原帖由 spectreman 於 13-9-2006 17:31 發表 Yes, Tony Curtis and Roger Moore. 細時贐TV播,最近就鬗H地屋企睇DVD。
原帖由 spectreman 於 13-9-2006 18:54 發表 最緊要:兩個都有米!![]()
原帖由 karmenv3 於 14-9-2006 11:26 發表 喂!我都有D印像啊!兩個都揸法拉利,Roger Moore做白倩加爵士,Tony Curtis 做韋丹尼 如果無記錯的話
原帖由 FIRE 於 13-9-2006 18:50 發表既然spectreman記得,咁就開估: 脂粉雙雄羅渣摩亞就係因為呢齣劇成功,所以被選做占士邦(其實佢年紀係大過辛康納利), 呢齣劇又搞笑,又多靚車,又多靚女,細個睇完,成日希望大個可以咁!
sorry要糾正一下,Roger Moore其實係007作者Ian Fleming的占士邦心水之選,但因為羅渣摩亞跟「俠聖」有合約,才選了辛康納利。直到鐵金剛大破鑽石黨後Sean Connery正式唔再演007,Roger Moore終於奪回這角色。同樣情況亦出現在皮雅斯布士南身上,因80年代他演出的Remington Steele 有合約,演不到007。Remington Steele在1982-83年在亞視播出過,中文譯名唔記得了。
羅渣摩亞無論俠聖、 The Persuaders,到James Bond,都是同一個模樣,所以外國007電影fans近這十多年都貶低了Roger Moore,指他演007很輕佻,脂粉味重。
原帖由 yvjfhm 於 27-4-2007 00:30 發表sorry要糾正一下,Roger Moore其實係007作者Ian Fleming的占士邦心水之選,但因為羅渣摩亞跟「俠聖」有合約,才選了辛康納利。直到鐵金剛大破鑽石黨後Sean Connery正式唔再演007,Roger Moore終於奪 ...
其實亦有另一說法, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Moore
There are many apocryphal stories as to when Moore's name was first dropped as a possible candidate for the role of James Bond. Some sources, specifically Albert R. Broccoli from his autobiography When The Snow Melts, claim that Moore was considered for Dr. No, and that he was Ian Fleming's favorite for the role after apparently having seen Moore as Simon Templar in The Saint; however, this story is often debunked by fans and Bond-film historians, who point to the fact that the series did not begin airing in the United Kingdom until October 4, 1962 - only one day before the premiere of Dr. No.
Other sources, such as the insert for the special edition DVDs, claim that Moore was passed over for Bond in favour of someone who was older. As Moore is older than Sean Connery, this is probably not true. Publicly, Moore wasn't linked to the role of 007 until 1967, when Harry Saltzman claimed he would make a good Bond, but also displayed misgivings due to his popularity as Simon Templar. Nevertheless, Moore was finally cast as James Bond in Live and Let Die (1973).
The Persuaders Teaser Opening 2010
The Persuaders Pilot Movie-Trailer with Sir Michael Caine, George Clooney and Hugh Grant, featuring a new Sound-Conception of John Barry's original, "Theme from Persuaders" mixed with a new Version, played by "boabyp"
曾與瑪麗蓮夢露( Marilyn Monroe)拍拖的美國老牌影星東尼寇蒂斯( Tony Curtis),香港時間前日因心臟突然停頓在內華達州的家中逝世,享年 85歲。
東尼寇蒂斯原本今年 7月在內華達州為個人畫展揭幕,但因患有慢性阻塞性肺病( Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)引致呼吸困難被送院治療,病情近期惡化,前日他在內華達州的家中因心臟突然停頓逝世。東尼 06年曾因肺炎入院,並昏迷了數天,及後痊癒,但近年健康日差,行動不便,通常以輪椅代步。
東尼寇蒂斯一生拍攝超過 140齣電影,最為人熟悉,是與瑪莉蓮夢露合演的《熱情如火》( Some Like It Hot),他在片中的女裝扮相媲美夢露。東尼寇蒂斯並憑 58年的《黑白金剛》( The Defiant Ones),獲提名奧斯卡最佳男配角獎,惜最終未能奪魁。
東尼曾 6次結婚,私生活比銀幕演出更受矚目。年輕時他曾與性感女神瑪麗蓮夢露、妮坦莉活( Natalie Wood)等拍過拖,第 1任妻子是《觸目驚心》( Psycho)女星珍納李( Janet Leigh),《真實謊言》( True Lies)女星珍美李寇蒂斯( Jamie Lee Curtis)正是他的千金,雖然父女關係曾一度交惡,但晚年二人關係好轉,珍美昨日透過發言人公佈父親的死訊。
東尼早前曾出書爆料,說夢露曾經懷了他的孩子,而夢露當時還是知名劇作家 Arthur Miller的妻子。因為東尼寇蒂斯的妻子當時也懷孕,他不想破壞兩個家庭,故與夢露分手,但數月後他得悉夢露小產,令他百感交集。
《流寇屠城記》( Kansas Raiders, 1950)
《馬戲千秋》( Trapeze, 1956)
《七海霸王》( The Vikings, 1958)
《黑白金剛》( The Defiant Ones, 1958)
《熱情如火》( Some Like It Hot, 1959)
《烽火霸王》( Taras Bulba, 1962)
《瘋狂大賽車》( The Great Race, 1965)
《波士頓殺人王》( The Boston Strangler, 1968)
《脂粉雙雄》( The Persuaders, 1971-72)
《基度山恩仇記》( The Count of Monte Cristo, 1975)
《銀色大亨》( The Last Tycoon, 1976)
《無能情聖戲嬌娃》( Casanova& Co., 1977)
《 Naked in New York》( 1993)
《 The Immortals》( 1995)
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