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標題: 人狼戀 [打印本頁]

作者: hongkongman    時間: 29-3-2010 13:05     標題: 人狼戀

(人狼戀)此套電影就沒有看過,但七十年代此電影的主題曲就唱到街頭巷尾.,真的十分流行,中,英文的版本也一樣的......但唱中文版本好像有阿姐(汪明荃)唱過......有冇olcake 記得此電影的劇情和英文歌的版本是誰唱的.請多多指教........
作者: 綠寶210    時間: 29-3-2010 20:22


星期五竟然聽到呢隻歌, 大埔火車站往巴士站既行人隧道, 由街頭賣唱者所唱...


原來當年香港只得4間戲院播, 唔怪之得好少人記得.

但以前是小朋友時一經過 [影都] 就入去睇吓預告片...


電影 [人狼戀] 主題曲, 很出名亦很好聽.

"When a child is born"  BONEY M 名曲之一





歌曲歌曲有很多的版本,johnny mathis这个版本可以说是最经典的。


且来聆听这首神圣,传奇,静谧的歌! 原名是《soleado》,词曲作者是zacar和f. jay。原是一首意大利歌曲。when a child is born是英文版。




作者: 綠寶210    時間: 29-3-2010 20:22

以前好想睇電影人狼戀, 可惜係兒童不宜, 有祼露鏡頭.



Nazareno Cruz y el Lobo - Griselda y Nazareno (Parte 1)


請自行尋找 PART2, 有唔出得街既片段...  


作者: 綠寶210    時間: 29-3-2010 20:32

Nazarene Cross and the Wolf

(Nazareno Cruz y el Lobo )


This retelling of a popular legend, based on a radio drama scripted by Juan Carlos Chiappe, was tremendously popular throughout Argentina when it was released in 1974. Nazareno Cruz is the seventh son of a couple living in a high mountain village. According to folklore, a seventh son will become a wolf on nights of the full moon. Everyone in the village is relieved when this doesn't happen. The boy grows up and falls in love with a beautiful girl, Griselda. Around his 20th birthday, he is visited by the Devil, who offers him the wealth of the world if he will turn his back on his love for Griselda; if he fails to do this, he will certainly become a wolf. Nazareno bravely chooses to continue in his love, and duly turns into a wolf. While he is being hunted down by the villagers, he is led to a mysterious cavern where the Devil again appears. Nazareno is told that he will be killed, but because of his goodness he will go to heaven. The Devil wants a message delivered to God: he's tired of being the bad guy on earth and wants to retire.



作者: 綠寶210    時間: 29-3-2010 20:58


"Soleado" is a wordless song composed by Ciro Dammicco under the alias "Zacar", based on his earlier composition "Le rose blu" published in 1972.

The first recorded version was 1974's version of the Daniel Sentacruz Ensemble[1], of which Ciro was a member.


It has been sung with various lyrics by many well known artists such as Percy Faith, Paul Mauriat, Mireille Mathieu and several others.


The melody has also been adapted to the Christmas song When a Child Is Born sung by Johnny Mathis, becoming a number one hit in the UK, and to the German song Tränen lügen nicht by Michael Holm, becoming a number one hit in Germany and a Top 10 hit in Austria and Switzerland, and its techno version Tears don't lie by Mark'Oh in 1995, a German Number 1-hit.

There is also a parody Dänen lügen nicht (Danish people don't lie), sung by Otto Waalkes. Gigi D'Agostino has made a trance remix of the tune as well.


The Italian band Elio e le Storie Tese sing a custom cover in their New Year's Eve concerts, called Buon Anno Nuovo, with the words "Buon anno nuovo" (Happy New Year) as the only repeated lyrics. The Czech singer Karel Gott sings a cover called Měl jsem rád a mám (I loved and I still do).



作者: 綠寶210    時間: 29-3-2010 21:00


Boney M









作者: 綠寶210    時間: 29-3-2010 21:11

A ray of hope flickers in the sky

a tiny star lights up way up high

All across the land dawns a brand new morn

This comes to pass when a child is born


A silent wish sails the seven seas

the wind of change whisper in the trees

And the walls of doubt crumble tost and torn

This comes to pass when a child is born


A rosy hue settles all around

You got the feel You’re on solid ground

For a spell of two no one seems forlorn

This comes to pass when a child is born


It's all a dream an illusion now

it must come true sometime soon, sometime how

All across the land dawns a brand new morn

This comes to pass when a child is born





作者: 999    時間: 29-3-2010 22:08

原帖由 hongkongman 於 29-3-2010 13:05 發表 (人狼戀)此套電影就沒有看過,但七十年代此電影的主題曲就唱到街頭巷尾.,真的十分流行,中,英文的版本也一樣的......但唱中文版本好像有阿姐(汪明荃)唱過......有冇olcake 記得此電影的劇情和英文歌的版本是誰唱的.請多 ...

向 作詞人葉紹德先生深遠致敬


情醉青山 才貌驕俗眼 

緣定合歡 窺窗新月橫

相思句  玉燕枕畔喃 

唱和樑間 盟誓天地鑒

勞燕分飛 腸斷朝夕盼 

人遠夢短 方知相會難

音書杳 舊愛不復還 

遠望雲山 垂淚睜倦眼

愁壓春山 情斷鴛夢冷 

懷記舊歡 傷心忍淚難

三春去 月缺花又殘 

兩字緣慳 無淚哭聚散

作者: 綠寶210    時間: 29-3-2010 22:23

香港電影票房 1978 [總票房]



排行 106

上映時期 19/01/78- 01/02/78


票房數入 (港元)  $750,361.00



1978年 還有好多著名電影 :


1 賣身契 $7,823,019.50    (SAM HUI)

2 醉拳 $6,763,793.40

3 油脂 $4,172,006.00 (尊特拉華揼)


5 第三類接觸 $3,966,997.00  (SPIELBERG) 

7 死亡遊戲 $3,436,168.60   (假李小龍)

9 蜜桃成熟時 $2,942,180.50 (TOP10, 票房三百萬既咸片... )


11 星球大戰 $2,742,068.50   (咁少)

12 林亞珍  $2,718,081.60 (蕭芳芳)

18 週末狂熱  $2,397,558.00 ( DISCO 手指指)



105 青梅竹馬少年樂 (呢個好似好出名)

197 太空星球大戰 (日本片, 當年以為呢部係STARWARS)


作者: hongkongman    時間: 31-3-2010 16:50

原帖由 綠寶210 於 29-3-2010 20:22 發表 真係橋.... 星期五竟然聽到呢隻歌, 大埔火車站往巴士站既行人隧道, 由街頭賣唱者所唱...   原來當年香港只得4間戲院播, 唔怪之得好少人記得. 但以前是小朋友時一經過 [影都] 就入去睇吓預告片... ...
真的啱啱遇著剛剛......首歌真的好好聽......幾感人.............Thank you for Sharing....
作者: LouisLee    時間: 31-3-2010 19:15

Bing Crosby - When a Child is Born



Johnny Mathis - When A Child Is Born 1977 Live



Manolo Otero - Todo el tiempo del mundo 齋噏版



Matt Monro - When A Child Is Born

作者: LouisLee    時間: 31-3-2010 19:17

原帖由 999 於 29-3-2010 22:08 發表 向 作詞人葉紹德先生深遠致敬春殘夢斷 情醉青山 才貌驕俗眼 緣定合歡 窺窗新月橫相思句  玉燕枕畔喃 唱和樑間 盟誓天地鑒 勞燕分飛 腸斷朝夕盼 人遠夢短 方知相會難音書杳 舊 ...


講真, 葉紹德 D 詞我就不敢恭維, 矯揉造作, 俗不可耐!!!



作者: 綠寶210    時間: 31-3-2010 20:19

原帖由 LouisLee 於 31-3-2010 19:15 發表 Bing Crosby - When a Child is Born     Johnny Mathis - When A Child Is Born 1977 Live     http://www.yout ...




作者: youko210    時間: 4-3-2014 13:39     標題: 網上有得看啊



Nazareno Cruz y el Lobo



作者: youko210    時間: 5-3-2014 09:55     標題: 人狼戀1975

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