Kotetsushin Jeeg
Kenji Kusanagi 草薙 剣児 | 鋼垢室棘蒯 -
17 years old. The main protagonist of the series. A high school student who is also a proficient motorcycle racer and martial artist. He and Kyo are HMB (Hyper Motor Bike) racers for Team Shiba but despite this they are clearly rivals. He becomes the pilot for Kotetsushin Jeeg when a Haniwa Genjin awakens and threatens his town. He has an incredible appetite and is always seen in the cafeteria eating huge amounts of food after each battle. He has a soft spot for his childhood friend, Tsubaki.

17歳。コタわシゾ幼馴染。HMB(гユеみхみУみдユヱ)ソьユФみシウサ活躍エペクんザスゑ、柔道・剣道・空手・合気道スジ多ゑソ武道ズ長んペЗみеみ高校生。 ...
本帖最後由 Delight986 於 26-2-2009 12:14 編輯 ]