ì©«¥Ñ ¶W¤H¥S§Ì ©ó 16-2-2011 22:43 µoªí ½Ð³o´X¦ì»æ¤Í PM §AªºÁpµ¸¤â¹qµ¹¦b¤U¶W¤H¥S§Ì¡A¥H¤è«K¬Û¬ù¤Î¨ú²¼¨Æ¦Ó¡A¦p¥¼¯à©ó 18/2/11 «e¨ú±o´X¦ì¤â¹q®Ö¹ê°Ñ»P ' ¤j©M¸¹ ' ¹q¼v¹ÎÁÊ¡A§¡¥H·í±óÅv¡C½Ð´X¦ì¨£½Ì! 09/ mike81920 12/ Wildman14/ itisboring24/ TIP2 ...
I work night shift so I can't go. Anyway, wishing you all the best on the premier.
Make sure someone brings the camera to take this commorate photo. I guess this is the first time Oldcake web friends have a meeting?
Anyone will dress like a character i.e. cosplay?