: 17-8-2007 00:38

原帖由 Shiawase 於 17-8-2007 00:31 發表   Thanks inabottle!


Shiawase好翻d未呀? 你仲係咁, ar_woo就尋晚頭痛, 今晚心痛喎 ~

作者: 奇俠2007    時間: 17-8-2007 00:38

原帖由 inabottle 於 17-8-2007 00:36 發表   你依家係一心二用? 一邊工作一邊睇oldcake? (好唔好趕頭痛奇俠走呢? )





作者: 奇俠2007    時間: 17-8-2007 00:39

原帖由 inabottle 於 17-8-2007 00:36 發表   你依家係一心二用? 一邊工作一邊睇oldcake? (好唔好趕頭痛奇俠走呢? )


走都冇用,我仲等緊人 send 野比我............永遠等待

作者: Shiawase    時間: 17-8-2007 00:40

原帖由 inabottle 於 17-8-2007 00:38 發表   Shiawase好翻d未呀? 你仲係咁, ar_woo就尋晚頭痛, 今晚心痛喎 ~


ha ha, you got confused lah, ar_woo心痛 because Celia has already "gone" for the night

作者: ar_woo    時間: 17-8-2007 00:40

原帖由 inabottle 於 17-8-2007 00:36 發表   你依家係一心二用? 一邊工作一邊睇oldcake? (好唔好趕頭痛奇俠走呢? )


我覺得佢不如10點去訓, 5點起身做, 當然講就易...唉香港地都係壓力大...add oil ar 奇俠

作者: Shiawase    時間: 17-8-2007 00:41

原帖由 inabottle 於 17-8-2007 00:38 發表   Shiawase好翻d未呀? 你仲係咁, ar_woo就尋晚頭痛, 今晚心痛喎 ~


sorry, forgot to answer you.......still got headache, but a bit better than before, thanks for asking

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