ì©«¥Ñ kidult ©ó 20-9-2007 03:06 µoªí
Sorry §r, kidult, §Ú³£øª¾ÂI¸Ñ·|ø«Y .mp3 format.
I used iTunes software to play & convert those songs, (iTunes used to convert songs to .mp3 format), but because now I have a new version of iTunes software & they now convert songs to a .m4a format (¯u«Y¦³dø¶}¤ß&¦n regret §Ú upgrade o¥ªÓ iTunes version, as I prefer songs to be in .mp3 format ah
I could play those songs on my iTunes (Version 7), if you have iTunes too, try that.
But sorry I don't think they can be played on Windows Media Player, I've tried & didn't work.
¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 20-9-2007 15:22 ½s¿è ]