睇完今期後,真係0晒咀喎,到底係我記錯定編劇亂黎。今期話小虎閉關試練第九陽,請問何來第九陽的心法呢??? 第九陽第心法素來只有白蓮教主擁有,連未登位的東方無敵都只有前八陽的心法,小虎何來可以練呀? 我只係記得聖上鶪賳t使九陽小霹靂的心法咋喎? 再者東方無敵絶冇可能將自己最強的武器傳與任何人掛?
沒有心法又點練第九陽? 如果話佢地兩父子合力可衝上第九陽的話,咁任何武功都唔駛要心法啦,果陣黑龍又仲咩得果六關唔可以練上去喎? 編劇門又發咩野癲? 總之任何理由都好,小虎現皆段怎也沒可能得到第九陽的心法,沒有心法更冇可能練上第九陽囉。如果佢話第九陽的心法曾經外涉咁就真係不知所謂,自己打破自己武功層面的平衡,只有聖上才有九陽功力先有說服力,又有其他人練上九陽根本就不算什麼無敵神功囉。
[ 本帖最後由 bowroy2005 於 2008-11-7 04:58 PM 編輯 ] from uwants.com 轉copy
I don't beblieve Mr.Wong still play this game...
原帖由 拾實什習窄炸集 於 16-11-2008 04:15 發表 睇完今期後,真係0晒咀喎,到底係我記錯定編劇亂黎。今期話小虎閉關試練第九陽,請問何來第九陽的心法呢??? 第九陽第心法素來只有白蓮教主擁有,連未登位的東方無敵都只有前八陽的心法,小虎何來可以練呀? 我只 ...
原帖由 拾實什習窄炸集 於 17-11-2008 09:45 發表 I stop it about 25 years ago..I read this guy's opions from other web site's discussion forum, and very suprise Mr.Wrog still playing the old games again..
原帖由 拾實什習窄炸集 於 17-11-2008 09:45 發表 I stop it about 25 years ago..I read this guy's opions from other web site's discussion forum, and very suprise Mr.Wrog still playing the old games again..
1983年, 我已開始睇一兩年吧.
新龍虎門係無以前舊著咁好睇, 不過畫面公仔係靚左好多倍.
通常D FANS 都係插到本漫畫七彩, 簡直血肉朦糊.
但又有好多人討論, 相當熱鬧.
原帖由 火馬 於 17-11-2008 10:42 發表 已經唔係第一次啦!拾爺!韋陀無依九陰真經;單憑與銀鷹拼命果陣;給對方練住喉龍;掙脫不成!在運功抵抗時;無意中成功步進九陰真經最高一章!咁搞法都得;要d秘笈黎做乜?天下間為秘笈你爭我奪的高手;都變了 ...
Brother: 請問便秘 谷一谷會否提升功力 ?
原帖由 火馬 於 17-11-2008 20:41 發表 時代進步左;人又要求高左!查實舊著龍記都漏洞多多;例如馬小靈落響翻江蛟咁多年;劇情上小虎完全當冇件事;當時讀者都冇乜尖銳批評;當笑話就算........
If we convert them into real life...how old they will be when 馬小靈 and small tiger reunion ?
原帖由 拾實什習窄炸集 於 17-11-2008 21:45 發表 If we convert them into real life...how old they will be when 馬小靈 and small tiger reunion ?
原帖由 火馬 於 17-11-2008 10:42 發表 已經唔係第一次啦!拾爺!韋陀無依九陰真經;單憑與銀鷹拼命果陣;給對方練住喉龍;掙脫不成!在運功抵抗時;無意中成功步進九陰真經最高一章!咁搞法都得;要d秘笈黎做乜?天下間為秘笈你爭我奪的高手;都變了 ...
原帖由 拾實什習窄炸集 於 16-11-2008 04:15 發表 睇完今期後,真係0晒咀喎,到底係我記錯定編劇亂黎。今期話小虎閉關試練第九陽,請問何來第九陽的心法呢??? 第九陽第心法素來只有白蓮教主擁有,連未登位的東方無敵都只有前八陽的心法,小虎何來可以練呀? 我只 ...
I agreed with Bro Ten. Tiger Wong and his father should not known the way to 九陽. The secret should be kept in the building which only allowed the Emperor (東方無敵) to enter. So, it is nonsense that Tiger and his father knew the way to 九陽.
The story writer might forgot what he mentioned in the earlier part of the story. Howerver, Tong Wong might said that Tiger Mother who had also entered the building at that material time and she was accidentially and luckily to learn the way and she remembered the 口訣 (since Tiger Mother has excellant memory as mentioned in the story), otherwise how can the writer to solve the discrepancy? Or Tony Wong might simply think the reader are all fools with poor memory and so no need to solve any discrepancy of the story.
Though I stopped purchase the comic books but I still read it from web site.
原帖由 火馬 於 17-11-2008 20:41 發表 時代進步左;人又要求高左!查實舊著龍記都漏洞多多;例如馬小靈落響翻江蛟咁多年;劇情上小虎完全當冇件事;當時讀者都冇乜尖銳批評;當笑話就算........
廿幾年前都未有互聯網, 王小龍之死一事, 只能與同學之間狂插老黃.
近十年有左互聯網之後, 資訊更自由, 上網可以睇番哂舊著, 又可以同好多網友討論, 真係好正.
Anybody can guess what will the last epsiode of Dragon Tiger Door ( DTD ) looks like ?
原帖由 綠寶210 於 18-11-2008 18:14 發表 廿幾年前都未有互聯網, 王小龍之死一事, 只能與同學之間狂插老黃. 近十年有左互聯網之後, 資訊更自由, 上網可以睇番哂舊著, 又可以同好多網友討論, 真係好正.
原帖由 拾實什習窄炸集 於 19-11-2008 21:16 發表 Anybody can guess what will the last epsiode of Dragon Tiger Door ( DTD ) looks like ?
[ 本帖最後由 火馬 於 25-11-2008 20:55 編輯 ]
原帖由 火馬 於 25-11-2008 20:54 發表 確難明;我都唔明李小龍d咁低劣質素;why仲未摺?前幾日見到位五十幾勾的大叔;響報攤買了本李小龍;仲好擒青揭黎睇! 我真係好耐冇見人買呢本野! 始終果句;有人買;就有人出..........
may be this guy come from Green Mountian hospital ?
原帖由 火馬 於 25-11-2008 20:54 發表 確難明;我都唔明李小龍d咁低劣質素;why仲未摺?前幾日見到位五十幾勾的大叔;響報攤買了本李小龍;仲好擒青揭黎睇! 我真係好耐冇見人買呢本野! 始終果句;有人買;就有人出..........
超級FANS 係咁架啦,
因為情意結, 變成一種生活習慣.
原帖由 拾實什習窄炸集 於 27-11-2008 00:46 發表 Brother: can you tell me why 李小龍 magazinbe is so bad ? I usually like it too and also the Golden Devil ( His partner )
你大可以click 入上面條link睇睇;如此製作!在今時今日應有的畫功;故事質素黎計;;是否在普遍水準之下?
原帖由 火馬 於 27-11-2008 09:53 發表 http://www.tuku.cc/comic/6688/1518/?2 你大可以click 入上面條link睇睇;如此製作!在今時今日應有的畫功;故事質素黎計;;是否在普遍水準之下?
Brother: Thanks...Now I know why...My God...
That is even wrose than US comic book call: MAD
原帖由 火馬 於 17-11-2008 20:41 發表 時代進步左;人又要求高左!查實舊著龍記都漏洞多多;例如馬小靈落響翻江蛟咁多年;劇情上小虎完全當冇件事;當時讀者都冇乜尖銳批評;當笑話就算........
i don't know why i always think he look like a color wolf ?
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