Hello §Ú¥s ¡§¶W¤H¡¨
¶W¯Å¤â¶ïªv¦ä°g Åwªï¥æ¬y ~
ì©«¥Ñ ULTRA2020 ©ó 15-9-2010 12:04 µoªí ¦pªG§Ú¤w²¾¥ª¥Á¥hSydneyªº¸Ü¡A¨£¨ì¤@©w·|¦n¦³¿Ë¤Á·Pªº ~
ì©«¥Ñ cmlwts ©ó 15-9-2010 11:55 µoªí http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2ZPnY8nCgo
what is TVBJ?
Tell me more, My Lord.
ì©«¥Ñ cmlwts ©ó 15-9-2010 14:20 µoªí what is TVBJ? Tell me more, My Lord.
ì©«¥Ñ toby ©ó 15-9-2010 15:45 µoªí cmlwts ¥S,TVBA =TVB Australia,J=Jade »B»A½Ã¬P¥x §Y TVBA ¤º 1 ¸¹¥x, ¥þTVBA ¦@¦³14ÓÀW¹D:www.tvb.com.au
OH I see.
My Lord, you can watch TVB in Australia. Is the programme is same as Hong Kong TVB?
ì©«¥Ñ KD1743 ©ó 15-9-2010 14:27 µoªí http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs679.snc4/61955_154739054544790_100000260892808_433607_6410757_n.jpg «e¤¤¤ÚML1¦b¿D¬w
Is it photo in ¦b¿D¬w?
ì©«¥Ñ cmlwts ©ó 15-9-2010 16:23 µoªí OH I see. My Lord, you can watch TVB in Australia. Is the programme is same as Hong Kong TVB?
ì©«¥Ñ cmlwts ©ó 15-9-2010 04:24 PM µoªí Is it photo in ¦b¿D¬w?