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§@ªÌ: ¶ý«}¥J    ®É¶¡: 24-9-2010 06:58     ¼ÐÃD: ¬Á¼þ¿}


«Y¤@ºØ¨à®É嘅¤pª±·N¦P¹s­¹,喺­»´ä¤w¸gµ´¸ñ咗¦¿´ò¤T¤Q´X¦~,¥H«e³q±`·|«Y¤@¦ìªü¨û,Ê\揸¦í¬[ºø¦Ï¥J¸ü¦í­Ó¿}½¦Äl, 响«Î§ø¤Î±p¸m°Ï¥|³ò¨«.­Óªü¨û¥ÎD¨ü¼ö³n咗­ø¦PÃC¦â嘅¿}½¦,·b¦¨­ø¦P嘅¤½¥J,¦³¦è¹C°OùØ­±­ø¦P嘅¤Hª«,¤S¦³°}®É·b­Ó­ï¤l¥X嚟,¤S¦³°}®É·|¦n¥H§j¬Á¼þËݧj°¦¤û¥X嚟,©ÎªÌ¨ä¥L°Êª«.¤£¹LªG°}®É¥ò«YÀ㨧ÁK嘅§Ú¨C¦¸¤@´£°_¬Á¼þ¿}­ù¤T­Ó¦r´N·|¤ñ¦Ñ¨§¥´¨ì°Vµó,ÂI¸Ñ ?¦]¬°Ê\»s§@嘅¹Lµ{«Y¦n¦ÃÁV,§A¦aÚ»¤ù³£·|¨£¨ì,­Óªü¨û¯u«Y¥Î¤f§jD®ð¤J¥h,Ê\¦³ªÍ³Ò§A´N¤@©w¦º±ð,¥ò¦³·í®É«Y­ø·|¦³¤H¥Î¤â®MËݽåÍ.©Ò¥H¤pªB¤Í­¹咗¤@©w¦n¦MÀI,©Ò¥H¦Ñ¨§«Y­ø·|¤ñ§Ú¶R嚟­¹,³s´£³£­ø·Ç´£.



§@ªÌ: ¶W¤H¥S§Ì    ®É¶¡: 24-9-2010 12:18

­ì©«¥Ñ ¶ý«}¥J ©ó 24-9-2010 06:58 µoªí   «Y¤@ºØ¨à®É嘅¤pª±·N¦P¹s­¹,喺­»´ä¤w¸gµ´¸ñ咗¦¿´ò¤T¤Q´X¦~,¥H«e³q±` ...
§@ªÌ: arronarif    ®É¶¡: 24-9-2010 12:27

I can still find it, but only  durng the 'Tai Hau Festival' Chinese Opera Show, near the Tsing Yi Market Building.  As such, I can only see the stall few times a year.


§@ªÌ: Athena    ®É¶¡: 24-9-2010 12:35

§@ªÌ: ¶ý«}¥J    ®É¶¡: 24-9-2010 23:40

­ì©«¥Ñ arronarif ©ó 24-9-2010 12:27 µoªí I can still find it, but only  durng the 'Tai Hau Festival' Chinese Opera Show, near the Tsing Yi Market Building.  As such, I can only see the stall few times ...


Oh~~!! really!? thanks for telling. next time I should go there. can you tell me more detail, such as exactly location.«C¦çµó¥«?

This is a Cultural Heritage. HK govt should perserve  this artcraft.

§@ªÌ: ¶ý«}¥J    ®É¶¡: 24-9-2010 23:41

­ì©«¥Ñ Athena ©ó 24-9-2010 12:35 µoªí §Ú­Ë¬O²Ä¤@¦¸¬Ý¨ì³oºØªF¦è¡C



§@ªÌ: Athena    ®É¶¡: 25-9-2010 00:16

­ì©«¥Ñ ¶ý«}¥J ©ó 24-9-2010 23:41 µoªí   ¦]¬°喺­»´ä¤w¸gµ´¸ñ咗¦¿´ò¤T¤Q´X¦~.....
§@ªÌ: LouisLee    ®É¶¡: 25-9-2010 00:20

©O¨ý嘢§Ú³£¥¼¨£¹L, ­¹¤f¤ô§ÀËÝ°­®Ö¬ð, ¯u«Y«}·d§Ú!!!



§@ªÌ: ULTRA2020    ®É¶¡: 25-9-2010 01:17

²Ä¤G´Ú¨£¹L, ¦ý³o­Ó®v³Å¯u«Y­øª¾Ê\µeÉA¹Ï®× ~


°_ªì¥H¬°µe³¾©Î»ñ, ÂIª¾³Ì«á­ì¨Ó¬O¶Ãµe...

§@ªÌ: foureyesfatboy    ®É¶¡: 25-9-2010 01:22

­ì©«¥Ñ Athena ©ó 24-9-2010 12:35 µoªí §Ú­Ë¬O²Ä¤@¦¸¬Ý¨ì³oºØªF¦è¡C

¦P§A¤@¼Ë......µL¦L¶H....µL¨£¹L...  «Y­ø«YÆW¥JµL±o½æ...

§@ªÌ: arronarif    ®É¶¡: 25-9-2010 01:45

­ì©«¥Ñ ¶ý«}¥J ©ó 24-9-2010 23:40 µoªí   Oh~~!! really!? thanks for telling. next time I should go there. can you tell me more detail, such as exactly location.«C¦çµó¥«? This is a Cultural Heritage. HK govt should perse ...


you can find the map there on Tsing Yi market


I think Tin Hau Festival is in May... OK..... next year, if I still find it, I will post a message here so that you can find out youself.  

§@ªÌ: arronarif    ®É¶¡: 25-9-2010 02:03

Just dig out a pic I taken back in 2007 on that but I do not know how to post it here....the man alos use a few colours of molten candy to and make small candy toys. yet, I never try it as it is too dirty to eat and I expect the candy will not taste any good.
§@ªÌ: ¶ý«}¥J    ®É¶¡: 25-9-2010 02:27

­ì©«¥Ñ arronarif ©ó 25-9-2010 01:45 µoªí   you can find the map there on Tsing Yi market ...



I'm deeply appreciated for your help. you are my friend.  because of my childhood , my father don't let my to buy this thing. so sad.....

§@ªÌ: arronarif    ®É¶¡: 25-9-2010 02:51

­ì©«¥Ñ ¶ý«}¥J ©ó 25-9-2010 02:27 µoªí     I'm deeply appreciated for your help. you are my friend.  because of my childhood , my father don't let my to buy this thing. so sad.....



... thanks but I am afraid i would not allow you to buy this if i were your friend, not to mention I were your family... if you are going to eat it.



§@ªÌ: ¶ý«}¥J    ®É¶¡: 25-9-2010 02:56

­ì©«¥Ñ arronarif ©ó 25-9-2010 02:03 µoªí Just dig out a pic I taken back in 2007 on that but I do not know how to post it here....the man alos use a few colours of molten candy to and make small candy toys. yet, I never try it as it is to ...


you can upload your photo in here or other web site.

because, we are new in here, we don't have enough marks to upload photo in this forum.

so. you may see someone said very strange.

Anyway, I' m truely appreciated that the people established this forum.

it can recall my childhood memory.



§@ªÌ: ¶ý«}¥J    ®É¶¡: 25-9-2010 03:00

­ì©«¥Ñ arronarif ©ó 25-9-2010 02:51 µoªí     ... thanks but I am afraid i would not allow you to buy this if i were your friend, not to mention I were your family... if you are going to eat it.    


of course, I won't eat it. how old am I now?  no kidding. I buy it as a  souvenir. So, don't worry, my friend.

§@ªÌ: ¶W¤H¥S§Ì    ®É¶¡: 25-9-2010 09:05

­ì©«¥Ñ ULTRA2020 ©ó 25-9-2010 01:17 µoªí ²Ä¤G´Ú¨£¹L, ¦ý³o­Ó®v³Å¯u«Y­øª¾Ê\µeÉA¹Ï®× ~   °_ªì¥H¬°µe³¾©Î»ñ, ÂIª¾³Ì«á­ì¨Ó¬O¶Ãµe...
§@ªÌ: ahmui    ®É¶¡: 25-9-2010 09:12


§@ªÌ: ¶W¤H¥S§Ì    ®É¶¡: 25-9-2010 09:23

­ì©«¥Ñ ahmui ©ó 25-9-2010 09:12 µoªí ÂI¸Ñ§ÚÉN¨£¹L嘅?©_©Ç嘞¡I¤@啲¦L¶H³£ÉN¡I

©p¤j®a»Ó¨q...ÂI·|¨£©O D µóµ£o³¥o¤X~!

§@ªÌ: ahmui    ®É¶¡: 25-9-2010 17:01

­ì©«¥Ñ ¶W¤H¥S§Ì ©ó 25-9-2010 09:23 µoªí ©p¤j®a»Ó¨q...ÂI·|¨£©O D µóµ£o³¥o¤X~!


§@ªÌ: ¶W¤H¥S§Ì    ®É¶¡: 25-9-2010 17:21

­ì©«¥Ñ ahmui ©ó 25-9-2010 17:01 µoªí §ÚÃhºÃ§A¦³¦k·Q¯g§r¡IËݦn·Q¹³¤O嘅¡I§A¦ô§Ú¥~¬P¾¤¬[?

hee...hee...§Ú do ÃhºÃ§A¦³¦k·Q¯g¦ô§Ú«Y¦k·Q¯g§r¡IËݦn·Q¹³¤O嘅¡Iyes~§Ú«Y¥~¬P¾¤¬[...M78¬P¶³¥ú¤§°ê!

§@ªÌ: ahmui    ®É¶¡: 25-9-2010 20:48

­ì©«¥Ñ ¶W¤H¥S§Ì ©ó 25-9-2010 17:21 µoªí hee...hee...§Ú do ÃhºÃ§A¦³¦k·Q¯g¦ô§Ú«Y¦k·Q¯g§r¡IËݦn·Q¹³¤O嘅¡Iyes~§Ú«Y¥~¬P¾¤¬[...M78¬P¶³¥ú¤§°ê!


§@ªÌ: ¶W¤H¥S§Ì    ®É¶¡: 25-9-2010 20:57

­ì©«¥Ñ ahmui ©ó 25-9-2010 20:48 µoªí ®@¡A¯u¬Û²×©ó¤j¥Õ³â¡I­ì¨Ó§A¥ý¦Ü«Y¥~¬P¾¤嘅¡A­ø©Ç¤§±o¦¨¤é³£»yµL­Û¦¸°Õ¡I

ÉA¥~¬P¾¤嘅·|¦¨¤é³£»yµL­Û¦¸o¬J«§~??! ®@...

­ø«Y§Úo¦a»yµL­Û¦¸...«Y¤j®a Channel ­ø¦P©p­øÃÑÅ¥oªÌ¡C


§@ªÌ: Kendama    ®É¶¡: 17-12-2010 00:02

Still available in the mainland ...






§@ªÌ: ¬B¹ê¤°²ß¯¶¬µ¶°    ®É¶¡: 17-12-2010 00:07

­ì©«¥Ñ Kendama ©ó 17-12-2010 00:02 µoªí Still available in the mainland ...   ht ...
¼M...¦n¥¿.  ¥i¥H­¹ ?



§@ªÌ: kkeeleung    ®É¶¡: 17-12-2010 01:05

­ì©«¥Ñ ¬B¹ê¤°²ß¯¶¬µ¶° ©ó 17-12-2010 00:07 µoªí ¼M...¦n¥¿.  ¥i¥H­¹ ?    
Brother, try to watch the movie link at the post no. 1. then, consider again you want to eat it or not ?
§@ªÌ: ¬B¹ê¤°²ß¯¶¬µ¶°    ®É¶¡: 17-12-2010 01:20

­ì©«¥Ñ kkeeleung ©ó 17-12-2010 01:05 µoªí Brother, try to watch the movie link at the post no. 1. then, consider again you want to eat it or not ?
¼M...I change mind now...
§@ªÌ: whoiambatman    ®É¶¡: 17-12-2010 09:04

­ì©«¥Ñ Kendama ©ó 17-12-2010 00:02 µoªí Still available in the mainland ...   ht ...


§@ªÌ: arronarif    ®É¶¡: 19-4-2011 11:30

I saw this blowing candy last night in the open area next to the Tsing Yi market building. Right now, there is a chinese opera performance. I think we can go to see it tonight. there are lot of stall selling different kind of old snacks.


§@ªÌ: Áo¬¥¦hÂĤñ    ®É¶¡: 19-4-2011 11:54



§@ªÌ: billy_silly    ®É¶¡: 21-5-2011 07:39


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