ì©«¥Ñ ºC¤µ´å ©ó 22-7-2011 13:11 µoªí ¥i¥H¸Õ¤U¥H¤U¤èªk http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7008032301734
thanks for your info. I may try it out later. ...But, I just think make hen skin is difficult and thus when I am making dumpling, i alway just mixng thre filling myslef and buy the ready-made skin.
no, i cannot find the big skin for the soup fill dimpling but i did use the nromal szie one to make some soup fill dimpling but cannot put a lot of soup. the soup is make with gelatine can pork broth first.
BTW, I think the dm sum in Tim's Kitchen is quite good.