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標題: 勁歌金曲30週年+蔡楓華復出: 留言打氣區 [打印本頁]

作者: ar_woo    時間: 27-9-2010 22:48     標題: 勁歌金曲30週年+蔡楓華復出: 留言打氣區

在勁歌金曲30週年前夕,欣聞Ken將重出樂壇, 為此盛事作主持並獻唱,這實在是無數樂迷的天大喜訊,我們望穿秋水,終於可以迎接Ke­n的復出,大家都無限支持你!在"百度蔡楓華吧"有兩位超級Ken fans, 花了無數心血和時間,製作了這套video來跟大家重溫昔日的種種精彩片段, 和介紹了Ken的近況,ar_woo在此感謝兩位!



預祝蔡楓華演出順利成功,並展開事業新的一頁! 蔡楓華, 樂壇需要你!歌迷們喜愛你! 有勁歌金曲, 怎可以沒有蔡楓華? 


請各位Ken fans 來留個言, 為Ken打打氣,加加油!ar_woo感謝你! 

蔡楓華, 永遠支持你!

作者: singingsoul    時間: 27-9-2010 22:59

原帖由 ar_woo 於 27-9-2010 22:48 發表 在勁歌金曲30週年前夕,欣聞Ken將重出樂壇, 為此盛事作主持並獻唱,這實在是無數樂迷的天大喜訊,我們望穿秋水,終於可以迎接Ke­n的復出,大家都無限支持你!在"百度蔡楓華吧"有兩位超級Ken fans, 花了無數心血和 ...

宜家睇返真係有歌有型, 站在小虎隊高人旁邊沒有身高比下去!

作者: 999    時間: 27-9-2010 23:51

原帖由 ar_woo 於 27-9-2010 22:48 發表 在勁歌金曲30週年前夕,欣聞Ken將重出樂壇, 為此盛事作主持並獻唱,這實在是無數樂迷的天大喜訊,我們望穿秋水,終於可以迎接Ke­n的復出,大家都無限支持你!在"百度蔡楓華吧"有兩位超級Ken fans, 花了無數心血和 ...


曾被迫吹熄的火也許未全熄去仍溫暖!也許 要多謝負面的說話,它雖曾讓你絕對空虛,但也是你反證的原動力!

過去的已逝去 未來的將面對 現在的要盡去!加油!

作者: tnd1964    時間: 27-9-2010 23:52

作者: blessu    時間: 28-9-2010 10:45

作者: blessu    時間: 28-9-2010 10:47

原帖由 ar_woo 於 27-9-2010 22:48 發表 在勁歌金曲30週年前夕,欣聞Ken將重出樂壇, 為此盛事作主持並獻唱,這實在是無數樂迷的天大喜訊,我們望穿秋水,終於可以迎接Ken的復出,大家都無限支持你



作者: Soundboy    時間: 28-9-2010 16:15

Support!!  Will always be a 蔡楓華 fan!!

作者: hongkongman    時間: 28-9-2010 18:00

原帖由 ar_woo 於 27-9-2010 22:48 發表 在勁歌金曲30週年前夕,欣聞Ken將重出樂壇, 為此盛事作主持並獻唱,這實在是無數樂迷的天大喜訊,我們望穿秋水,終於可以迎接Ke­n的復出,大家都無限支持你!在"百度蔡楓華吧"有兩位超級Ken fans, 花了無數心血和 ...
唱多好歌的歌星Kent Choi,我當然要支持,且又是有幾次幾面之緣,所以更加要支持,但絕不會支持上次那班邀請 蔡楓華 去大學表演的所謂大學生那班不對人尊重的粉腸,蛋散......大學生又如何,正粉腸中的粉腸,試吓用番螢光筆擲回那班粉腸又如何.......支持....支持!
作者: 啜啜仔〃    時間: 28-9-2010 22:02


作者: 超人兄弟    時間: 28-9-2010 22:14

作者: inabottle    時間: 1-10-2010 02:12

剛才寫了一大段字, 為kenchoi打氣打氣......禁錯制, 就無哂~



依家好似寫情信咁既心情添......(一定會續下去) kenchoi等我呀

作者: ar_woo    時間: 1-10-2010 02:24

原帖由 inabottle 於 1-10-2010 02:12 發表 剛才寫了一大段字, 為kenchoi打氣打氣......禁錯制, 就無哂~   頭一句: 依家好似寫情信咁既心情添......(一定會續下去) kenchoi等我呀

sorry to hear that!


but please go on and Ken needs ur suport! Thank you!

作者: inabottle    時間: 1-10-2010 03:07

原帖由 ar_woo 於 1-10-2010 02:24 發表 sorry to hear that!   but please go on and Ken needs ur suport! Thank you!


我斷斷續續打咗有半粒鐘架! 無哂果吓, 無哂心機... 我會再默翻封"情書"出黎!!!

作者: hongkongman    時間: 1-10-2010 13:37

昨晚在旺角的街上又見到了Ken choi,真的消廋了不少.且又是戴上了黑超........傳聞中他眼睛裡出現了些問題也可能是真的.....和之前相比真的是細了一個碼:
作者: gt50000    時間: 1-10-2010 13:48

唔係話唔想佢復出,但大家重記唔記得早年肥媽幫佢同張立基攪果個演唱會? 當年都睇到肥媽係真係想幫下佢呢兩個失意歌手,但當時既蔡楓華可能真係屈得太耐喇,見佢台上既表現只可說失望,重差少少失控,何況今日既佢,我估TVB都會驚佢唔知會做出D咩出黎......


作者: blessu    時間: 1-10-2010 21:11

原帖由 hongkongman 於 1-10-2010 13:37 發表 昨晚在旺角的街上又見到了Ken choi,真的消廋了不少.且又是戴上了黑超........傳聞中他眼睛裡出現了些問題也可能是真的.....和之前相比真的是細了一個碼: ...

HONGKONGMAN!!!!  Did u talk to him?  I'm sure many fans want to know the details! Thanks in advance.  

P.S.  I had that gorgeous & handsome Ken poster that you just posted....but  ages ago, and it was lost... thanks for sharing..."失而復得 " 

作者: kkeeleung    時間: 2-10-2010 01:24

阿Ken已迷失了多時, 希望他今次真係可以全心再戰江湖. 再為Fans演出.

作者: blessu    時間: 2-10-2010 21:18

面對阿Ken要復出的決定作為他的歌迷心裡是佷矛盾一方面很高興可以又再見到他另一方面卻是很擔心以往種種慘不忍堵的情況再次出現但是我相信阿Ken作為圈中人這麼久承受過那麼多沖擊”, 我們能想到的顧慮他都已知道甚至那些不為我們這些圈外人所能明白的壓力他都知道.  在此際他選擇了復出其實這是表示他選擇了要面對自己追尋自己的事業理想也同時表示他選擇了要面對歌迷、大眾傳媒的壓力和風險…..

Ken復出的決定並不容易我從心底裡佩服他! 因這正顯示出阿Ken對他的歌唱演藝事業的熱愛還有他敢於面對艱苦的勇氣 (相對於現今的年青人面對小小挫折便要生要死), Ken是一個堅強的、頂天立地的男子漢大丈夫!

老實說我寧可再看不到阿Ken表演,也極度不願意看到他再受任何傷害. 但既然阿Ken已決定了要復出我作為他的歌迷我願意支持他的決定願意和他一同經歷種種……

我常想起阿Ken的一首歌 :<新世界> , 當中的歌詞也許是流露了他的心聲 :
特別是那句 : “ 若我跌倒了請你祝福 , 來讓我轉過身闖下去…”

作者: toby    時間: 2-10-2010 21:32

原帖由 blessu 於 2-10-2010 21:18 發表 面對阿Ken要復出的決定, 作為他的歌迷, 心裡是佷矛盾. 一方面很高興可以又再見到他, 另一方面卻是很擔心以往種種“慘不忍堵” 的情況再次出現. 但是, 我相信阿Ken作為“圈中人” ...


作者: tnd1964    時間: 2-10-2010 22:09

原帖由 toby 於 2-10-2010 21:32 發表 其實我們不用太担心,因他已成熟了很,看透了許多;而且圈中人對他當年的說,都其實只是敢怒不敢言,Ken當年卻年少氣盛...現在應已看透世情...畢竟,人只能活一次!全香港也會支持他勇面對的決定!!
作者: Wendy2010    時間: 2-10-2010 22:43

無論如何都要支持一下Ken Choi!
作者: blessu    時間: 3-10-2010 15:44






作者: 啜啜仔〃    時間: 4-10-2010 23:35

原帖由 blessu 於 3-10-2010 15:44 發表 阿Ken復出的最新動態,轉自網上2010年9月30日報道(只截取有阿Ken的一段):   《勁歌金曲》將于下周六進行新改革,加插回顧節目30年以來的精華點滴,首集便找來蔡楓華及盧敏儀擔任嘉賓主持,屆時蔡楓華將 ...


作者: tnd1964    時間: 5-10-2010 00:26

really 9/10??So anyone can record for me??
作者: 超人兄弟    時間: 5-10-2010 09:20

9/10 真係擔定張椅坐定定睇呀Ken 呀~...
作者: blessu    時間: 5-10-2010 09:42

According to TVB programme schedule : 
9/10 (Sat)  7:35p.m.  翡翠台/ 翡翠高清台  是半小時版, 
10/10 (Sun)  6:00a.m., 5:30p.m. , 2:30am   翡翠高清台是一小時版

作者: Wendy2010    時間: 5-10-2010 11:14



10月2日第40周<勁歌金曲> :結尾時有預告下周六嘉賓,主持羅敏莊講:“我們下個禮拜的嘉賓都很強勁的,因爲我們請到第一代勁歌主持 蔡楓華 還有Money 記住留意我們”



另,在以上视频10月2日第40周<劲歌金曲> 6:45分有朱咪咪演唱<<今天的我>>,這首歌容易讓人想到Ken的複出:
今天的我 早走过漫重路
冷暖尽尝 辛酸怕未能道
路途有起有落 我完全感到
挥手 向路人说声好
不想知道 风风雨是谁造
远近路程 轻舟似叶渡
为何要划清界限 要自寻苦恼
得失 试问谁能料到
今天的我毅然又再 起步
光辉一刹 激光照亮前路
冷语闲言 听到了未曾怒
但求再为君唱咏 笑谈同倾诉

作者: ar_woo    時間: 5-10-2010 12:19

原帖由 Wendy2010 於 5-10-2010 11:14 發表 百度勁歌金曲吧吧主[羅氏蝦]每一期有下載上傳到百度勁歌金曲吧:   10月2日第40周<勁歌金曲> :結尾時有預告下周六嘉賓,主持羅敏莊講:“我們下個禮拜的嘉賓都很強勁的,因爲我們請到第一代勁歌主持 蔡楓華 還有Money 記住留意我們 ...


Thank you Wendy! So happy to hear Ken's name announce officially. And to be more exact, what 羅敏莊 said was:


".............我們第一代勁歌主持 蔡楓華, YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 還有Money!"

作者: Wendy2010    時間: 5-10-2010 15:40

原帖由 Wendy2010 於 5-10-2010 11:14 發表 百度勁歌金曲吧吧主[羅氏蝦]每一期有下載上傳到百度勁歌金曲吧:   10月2日第40周<勁歌金曲> :結尾時有預告下周六嘉賓,主持羅敏莊講:“我們下個 ...


作者: Soundboy    時間: 7-10-2010 08:09

Looks good - both of them

作者: 超人兄弟    時間: 7-10-2010 09:56

原帖由 Soundboy 於 7-10-2010 08:09 發表 Looks good - both of them


作者: blessu    時間: 7-10-2010 12:50










作者: toby    時間: 7-10-2010 13:08

原帖由 Soundboy 於 7-10-2010 08:09 發表 Looks good - both of them

佢地都keep 得唔錯喎~!!
Ken 多了幾分蒼桑,看來受過不少風雨的洗禮...
Money 仲成個少女咁~~

作者: blessu    時間: 7-10-2010 13:50








作者: ar_woo    時間: 7-10-2010 16:53


蔡楓華再現《勁歌》,吸引大批傳媒採訪,令他成為全場焦點。   (from Apple Daily)

作者: Soundboy    時間: 8-10-2010 01:42

Good to see Money is watching out for Ken Choi.
作者: arronarif    時間: 8-10-2010 13:40

That is what friends are for.


We have ups and downs and our good friends will share the joys and help us to pass those tough moment.  


It is a true story on Friendship in front of our eyes.


Hope Ken can be a happy person and treasure the good thing in his life.


作者: blessu    時間: 8-10-2010 15:50


He looks fit. And most importantly, sounds like he sings very well too.

Looking forward to see the full version on Sat night.


original link here :

作者: Kendama    時間: 10-10-2010 00:30

嗯 ... $ ... 從末如此喜歡過 $ ...

Ken 得如此拍檔,夫復何求!

作者: Potato    時間: 10-10-2010 18:39

作者: blessu    時間: 10-10-2010 18:54

勁歌金曲30週年+ 蔡楓華復出


作者: blessu    時間: 10-10-2010 19:53

勁歌金曲30周年 蔡楓華復出 絕對空虛


作者: 超人兄弟    時間: 10-10-2010 21:33

阿 Ken 雖然有o的甩漏...但在我o黎講已經合格呀~!


作者: 啜啜仔〃    時間: 10-10-2010 22:04

好開心見到亞 ken 演出

好正吖仲 keep 得好 fit


作者: inabottle    時間: 10-10-2010 23:28

KenChoi真係好努力為出鏡而keep得好好, 瘦了好多, 看上去比未上電視前/雜誌影既相, 年輕不少!

作者: Wendy2010    時間: 11-10-2010 22:46




tvb的MyTV也有标题为“2010-10-10 - 蔡枫华亮相《劲歌》重温经典” 的高清视频:

作者: ar_woo    時間: 11-10-2010 23:18

原帖由 Wendy2010 於 11-10-2010 22:46 發表 2010/10/10第41周<劲歌金曲>蔡枫华作嘉宾46分钟完整视频: ...


Thanks a lot Wendy!


So glad to see how calm Ken is and he's really standing tall........ and how Miss Lo could not hold her tears seeing Ken sing again......... really touching

作者: 超人兄弟    時間: 11-10-2010 23:54

原帖由 ar_woo 於 11-10-2010 23:18 發表   Thanks a lot Wendy!   So glad to see how calm Ken is and he's really standing tall........ and how Miss Lo could not hold her tears seeing Ken sing again......... really touchin ...

May be Money feel Ken really wake up...!

作者: 999    時間: 12-10-2010 00:00

作者: ar_woo    時間: 12-10-2010 00:21

原帖由 999 於 12-10-2010 00:00 發表 money的鼓掌和眼淚,應該很多人有共嗚!



作者: 999    時間: 12-10-2010 01:03

原帖由 ar_woo 於 12-10-2010 00:21 發表   yes



作者: KD1743    時間: 12-10-2010 10:32

如果佢開演唱會, 我都會買門票入場支持
作者: 啜啜仔〃    時間: 12-10-2010 12:39

原帖由 KD1743 於 12-10-2010 10:32 發表 如果佢開演唱會, 我都會買門票入場支持

me 2

作者: ar_woo    時間: 12-10-2010 13:47

原帖由 啜啜仔〃 於 12-10-2010 12:39 發表 me 2


same here, please have your concerts soon Ken! I'll buy at least 10 tickets to celebrate your return!

作者: blessu    時間: 12-10-2010 14:05

原帖由 KD1743 於 12-10-2010 10:32 發表 如果佢開演唱會, 我都會買門票入場支持

支持蔡楓華開演唱會!! 支持!!

作者: blessu    時間: 15-10-2010 14:09


明報專訊】《勁歌金曲》將播映時間調到星期六的晚上7時30分播出,對提高收視起作用。 上周六的《勁歌》還有元老級主持蔡楓華助陣,收視平均18點(觀眾人數約115萬)成近年佳績  跟對上一星期成績比較,收視再上升1點,增加6萬多名觀眾 捧場,蔡楓華的號召力不講得笑,相信對他復出是強心針。

作者: ULTRA2020    時間: 15-10-2010 16:56


Money 對阿 Ken 的一翻話真的很感動,他的回應也很正面,

希望蔡楓華會好好把握未來的路 ~

作者: ar_woo    時間: 15-10-2010 16:56

原帖由 blessu 於 15-10-2010 14:09 發表 蔡楓華帶挈《勁歌》百萬觀眾捧場明報專訊】《勁歌金曲》將播映時間調到星期六的晚上7時30分播出,對提高收視起作用。上周六的《勁歌》還有元老級主持蔡楓華助陣,收視平均18點(觀眾人數約115萬)成近年佳績。&nbs ...


I seldom watch TV, but this time I watched it several times becoz Ken was on!  And there are many friends like that. Hey TVB, do you hear us?


BTW, blessu, did the files work?

作者: blessu    時間: 16-10-2010 11:02

原帖由 ar_woo 於 15-10-2010 16:56 發表     BTW, blessu, did the files work? 



作者: blessu    時間: 16-10-2010 11:02


Only the "talking" parts are posted here, part 2&4 are the singing parts which I have already posted previously. 

作者: ar_woo    時間: 16-10-2010 12:41

原帖由 blessu 於 16-10-2010 11:02 發表 Only the "talking" parts are posted here, part 2&4 are the singing parts which I have already posted previously. 


Thank you very much!   Ken is the best!

作者: Wendy2010    時間: 16-10-2010 20:47

作者: blessu    時間: 18-10-2010 09:56

原帖由 Wendy2010 於 16-10-2010 20:47 發表 今日才認真從頭到尾重溫tvb網站的高清視頻,看到觀衆席上有的觀衆好似也激動到流淚,不知有冇網友到現場觀看?

對啊, 看到阿Ken那刻真是激動到流淚.....
我是坐在.....電視機前. ........

作者: blessu    時間: 18-10-2010 10:07

鄭秀文撰文寫對 蔡楓華復出勁歌的感想, 看後很感動, 也非常感謝她真誠的分享.
標題:  勝仗  -- 鄭秀文

最後一段 :

" 就為了一集 <勁歌金曲 >, 蔡的狀態顯示出認真對待演出, 他認真, 我們就以認真回敬, 終於,
[ 他為自己的自尊取回了一次勝利.]

作者: blessu    時間: 18-10-2010 10:10

完整內文  (照相版)

作者: blessu    時間: 18-10-2010 10:10

作者: blessu    時間: 18-10-2010 10:11

作者: blessu    時間: 18-10-2010 10:14

作者: blessu    時間: 18-10-2010 10:14

作者: blessu    時間: 18-10-2010 10:15

作者: ar_woo    時間: 18-10-2010 14:30

原帖由 blessu 於 18-10-2010 10:14 發表


Thanks for sharing!

作者: 虎榮    時間: 19-10-2010 00:57

原帖由 ar_woo 於 18-10-2010 14:30 發表   Thanks for sharing!


me too!

作者: Soundboy    時間: 19-10-2010 03:12

Thank you for sharing!

I'm not a fan of 
鄭秀文 but her article has gained respect of her from me.  Good job!
作者: 超能電子男    時間: 19-10-2010 23:57

支持阿KEN 當晚我都有睇,唱"倩影"仲好好聽,同以家D"歌星仔"冇得比!
作者: blessu    時間: 26-10-2010 22:28

轉貼:  支持蔡楓華復出開演唱會

 From Olivialai88:

希望所有支持啊Ken o既朋友都加入去呢個page, 為啊Ken打氣

你可以在facebook search : “支持蔡楓華復出開演唱會" or follow this link:


作者: arronarif    時間: 28-10-2010 12:50

I am not a fan of Ken even when he was at his best in mid 80's. (but my friends are). Yet, I am very happy to see he comes back and prove himself.


However, I am not sure if concert is a good idea for him now. I dont' think he can stand the pressure and the attacks, in partciular from the media. (Remember, even our so 'beloved' Lesile and Anita nowadays, before their departures, media are quite harsh to them.)  


So, I think Ken should keep low-key and leave a postitve image for his fans and the next generation. Or, if he really want to come back in full blown, perhaps he should start to issue another record/ free MP3 download/ youtube first... re-sing his classics with different delievery and arrangement / re-sing other people's songs......  I could image he can sing Aaron and Leon's songs very well...(remember Shriley Kwan also do that) His friend from former CBS like Samantha Lam and Amy Chan can re-sing duet with him. One key thing is, he should keep up a positive image, showing to the world that he is OK and living a healthy life. 


I want to see him come back. Really.




作者: tnd1964    時間: 28-10-2010 13:05

原帖由 arronarif 於 28-10-2010 12:50 發表 I am not a fan of Ken even when he was at his best in mid 80's. (but my friends are). Yet, I am very happy to see he comes back and prove himself.   However, I am not sure if concert is a good ...
You got the point.However I wonder how many of his friends can still support him...thats a question.
作者: arronarif    時間: 28-10-2010 14:25

原帖由 tnd1964 於 28-10-2010 13:05 發表 You got the point.However I wonder how many of his friends can still support him...thats a question.


He need a good manager and who must be a real friend of him and his prority is "to save Ken, not for money."


The manager should be able to find reasons/ excuses to get Ken's friends or even some new artists to help Ken... anyway, "helping Ken, just out of  friendship' is not a bad publicity for any of those artists... And, anyway, I am not talking about asking those artists to relaunch with Ken as a group/ long term partnership, but just a one-off thing.


e.g. Eason Chan + Rowena's new song... the noise is high and the result is good. A win-win situation for Eason and Rowena... (Take note that Rowena did not appear so much, just Eason)


e.g. Image Ella Koon+Ken just relase a new single... and Ella tells the media that ... "oh you know what, i am very pleased to have this chance to sing with Ken. I love his songs a lot and it is my dream to sing with him when I was a kid, he is so respectable.....".  If the songs is OK, which I think will be, I think it will only do good to both...'    BUT... Ken must keep very low key too. can he?


I know many artists will be skeptical to associate with Ken now. But, if the artist is really good but not at the top-tier artist... why not to get some noise for youerself? . And, you know what?.... actually, if Sammi wants, she is ideal. She is so independent now and she is so 'religious' and she has "substance'/ not superficial.. she has a very gpod position to help ken. She knows how to do the right things.   Anyone know Wallace Kwok?

作者: tnd1964    時間: 28-10-2010 23:33

Good points, total agree.Sammi is the best right person to help him.However beisde others help he also need to control himself..nowadays TVB, cable..all interview youcannot find him has any smile on the face..too many unhapy things in his heart...everytime when I watch his small concert in Cable with Lam Man Chung...he seems  angry with thousands of a fans of him really feel sad and worry to see what he express on the stage...

even in this latest one:


So if he really come back.beside .friendship, love ,encourage , a good friend manager ,how to let him forget the unhappy past is also important.


Ken, we care about you..

作者: ar_woo    時間: 29-10-2010 00:18

原帖由 tnd1964 於 28-10-2010 23:33 發表 Good points, total agree.Sammi is the best right person to help him.However beisde others help he also need to control himself..nowadays TVB, cable..all interview youcannot find him has any smile on t ...


Ken had the right to be upset becoz that piece-of-sxxt Lam Man Chung just kept on provoking him, see (from the same concert as above):


Lam MC is just born to be a clown with a naturally-formed clown's face that needs no make-up. I'm glad all of his wives ran away from him. Come on, former Miss HK wake up seeing a big-mouth clown sleeping in the same bed? Batman would kick his clown AXX even though Ken was kind enough not to     Lam should just keep his mouth shut and stay away from the front stage.

作者: tnd1964    時間: 29-10-2010 00:56

Besides Lam..another MC without hair also bad not respect Ken ...not serious in their post..

作者: Soundboy    時間: 29-10-2010 01:18

All very good ideas for Ken's comeback.

I think what's needed is someone who's a "cheerleader" for Ken.  Someone that can point him in the right direction.  The reason for this "cheerleader" is, unlike singers like Rowena, there's a certain group of people, from the HK entertainment "reporters"  to loud mouths like Lam Mun-chung, waiting to make trouble for Ken.  I don't know what are their motives, but whatever they do will harm the progress for Ken.

I like to see Ken do his concerts, but I think a few guest performances will also be good.  I'd like to see Ken guest perform at Andy Lau's upcoming concerts, for example.  A well-received performance for a couple of songs at such a concert will build up Ken's confidence.  I also hope some of Ken's friends in the music business can help him out. 

作者: arronarif    時間: 29-10-2010 10:32

原帖由 tnd1964 於 28-10-2010 23:33 發表 Good points, total agree.Sammi is the best right person to help him.However beisde others help he also need to control himself..nowadays TVB, cable..all interview youcannot find him has any smile on t ...


I don't think we need to discuss 林敏聰's personality and his intention any more. I delete him in my mind already.  


Nett: Ken need good people around to help.


Acutally, instead of forgetting the past, Ken need to accept the past and move on. That's part of his life anyway! He should use his core strengthen to re-build himself/ confdience. Be it singing? Be it composing? fashion guru?... whatever (Sorry I don't know him too much') It not just about to be a singer again, but as a health and good person.


He definitely need to control himself and understand and prepare all sort of harsh comments/ challenges from the media and cope with it and better react properly with it. But you know what?... if a person has prepared the worst scenerio that could l happen on him already, he will not afraid anymore. And, if the media is correct that he has big financial problem that he need to rely on the government aid... he should think in the way that he has already in the worst worst scenerio but he can still survive and thus things could only get better...


Does nand can he think in this way?  


I know it is much easier to say than do. And, guess it will be a long long way to go, not a day, a week.  Ken need to have posititve thinking keep and it up and thus supportive real friends/ relative that constantly help him is ideal. This people should be physically near to him. Not just by phone/ email...etc.  


Anyone from his former fan club who also gain Ken's trust will be ideal but again, to this friend, it is also a very demanding and long-lasting job to be done. a lot of love. a lot of patience.  



作者: blessu    時間: 29-10-2010 16:50


 蔡楓華真情訪問 Part 1 : 重返樂壇


作者: blessu    時間: 29-10-2010 16:50

蔡楓華真情訪問 Part 2 : 澄清 "剎那光輝不是永恆" 言論


作者: blessu    時間: 29-10-2010 16:51

蔡楓華真情訪問 Part 3 : 復出非因經濟原因


作者: blessu    時間: 29-10-2010 16:51

蔡楓華真情訪問 Part 4 : 盼開演唱會


作者: tnd1964    時間: 29-10-2010 19:23

原帖由 blessu 於 29-10-2010 16:50 發表 2010年10月27日,TVB《娛樂新聞報道》,蔡楓華接受黎芷珊訪問 蔡楓華真情訪問 Part 1 : 重返樂壇
Thx to post it..can see him re sing that song..mix with old tears touching..thx!!
作者: tnd1964    時間: 29-10-2010 19:34

原帖由 blessu 於 29-10-2010 16:51 發表 蔡楓華真情訪問 Part 3 : 復出非因經濟原因
Glad to see no more big anger and all answere very good..better than that one in cable concert..Ken, you are coming.
作者: arronarif    時間: 30-10-2010 00:26

原帖由 blessu 於 29-10-2010 16:51 發表 蔡楓華真情訪問 Part 4 : 盼開演唱會


thanks. i am so glad to see the real Ken. I feel very comfortable.


Seems his voice changes.... a good chance to  re-interpret his old songs.



作者: blessu    時間: 30-10-2010 11:13

原帖由 tnd1964 於 29-10-2010 19:23 發表 Thx to post it..can see him re sing that song..mix with old tears touching..thx!!

阿Ken的真情剖白, 果然厲害!!  Oldcake 難得一見,  tnd1964 大哥那麼感動......有沒有流了

作者: tnd1964    時間: 30-10-2010 11:38

原帖由 blessu 於 30-10-2010 11:13 發表 阿Ken的真情剖白, 果然厲害!!  Oldcake 難得一見,  tnd1964 大哥那麼感動......有沒有流了 "一公升眼淚"?
Just a little bit...but I feel that it might be come true...something must happen in the near future...hope my 6 sense works..
作者: ar_woo    時間: 30-10-2010 16:34

原帖由 tnd1964 於 29-10-2010 19:23 發表 Thx to post it..can see him re sing that song..mix with old tears touching..thx!!


Me too....... eyes still wet........ Thanks you for these 4 videos blessu!

作者: tnd1964    時間: 30-10-2010 17:28

ae_woo, why not post those copied sheets to all? That fans write about all songs stories..
作者: blessu    時間: 30-10-2010 21:50

蔡楓華 絕對空虛 MV 2010 年感人錄音室版


作者: helloandhi    時間: 31-10-2010 12:02

Great, Finally, Ken's back !!

I love his wonderful voice ...

Ken, trust yourself & don't give up

作者: ar_woo    時間: 31-10-2010 13:30

原帖由 tnd1964 於 30-10-2010 17:28 發表 ae_woo, why not post those copied sheets to all? That fans write about all songs stories..


OK big bro, I'll definitely do it but need a little time, sorry........ and also those videos you gave me, need time to convert but will get them done soon I hope...

作者: ar_woo    時間: 31-10-2010 13:34

原帖由 blessu 於 30-10-2010 21:50 發表 蔡楓華 絕對空虛 MV 2010 年感人錄音室版


Thanks a lot, this may be the first time I stopped listening to my fav. song 恋人も濡れる街角 to watch a YouTube video Tho Mr. Nakamura is my all-time fav singer, Ken does feel closer and a more tangible 80's idol to us HK oldcakes. And one of the few ones left besides Alan Tam, George Lam, etc. We must treasure him and I'm grateful to Ken for coming back to bring us some of the 80's best stuff, live! Waiting for your concert Ken! And I'll certainly want to buy your new CD if available soon...... I love oldcake songs being re-arranged and that's why I bought Janice's new album (my first CD of hers). If Ken has a new one, I'll buy 10 and give some to my oldcake friends!

作者: tnd1964    時間: 31-10-2010 22:43

原帖由 ar_woo 於 31-10-2010 13:30 發表   OK big bro, I'll definitely do it but need a little time, sorry........ and also those videos you gave me, need time to convert but will get them done soon I hope...
Thx..those vdos really not important..I think those paper works more importnt..if u have time just scan it and post here will be fine....or u want to type by yourself??Please don' will waste your many papers..
作者: ar_woo    時間: 3-11-2010 12:31

Hey guys! Check this out!!!!!! Ken's got Alan Tam's support also!!! Very touching moments with Money Lo, Alan & Ken together......   See, Alan's hand never left Ken's during the whole conversation...... my eyes & nose all got wet......



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