67 1234


Just got home   Stopped by a supermarket on the way to buy a few chocolate bars... need to snack a lot when I'm under work pressure... one of my IT friends became 200lb becoz of that...


No problem la... the day is young... Toby seems very busy these days though?


­ì©«¥Ñ inabottle ©ó 14-11-2007 23:56 µoªí   ar_woo¤u§@¦a¤è¦nªñ«Î¥ø, ¤@°}´N¨ì   join­ø¨ì§A©O, ¤µ­Ó¤ë¦n¦hfnd¥Í¤é­ø«Y­É¤f¦n¦h±Ô·|......¤p¾ê·Q·|­ø·|­n¨ìtoby¤j¤j¦^´ä¤~¥i¥H¨£­± ......


­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 14-11-2007 11:57 AM µoªí Just got home   Stopped by a supermarket on the way to buy a few chocolate bars... need to snack a lot when I'm under work pressure... one of my IT friends became 200lb becoz of that... &nb ...
try the black chocolate..the one without milk and suger...that is good for your leg ... unlease you wants a sugar to became  a sweet heart


­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 15-11-2007 00:57 µoªí Just got home   Stopped by a supermarket on the way to buy a few chocolate bars... need to snack a lot when I'm under work pressure... one of my IT friends became 200lb becoz of that... &nb ...


¤p¾ê³£¸Õ¹L­¹³¥(¹¡¨{·P)¨Ó´îÀ£, µoıfatfatfat, «á¨Ó§ïÚ»°­¤ù/ÅåÀ~¤ù¨Ó¤À´²ª`·N/À£¤O



­ì©«¥Ñ inabottle ©ó 18-11-2007 02:02 µoªí   ¤p¾ê³£¸Õ¹L­¹³¥(¹¡¨{·P)¨Ó´îÀ£, µoıfatfatfat, «á¨Ó§ïÚ»°­¤ù/ÅåÀ~¤ù¨Ó¤À´²ª`·N/À£¤O  


oh, here you are, I was just wondering what you'd think about all this bitter & crazy bad-mouthing between two silly guys on this site   you are the intelligent one


­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 18-11-2007 02:04 µoªí   oh, here you are, I was just wondering what you'd think about all this bitter & crazy bad-mouthing between two silly guys on this site   you are the intelligent one


shining eyes 

in a bottle

only see you and kitsir

two smart guys


­ì©«¥Ñ inabottle ©ó 17-11-2007 01:02 PM µoªí ¤p¾ê³£¸Õ¹L­¹³¥(¹¡¨{·P)¨Ó´îÀ£, µoıfatfatfat, «á¨Ó§ïÚ»°­¤ù/ÅåÀ~¤ù¨Ó¤À´²ª`·N/À£¤O
You are a fat girl ?? <img src=" border="0"> <img src=" border="0"> <img src=" border="0">




³q±`¸ò¦í¶¶¤f´Nµª: ©È¦Ñ±C·|µo¹F  µo¹F­ø=¶}¤ß ~ ³Q¤HºÞ¦íÀx$$¹À......¥ý­W«á²¢, µ²ªG³£«Y¶}¤ß¬J


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