原帖由 singingsoul 於 19-1-2009 17:42 發表 太平館現在最老應該是油麻地普慶後面那間﹖我對其出名菜式﹐例如瑞士雞翼﹐大蝦沙律﹐炒牛河等都沒有好感﹐近年吃過一次怕怕了。小時候那裡味道好(抑或叫正常)很多的﹐不過。。。。其實我細個又沒有去油麻地這 ...
Maybe, actually they published a book on the restaurant last year, with all the history. The food is OK to me, oldcake feel ma Some of their waitors look like ppl you see in 70's movies
Need to go now, see you later!