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Anybody know what is happening to §õ¤pÀs's story ?


­ì©«¥Ñ ¬B¹ê¤°²ß¯¶¬µ¶° ©ó 23-4-2008 02:30 µoªí Anybody know what is happening to §õ¤pÀs's story ?


given up long time ago...

seldom see people reading it already...what a pity!



­ì©«¥Ñ ivanhoyc ©ó 23-4-2008 11:27 µoªí   given up long time ago... seldom see people reading it already...what a pity!


Bro Ivan,


I show my sincere respect to you that you can collect such a wonderful treasure in Singapore.


I also gave up to read Bruce Lee Comic long time ago.  In mid 2005, I read New Oriental Hero (·sµÛÀsªêªù),Tony Wong has mentioned in the article that ¤W©x¤pÄ_ decided that Bruce Lee Comic would be ended in near future.  However, ¤W©x¤pÄ_ has not failed to keep  his promise and Bruce Lee Comic is still publishing now.


According to some magazine, Bruce Lee Comic is now combined with a Race Comic and the two stories are printed together in one comic book and still charges for $14.00.


However, the turnover rate was much deteriorated for Bruce Lee Comic, in its peak time, the turnover rate was over 100,000 for one episode but now is only 12,000 to 15,000.  Tony Wong's New Oriental Hero still keeps a turnover rate for approximately 50,000 per week but Oriental Hero (Àsªêªù) could sell for nearly 200,000 per week at its peak time in mid 70s.


I read comic when I was still a kindergarten student.  At that time, I just read Jap or American Hero Comic, all written by Hong Kong authors. Later on, in my earlier primary school stage, I read Episode 167 of Oriental Hero from one of my neighbours.  At that time, I could not understand every word written in the comic book, but it was marvellous that I changed my taste from reading Scientific Comic to Action (Kung Fu) comic from then on. 


If Bro Ivan were living in H.K., we could make a friendship and share our view on comic treasure.  Hope to see you in future.    


­ì©«¥Ñ George ©ó 23-4-2008 13:23 µoªí   Bro Ivan,   I show my sincere respect to you that you can collect such a wonderful treasure in Singapore.   I also gave up to read Bruce Lee Comic long time ago.  I ...



i think Bruce lee is dragging just for the sake of sedimental value,unlike the new lung fu moon,at least it still has market value and is still  1 of the top 5 comics now. 

It will be a good idea for bruce lee to end , at least it can set a record for a old hk comics with a proper ending. i salute to ¤W©x¤p宝for his stamina...


thanks for the info, hope to meet u in near future when i get the chance to visit HK again.





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