can anyone tell me what is the name of this animation? and any more details of the story?
I get some more info below...
節目介紹: 這是在臨近1978年日本舉行的世界盃排球之前企畫的排球名作動畫.
播放內容: 在 橘高校 升讀高中3年級的 聖美美, 打算用這最後1年高中生活打排球. 可是, 這間學校的排球部在1年前發生過有部員因過酷練習而死亡的悲劇, 事實上此後一直停止活動. 美美企圖重建排球部而拼命幕集新入部員.. 轉入生 一條明日香 在之前的學校曾是個強豪選手的事實受到注目..
一條 明日香 (*女主角1); 聖 美美 (*女主角2); 杉原ゆかり (杉原 由加利);
西すみえ (西 澄江); 関谷 君子; 太田トミ子 (太田 富子);
*上面有6個女人名, 該是你說的6個隊員吧?!
其他: 原 大介; 聖 加代; 聖 露樹; 嵐 三吉; 白木ルミ (白木 留美);
伏島 一郎 (*這個該是教練吧?)
原帖由 arronarif 於 14-7-2010 09:28 發表 can anyone tell me what is the name of this animation? and any more details of the story? I get some more info below... 節目介紹: ...
thanks a lot. I am so 鄉下仔.
請往下面的貼看看吧! 年前日本網上還可以免費收看. 你試試帖中的link是否仍然有效吧!
故事結局: 聖美美終於以苦練的網上攔球絶技打敗宿敵孖女, 帶領隊伍在自己畢業前奪得最後的冠軍, 她亦當選最佳球員及獲邀加入職業排球隊, 而以直線扣殺聞名的一條明日香則如願以償, 獲選加入自己夢味以求的代表球隊.
此片幾乎是依照Attack No.1 的劇情去發展.
這也許是受成功漫話的影響吧! 我沒有看過漫晝, 反而覺得套卡通片幾好睇!
呢套系我至愛呢! 我其實想寫好耐, 可惜無圖!所以擱置左! 唔通你有套......? 如果系, pm話我知!
香港絶超大把人記得, 我都重記得七七八八, 到時大家一人一d補上去, 就掂晒架lar!
原帖由 幻之聖騎士 於 16-7-2010 10:34 發表 今人懷念,小鹿純子既離心獨劈,我記得初初佢打空翻時,雙腿分開,所以威力無咁大,但後期比教練指點後,雙腿合埋,咁就勁好多,我有無記錯劇情呢
原帖由 aiselo 於 16-7-2010 19:25 發表 應該無,因為好似分開的話,容易令腳部受傷。而最後有說『離心獨劈』並不完美,後來就要學新招。而『離心獨劈』就演變成為兩位隊員同時使用,又係有無記錯呢﹖
yes. many people played volleyball at the time.
I was in my junior secondary school, my teacher would just give us a very old "Train" 12-piece-leather training volleyball and ask us to practise whenever we have time. (later on, those who can play better would be rewarded with a Mikasa/ Molten training Ball.) I remembered there were always volleyballs flying up and down around after school in the playground. My E teacher never really teach us any advance skill, we just sort that out ourselves. (Soccer and basketball are also popular but not to the degree as volleyball... maybe is good for both boys and girls.)
Later on, we even went to the plyaground near the Flower Market, Mongkok to play with strangers and my teacher would also help us to join summer volleyball class/ inter-school competition and even referree class...etc
I remembered "Pu Yin"/ "La Salle"/ Kwun Tong Techincial School/ Cheung Sa Wan Catholic have very good schooln team.
That was in the early 80's and when was also the best Chinese and Cuba Women Volleyball National team.
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