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標題: 東方庸 [打印本頁]

作者: PPM    時間: 28-4-2007 19:11     標題: 東方庸

請問有冇朋友睇過東方庸寫韕atman, 當時佢抄鬫n多美國marvel英雄, 畫功唔錯!!
作者: dingdingboy    時間: 5-4-2008 23:21

作者: 拾實什習窄炸集    時間: 9-4-2008 12:21

原帖由 dingdingboy 於 5-4-2008 23:21 發表 他畫日本的特攝人物都多,例如超人、金達,有故事有畫功,可惜之後黃玉郎的武打漫畫興起,東方庸就銷聲匿跡。
is 東方庸 a real name or not ? 
作者: George    時間: 23-4-2008 14:03

原帖由 拾實什習窄炸集 於 9-4-2008 12:21 發表 is 東方庸 a real name or not ? 


Oldcake Bro. or Sister,


I learnt Japanese Hero (金達, 鐵甲人及太空神童) and US Hero (Batman, Capitan America and Superman) from 東方庸.  I have never watched those TV programmes for the abovementioned since my family has no TV installed at that time.


I knew the real name of 東方庸 is 莫鈞岳.  I learnt this from the article of 舊龍虎門 (published in late 70s).   東方庸 has changed his nickname into 上官玉郎 and wrote the comics "陸小鳳", "鐵金剛" & "小魔神" and so on in Jademan Comic.

作者: ivanhoyc    時間: 23-4-2008 15:02

原帖由 George 於 23-4-2008 14:03 發表   Oldcake Bro. or Sister,   I learnt Japanese Hero (金達, 鐵甲人及太空神童) and US Hero (Batman, Capitan America and Superman) from 東方庸.  I h ...


George is right! what a professinal old cake!! haha!


below are some comics from dong fung yong...






[ 本帖最後由 ivanhoyc 於 23-4-2008 15:18 編輯 ]
作者: 火馬    時間: 23-4-2008 16:13

原帖由 ivanhoyc 於 23-4-2008 15:02 發表 George is right! what a professinal old cake!! haha! below are some comics from dong fung yong... 上官玉郎作品
作者: 拾實什習窄炸集    時間: 23-4-2008 20:01

原帖由 火馬 於 23-4-2008 16:13 發表 東方庸d書;響o靚仔飛髮果陣睇過........到大d有錢買公仔書勒..........他已退休o左好耐..................
he and 東方無敵是什關係 ?
作者: 火馬    時間: 23-4-2008 20:25

原帖由 拾實什習窄炸集 於 23-4-2008 20:01 發表 he and 東方無敵是什關係 ?
作者: George    時間: 24-4-2008 10:59

原帖由 ivanhoyc 於 23-4-2008 15:02 發表   George is right! what a professinal old cake!! haha!   below are some comics from dong fung yong...   上官玉郎作品      


Ivan 兄,




I also owned some of the comic you showed above but all has been disposed when I moved from Resettlement Public Housing Estate to the better public housing estate.  What a pity !


I began to read comic when I was still a kindergarten student.  My mum has a friend who sold comic in a market at Wong Tai Sin.  I always accompanied with my mum to go to market to buy meat, fish and other grocer, I would always wait her at the comic stall and read the comic though I really could not read every wording printed in the comic, I was really like to read it.  There were many comic books written by  東方庸 at that time.  So, I learnt many Jap Hero and US Hero from  comics written by

 東方庸.  東方庸 will also created some hero (imitated US Hero), like 小飛, 小Batman, 鐵馬騮 and so on.


My mum sometimes would buy a few comic books from her friend stall for my reading. Unluckily, I got poor academic results in early stage of primary school, so my parents thrown away all my comic books.    


Bro Ivan, I really respect to your spirit in collecting H K comic books.

作者: ivanhoyc    時間: 24-4-2008 14:21

原帖由 George 於 24-4-2008 10:59 發表   Ivan 兄,   我真佩服你的stamina去收集港產漫畫.   I also owned some of the comic you showed above but all has been disposed when I moved from Resettlement Public Housing Es ...


i had been finding out the differences between  hk collector and south east asia collector and i think i could share my opinion with u.


in singapore ,we had some difficulties in collecting hk comics especially during the early days, when only small amount of stock imported, we used to missed certain issues,but HK reader wont be having this problem when u guys can buy whatever comics at numerous newstand everywhere.

 but what we are more lucky as compared to the HK collector is our living envoiroment.

many friends from Hk told me that due to the small area of their apartments they'll have to give up their collection due to space constrain whenever the move to a

new house,unless u live in 豪宅. but as our living space is much more spacious, so we usually transfer all our old stuff from the old house to the new one, therefore the chance of losing  old comics reduced to the minimum,thus most of the od comics were being "saved "from disposal.

our only risk of losing the comic collections were from our parents and teachers.haha!


what i am having now is about half of what i really owned 30years ago...wha a pity!

作者: George    時間: 24-4-2008 15:41

原帖由 ivanhoyc 於 24-4-2008 14:21 發表   i had been finding out the differences between  hk collector and south east asia collector and i think i could share my opinion with u.   in singapore ,we had some difficul ...


Ivan Bro,


For the version "小魔神" (Solar Lord) written by 上官玉郎, I collected almost all the books published by Jademen Comic in late 70s and early 80s.  I recalled that Jademen Comic has not published the complete series in the form of comic books but a complete story has been published at "金報".


Before my marriage, I still collected a "金報" which was bought in early 80 but was also disposed owing to space constraint. I have not been visited Singapore but learnt from my colleague that Sing citizen usually live a house for more than 1,000 square metres which was Luxuray Flat in Hong Kong and only  a few population of Hong Konger could afford to buy such a big house. So, Bro Ivan's opinion expressed above is absolutely agreed by me.  


We do have the advantage in buying comic book at any news stalls but we do have the disadvantage for the limitations of store space.


I am just curious to ask Bro Ivan a personal question, I just guess that Bro Ivan may has an age over 40, is it correct?



[ 本帖最後由 George 於 25-4-2008 10:45 編輯 ]
作者: ivanhoyc    時間: 24-4-2008 17:12


原帖由 George 於 24-4-2008 15:41 發表   Ivan Bro,   For the version "小魔神" (Solar Lord) written by 上官玉郎, I collected almost all the books published by Jademen Comic in late 70s and early 80s.  I recall ...


your collection would be more complete than me if they werent disposed off, as for me ,i only collected a few issues of the comic

newspaper only as they were not imported AT ALL !


in those days, it was impossible to collect a complete set in singapore for almost every title, sometimes we even have to be 

compromised by completing it with the pirated version


yeah, i m a old cake...goin to be to 42 this year...

but trust me...comic book collection make u look much younger..haha!


how abt u? i guess u are almost the same age as me, with a plus or minus of 2 i right?


i came from a average income family , my flat (government built, not private condo)used to have a area of 1700 sq ft, then we sold it off and change to a smaller unit when the price was good, not i am staying in a much so-called smaller one with a area of about

1010 sq ft  ,although大屋搬細屋,唔見一籮谷,but i insisted to move all my collections from the bigger house to the smaller one.

now almost 95%of my store room is occupied by my old comics..kinda fire hazard


作者: George    時間: 25-4-2008 10:38

原帖由 ivanhoyc 於 24-4-2008 17:12 發表     your collection would be more complete than me if they werent disposed off, as for me ,i only collected a few issues of the comic newspaper only as they were not imported ...


Bro Ivan,


I am 3 years younger than you. It was ridiculous that I was comic fan when I was just a kindergarten student.  I could not read the Hand Written Chinese Words printed on the comic book but I was still like to read comic books.  I looked the pictures and could recalled many pictures though the comic books had been left me for thiry yrs.



Your flat is so big in comparison to my house.  In Hong Kong, the property developer sells flat at construction ft, for instance, my flat is approx. 600 square fts in construction ft but actual used area in estimation is approx. 400 square ft, just 2/5 of your flat's size.  What a pity for living space of Hong Kong general guys in comparison to people in Singapore.



I am not sure the population in Sing, I think that the population is approx. 2 million in Sing but the population in Hong Kong is nearly 7 million.  Besides that, I learn that Sing is a country with many flat lands while Hong Kong is place with many rugged lands and many mountains.  So, the supply of land is much tighten than Sing.  Our gov't will reclaim the coastal area to produce more lands for use.  Is that Sing also does the Reclamation Works?


I hope that I shall visit Sing and see you in near future.  Hei, would your kid relay your spirit in collection of Hong Kong Comic?


Sorry, Bro Ivan, I had made a typo error in my last express that "I had been visited Sing", in fact I have not been visited Sing. Really hope that my wife and I will visit Sing and enjoy the delicious food at Sing.





[ 本帖最後由 George 於 25-4-2008 10:47 編輯 ]
作者: ivanhoyc    時間: 25-4-2008 12:58

原帖由 George 於 25-4-2008 10:38 發表   Bro Ivan,   I am 3 years younger than you. It was ridiculous that I was comic fan when I was just a kindergarten student.  I could not read the Hand Written Chinese Words p ...


i started reading 老夫子at the age of 3 or 4 , then switched to 小流氓 during my primary school days which made my parents and teacher very angry.

but my chinese standard improved tremendously due to these chinese comics, and i often scored very high marks for the chinese composition, at least i gained something from the comic books.


yeah, i ve long heard abt the small living space of HK,my hk friends were so surprised when they found that my house(the previous bigger ones) had got 3 toilet(2 in each room and 1 common toilets),


i love hk , i used to visit hk 2 to 3 times every year before year2000, but recently due to my work schedule, i could not leave the country too often, so i mainly go to mainland china only.


singapore is very famous for its land reclaiming too, abt 20 % of the total area were came from reclaimation,land is not that sufficient although we have only 4 million population.

hope that u and ur wife could visit singapore someday and i could show u guys around.


i think we can communicated thru email instead of posting our thought that have got nothing to do with the comics...others who read it will 媽媽聲!哈哈! 


作者: George    時間: 25-4-2008 16:25

原帖由 ivanhoyc 於 25-4-2008 12:58 發表   i started reading 老夫子at the age of 3 or 4 , then switched to 小流氓 during my primary school days which made my parents and teacher very angry. but my chinese standard improved tre ...


Bro Ivan,


Have you collected any 東方庸的太空神童 comic book?


I learnt from the official Jap Web Site that 太空神童 was broadcasted in Jap in 1966 or 1967 and heard from my older colleague that it ought to be broadcasted in TVB in 1968.  The cartoon was a Black and White version, not like Spiderman or Batman in in 1967 or 1968, all were colourful produced.  I have no chance to watch this wonderful cartoon.


I learnt this Jap Hero from the Local Comic Book written by 東方庸 who had written many stories about this Jap Hero.  I knew that this Child Hero would eat a gum or candy as nutritious food to recover his energy.  This Child Hero could eject a porton beam from the "v" shaped material affixed on his cap near to his forehead.  The Child Hero could also eject some Bright Circles (東方庸 called it as "金光圈") like Ultraman, those Bright Circles were all sharpened and could cut those evil monsters or invaders into pieces. 東方庸 is really an expert in imitating Jap Hero or US Hero in his comic books.

作者: ivanhoyc    時間: 25-4-2008 19:20

原帖由 George 於 25-4-2008 16:25 發表   Bro Ivan,   Have you collected any 東方庸的太空神童 comic book?   I learnt from the official Jap Web Site that 太空神童 was broadcasted in Jap in 1966 or 1967 and heard f ...


those comic that u mentioned i may or may not have them ,must check my stock when free.

i only started collecting comics systematically was during the  小流氓 period, everything before that i collect in a more leisure way,

so i may have missed some important titles.   and during that time some comics were not imported, and even if they do , i could

not affort to buy as i was only a primary school kid with a daily pocket money of abt $1.

the only title that i need not worry of missing any issue was the 老夫子and 朱先生&八姑,my dad ,uncles,neighbour were all royal readers of these comics, but i dun really like it, i felt that the drawing was too simple and the plot stupid sometimes...

作者: dingdingboy    時間: 4-5-2008 22:50


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