今日睇某一部電影, 無意中發現了以下東西.
請教各位大大, 佢叫乜名?
好似叫金剛輪? 綠戰輪?
[ 本帖最後由 綠寶210 於 1-8-2007 03:30 編輯 ]
Yes.....actually there's another one for sale during the same time period....
The Big Wheel :
I was kicking and screaming for 2 weeks before I got it from my father from Peter Pan.....
[ 本帖最後由 fumoon 於 1-8-2007 03:56 編輯 ]Ai ya....they have a new version.
The Green Machine 2006 :
[ 本帖最後由 fumoon 於 1-8-2007 04:00 編輯 ]
原帖由 fumoon 於 1-8-2007 03:47 發表 Yes.....actually there's another one for sale during the same time period.... The Big Wheel : I was kicking and screaming for 2 weeks before I got it from my father from Peter ...
Peter Pan 玩具店 以前美孚新邨都有一間呀.
我就無 The Green Machine, 但朋友有一部,
行走時車輪係會發出一D特別聲音, 好似行雷咁. 與別不同.
yep....hard plastic wheels.....thundering along the road....ha ha....so cool.
I only go to the one in 海運. And usually gets a 牛肉茶 and 西多士 afterwards at 美心.
Really missed those days.....
原帖由 fumoon 於 1-8-2007 04:15 發表 yep....hard plastic wheels.....thundering along the road....ha ha....so cool. I only go to the one in 海運. And usually gets a 牛肉茶 and 西多士 afterwards at 美心. Really mis ...
真係行到 "砰砰聲!" , 好遠都聽到, 型呀.
海運都有一間好大的玩具店, 但唔記得叫乜名了.
真係記憶差了... 只記得有間叫海天酒樓.
原帖由 綠寶210 於 1-8-2007 04:21 發表 真係行到 "砰砰聲!" , 好遠都聽到, 型呀. 海運都有一間好大的玩具店, 但唔記得叫乜名了. 真係記憶差了... 只記得有間叫海天酒樓.
That's Peter Pan...on the second floor....I think maybe the second or the third store.
Remember they have this contest?
You have exactly one minutes to grab all the toys you want.....
I remember they stopped it after one time when a kid actually grabbed a rubber toy boat (those huge ones that you use at the beach)....he threw everything into the boat and pushed it out in under one minute.....that's when they stopped doing it afterwards....ha ha ha.
原帖由 綠寶210 於 1-8-2007 04:21 發表 真係行到 "砰砰聲!" , 好遠都聽到, 型呀. 海運都有一間好大的玩具店, 但唔記得叫乜名了. 真係記憶差了... 只記得有間叫海天酒樓.
Ok....time to brainstorm......if you go up to second floor in 海運....there should be two entrance....Peter Pan is on the right..one of the first few store(can't remember which?).....then you go through the center (美心).....then two enterance again......this time on the right side is this other big toy store....there should be a bookstore across it. I used to pick up my story books there. Can't recall the name....swindon?.....
Actually there is another store on the right side again....they sold alot of 'fun' stuffs and I get all my Trump Cards there too.
I remember there's this toilet pump with a meter on top of it....looks like a parking meter from a distance.
And there's this non-stopping top....that goes back and forth.....I was amazed at that.
I actually got my first set of Tarot cards from them.
Can you verify that Mister woo.....
原帖由 fumoon 於 1-8-2007 06:50 發表 Ok....time to brainstorm......if you go up to second floor in 海運....there should be two entrance....Peter Pan is on the right..one of the first few store(can't remember which?).....then you go ...
Gee, you remember a lot more than I do. All I can recall is there were two toy shops. One inside Ocean Center (海洋中心), where they sold walkie talkies (~$500-1000 at that time, very expensive), star wars stuff, etc. It was located along the long & narrow hallway connecting Ocean Center and where Habour City is now. Another (Wai Lei) in 海運. For the details u mentioned, I'll have to consult my friend who has a photographic memory on these things & I'll get back to u later.
Did the MP3 files work?
[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 1-8-2007 07:16 編輯 ]原帖由 fumoon 於 1-8-2007 04:36 發表 That's Peter Pan...on the second floor....I think maybe the second or the third store. Remember they have this contest? You have exactly one minutes to grab all the toys you want.... ...
呢個比賽有點印象, 但自己無參加到.
fumoon兄 同 ar_woo兄 竟然記得咁清楚海運大厦的路線, 厲利.
自己當年只係跟父母去飲茶, 然後去玩具店,
除了玩具之外, 基本上其他就全部都唔記得.
That's the problem I've got....I can only remember things back in those days.
If you ask me what happened last month then I can't rememeber.....
Signs of getting old.....
原帖由 fumoon 於 1-8-2007 22:23 發表 That's the problem I've got....I can only remember things back in those days. If you ask me what happened last month then I can't rememeber..... Signs of getting old.....
但太諗無諗過的往事, 都會真係唔記得的.
例如呢架 Green Machine 究竟叫乜呢?
原帖由 ar_woo 於 1-8-2007 06:58 發表 Gee, you remember a lot more than I do. All I can recall is there were two toy shops. One inside Ocean Center (海洋中心), where they sold walkie talkies (~$500-1000 at that time, ...
I remember Wai Lei was located at 2/F of 海運 (i.e. the present location is around 2/F floor right above the Burger King locating at Basement Floor). But I have no memory about the locatio of Peter Pan, could Mr Fumoon and Mr. Woo please provide some shop front photos for memory storming
絶对正確! 當年好Hit~
好似係條鬼仔賣廣告....記得重甩尾 tim...,當時好想買o黎玩,奈何無錢!到 e + 先知你地講緊玩具.....
係唔係類似d種 tricycle....
....我睇到綠色 wor...你個芒....
原帖由 超人兄弟 於 12-2-2010 01:23 發表 睇唔到呀你張相~! 如果要貼相就要將相放在一個 photo web site after you copy the direct link 才可!(例如 : photobucket or yahoo等...copy 其它 web site photo 就唔需要o甘做...直接 c p 就可!) http://www.ol ...
The Green Machine
謝謝 actionkamen 兄
我住第3期, 由七十年代尾開始, 都住左大約10年左右.
踩單車由第8期直產到第1期果條海岸大直路, 爽! 去埋荔園都得.
未填海前還有CHOK 泥鯭, 睇人游水, 上平台打羽毛球, BOWLING 球場打波子機及遊戲機, 影都戲院睇早場, 永安百貨, 巴士站督魚蛋, 玩具店有PETER PAN及花生米...
新貼 : 美孚新邨 http://www.oldcake.net/viewthread.php?tid=14782
原帖由 綠寶210 於 13-2-2010 12:23 發表 終於遇上舊鄰居. 我住第3期, 由七十年代尾開始, 都住左大約10年左右. 踩單車由第8期直產到第1期果條海岸大直路, 爽! 去埋荔園都得. 仲有同護衛員鬥智鬥力.... 未填海前 ...
哈! 哈!哈! 係呀!我兒時鴷肮’P你似到十足十! 我住第2期,伍晃榮係我鄰居呀果陣.
我班Friend叫護衛員做"保衛爾"! 果陣時我]踏滑板踏晒成個海皮,畀佢由孚油堂追到去地記.爽!
原帖由 ikejoe 於 13-2-2010 14:14 發表 哈! 哈!哈! 係呀!我兒時鴷肮’P你似到十足十! 我住第2期,伍晃榮係我鄰居呀果陣. 我班Friend叫護衛員做"保衛爾"! 果陣時我]踏滑板踏晒成個海皮,畀佢由孚油堂追到去地記.爽! 仲有成日候住海角D超合金 ...
哈哈哈! 平台既海角文具店!
仲有唱片, CASSETTE TAPE, 雙星模型車, 好多超人及卡通貼紙...
原帖由 綠寶210 於 13-2-2010 12:23 發表終於遇上舊鄰居.
我住第3期, 由七十年代尾開始, 都住左大約10年左右.
踩單車由第8期直產到第1期果條海岸大直路, 爽! 去埋荔園都得.
未填海前還有CHOK 泥, 睇人游水, 上平台打羽毛球, BOWLING 球場打波子機及遊戲機, 影都戲院睇早場, 永安百貨, 巴士站督魚蛋, 玩具店有PETER PAN及花生米...
原帖由 ikejoe 於 13-2-2010 14:14 發表 哈! 哈!哈! 係呀!我兒時鴷肮’P你似到十足十! 我住第2期,伍晃榮係我鄰居呀果陣. 我班Friend叫護衛員做"保衛爾"! 果陣時我]踏滑板踏晒成個海皮,畀佢由孚油堂追到去地記.爽! 仲有成日候住海角D超合金 ...
係 lor~...你o地會o吾會細個係識得o既o尼~??會o吾會細個打過交??
o甘你o地有無經常去荔園玩o架?? 租艇仔扒o尼~??
原帖由 超人兄弟 於 14-2-2010 08:48 發表 係 lor~...你o地會o吾會細個係識得o既o尼~??會o吾會細個打過交?? o甘你o地有無經常去荔園玩o架?? 租艇仔扒o尼~??
細個打過交? 為乜?爭女?
定係搓波枱? 又記得一樣野就係天橋底既藍球場總是很黑暗的....
原帖由 綠寶210 於 14-2-2010 14:11 發表 係都唔認得啦. 細個打過交? 為乜?爭女? 定係搓波枱? 又記得一樣野就係天橋底既藍球場總是很黑暗的.... 荔園去過....三四十次都有. 租艇仔就無啦.
原帖由 綠寶210 於 14-2-2010 14:11 發表 係都唔認得啦. 細個打過交? 為乜?爭女? 定係搓波^? 又記得一樣野就係天橋底既藍球場總是很黑暗的.... 荔園去過....三四十次都有. 租艇仔就無啦.
原帖由 ikejoe 於 14-2-2010 15:19 發表 [quote]原帖由 綠寶210 於 14-2-2010 14:11 發表 係都唔認得啦. 細個打過交? 為乜?爭女? 定係搓波^? 又記得一樣野就係天橋底既藍球場總是很黑暗的.... 荔園去過....三四十 ...
原帖由 ikejoe 於 14-2-2010 15:19 發表 [quote]原帖由 綠寶210 於 14-2-2010 14:11 發表 係都唔認得啦. 細個打過交? 為乜?爭女? 定係搓波枱? 又記得一樣野就係天橋底既藍球場總是很黑暗的.... 荔園去過....三四十 ...
我就通常係暑假星期一至五至去, 約埋同學兄弟, 入到去基本上係唔會洗錢玩,
爭女? 當時只係十歲上下....無咁早熟.
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