原帖由 Shiawase 於 12-10-2007 00:11 發表 by the way, that Japanese singer sings very well in english, who is she? is she a popular singer?
here's that album:
Yup she sings almost like a black soul musician. Dunno if she's popular but certainly she's got class.
原帖由 Shiawase 於 12-10-2007 00:09 發表 oh no, i just saw your post before logging off I may scare people away if I post my singing up here , better not do that
ar_woo一定好有興趣同Shiawase組成'' S&A ''唱 恋人も濡れる街角
原帖由 Shiawase 於 11-10-2007 19:29 發表 ha ha, 我地點咩版有咩版 (Eg. JAZZ版, ROCK版 ETC.)......Celia 到你啦, 你要咩版呀? (你要到,ar_woo 一定搵俾你 )
You mean an amateur karaoke version? OK OK... coming soon...
ar_woo brother 又真係唱得好有感情! 我同樣地非常歡喜呢隻歌.......想當年中文版都唱唔少....日文版就聽唔少.....最近我M番中村雅俊隻演唱會CD豁光.....點知城列D時個盒實得滯扯爛
小薯 / 榛子包
原帖由 celia 於 11-10-2007 14:48 發表 shortcake?haha....食左會唔會short左 果個頭像我都好唔捨得,始終係我最鐘意的
唔通 '?' 係一個 未知頭像的預告
celia既 ' ? ' 令人有d期待
原帖由 ar_woo 於 11-10-2007 16:50 發表 rock 版... ... 你D要求真係高難度.... 不過見你問得好真誠 , ar_woo出動埋私人珍蔵 "唔清唔楚 + 突然中斷(因為相機容量問題 ) lite rock 版", 唔知咁算唔算係 "rock"? 不過對Beyond fans就一 ...
輕快d有另一種feel既...... thanks ar_woo既搜羅
原帖由 ar_woo 於 12-10-2007 00:32 發表 金子晴美 here's that album: http://page5.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/e70362576 Yup she sings almost like a black soul musician. Dunno if she's popular but certai ...
Are the rest of the songs on that album also very Jazz/Blues feel? Nice?
原帖由 celia 於 12-10-2007 09:55 發表 ar_woo一定好有興趣同Shiawase組成'' S&A ''唱 恋人も濡れる街角
(doesn't this sound familiar? ha ha)
原帖由 celia 於 12-10-2007 10:01 發表 如果真係想點咩版有咩版,咁除左ar_woo既真人發声版之外,我想要'飲醉酒版'Kakaka......
'飲醉酒版' 會好難聽
原帖由 超人兄弟 於 12-10-2007 13:15 發表 ar_woo brother 又真係唱得好有感情! 我同樣地非常歡喜呢隻歌.......想當年中文版都唱唔少....日文版就聽唔少.....最近我M番中村雅俊隻演唱會CD豁光.....點知城列D時個盒實得滯扯爛
太暴力 or 太心急,
果個唔係我嚟架! You tube 上揾到的而已
原帖由 Shiawase 於 12-10-2007 15:55 發表 Thanks Are the rest of the songs on that album also very Jazz/Blues feel? Nice?
As you may have guessed, I didn't listen to the other songs on that CD just bought it for ONE purpose
封面係白色 ' 中村雅俊 at 日本武道館 アホろヘゎ長ゆ道 ' 1994/8/23 可唔可以整同還原呢??!
太暴力 or 太心急,扯爛o左個盒?
重笑.....我巳經好慘架啦 係隻 C D 唔係個盒呀....
原帖由 ar_woo 於 12-10-2007 16:16 發表 As you may have guessed, I didn't listen to the other songs on that CD just bought it for ONE purpose
Wah, u bought that CD but only listened to one song on it, mud o
原帖由 超人兄弟 於 12-10-2007 17:23 發表 重笑.....我巳經好慘架啦 係隻 C D 唔係個盒呀....
原帖由 ar_woo 於 4-10-2007 19:00 發表 吳國敬 《你是我心上人》 (周星驰《破壞之王》片末曲) 節奏輕快, 我覺得吳國敬最好聽係呢首! 但永遠唔出呢隻CD ... 每次去唱片鋪都要在"吳國敬"D碟處搜尋一番, 次次都失望而去... 只好買了破壞之王VCD, 不停聽最尾果段 .. ...
吳國敬 has set up his own blog (you might be aware of it anyway): http://ngkwokking.imeem.com/
why don't you try to persuade him to release a proper version of that song
O! 是扯爛左個CD,唔係個盒 ok,唔笑,唔笑!梳梨,梳梨! 喂喂,可能lee道會有'高人'可以幫倒你呢,超人兄弟? (I wonder 'who' that '高人' may be! ha ha )
O! 是扯爛左個CD,唔係個盒 ok,唔笑,唔笑!梳梨,梳梨!
唉~~~.........算啦 ( 不過真係個心痛到鮕~~ )
原帖由 inabottle 於 12-10-2007 13:15 發表 唔通 '?' 係一個 未知頭像的預告 celia既 ' ? ' 令人有d期待
未知頭像的預告..我都唔知呀...haha...可能永遠都係 ''?''